Chapter 77: A plan?

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BadBoyHalo POV.

Small patterns were being traced over my back which made me let out a hum of happiness as I shuffled closer to the warmth. “Bad… Bad wake up.” I heard someone muttering, and my eyes fluttered open to see Skeppy of all people laying there beside me.

I let out a yelp as I saw him and fell backwards off of the bed, causing him to lean over the side of the bed and give me a confused and concerned expression. “Are you alright?” He asked, and I reluctantly nodded.

“How did you get in here Skeppy?” I asked him cautiously as I grabbed my glasses to put on so he looked less blurry.
“You let me in last night.” He responded. “Or I let myself in… but either way you hadn’t kicked me out afterwards.”

“Oh… did I?” I questioned quietly, barely being able to remember it, then I sheepishly looked up at him. “Sorry I didn’t remember,” I muttered.
“It’s fine.” Skeppy reassured me. “I don’t expect you to remember much of what happened yesterday. But how are you feeling?  Would you like to get something to eat?”

“I’m feeling fine,” I responded. “And sure. We could go get something to eat.” There was a moment of me hesitating before asking something else. “Anyway, why are you even being nice to me? I am a hero, and you are a criminal.”
“You still owe me a favour,” Skeppy said, “I still intend on using it, and that can't happen if you stop fighting crime.”

“Right,” my expression saddened as I said that, I don’t know what I was hoping for, but then I continued. “Anyway, breakfast. What would you like to eat? I could make us something in the kitchen if you wanted.”
“Anything you want will be fine.” The gem thief told me, and so I nodded.

When I began walking to the kitchen Skeppy followed after me, looking around at everything in the HQ. If I was feeling better about everything then I would have probably been more worried about him finding out secrets. For now though I was prioritising not having to look at the doors of anyone who was currently missing… or dead.

However from what I did see about his expression it wasn’t malicious, it didn’t seem like he was planning to break in later when I wasn’t around or anything, he seemed more curious. When I led him into the kitchen he sat down at the table to watch me cook, while also occasionally glancing around at everything else happening in the room.

“This place is nice for a team of superheroes,” Skeppy complimented. “ I honestly expected something like the batcave.”
I turned to chuckle at him as I got some ingredients out for muffins, since they could always make me feel happy and I was fine waiting for breakfast.

“Do I look like someone who would live in the batcave?” I asked playfully, and all Skeppy could do was shrug at the question.
“When in your super suit you look like an over cartoonized batman.” He told me,”so I figured it would be an over cartoonized batcave.”

The ravenette’s words made me laugh, and I was about to respond when we heard the door slide open, and while that could easily be dismissed as our minds making a mistake, but the footsteps accompanying it made it obvious that someone else was in here.

I spun around hopefully, thinking that it might be George, or Karl, or Philza, or Tommy, however Skeppy seemed sceptical, and I saw him grab a weapon from his pocket. “Bad?” a voice called out, and I immediately recognised it. “Tommy? Philza? Anyone here?”
Skeppy seemed ready to launch an attack but I held him off.

“Don’t attack them,” I told him, “I know who they are.” Skeppy nodded at me and reluctantly lowered his weapons.
I ran into the living room, leaving Skeppy alone in the Kitchen. Ranboo and Tubbo were both standing looking panicked.and I ran over to them. “Are you two okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” Tubbo said. “How about you though? You lost Techno last night… he was a lot closer to you then he was to us.”
I turned my head slightly, not wanting to look into his eyes as he asked the question, although it seemed straight after that Tubbo realised what he said and apologised.

“We came to see Tommy,” Ranboo told me. “The two of us had tried calling him several times yesterday and he hadn't answered. We were just wanting to see if he was okay.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t think that this is possible” I muttered, “I haven’t seen him since yesterday, someone called to say that he and Phil were…”

I cut myself off, but the pair obviously knew what I was planning on saying. For a minute or so the pair just stood there, seemingly unsure of whether what I was saying was true or not. When they did figure out that I was telling the truth about it, they didn’t know how to react.

“So what did you do when you were called?” Ranboo asked, seeming scarily calm, probably thinking if he started panicking he would not be able to stop for a while.
“I didn’t do anything.” I responded. “The person on the phone told me to go to the docks tonight if I want to see them.”

“Can we come with you?” Tubbo asked, before adding a quieter ‘please’.
“No you can’t,” I replied sternly. “It isn’t safe for you two, neither of you have any training or protective gear. Plus, I was told to come alone or someone would die. I want to try and keep everyone as safe as possible.”

“That has to be a trap!” Ranboo practically yelled, and I gave a nod in agreement.
“It is a definite trap. But if I don’t turn up someone would be killed, that’s what he told me. I can’t risk letting them die.” Another death will just make me become an even worse superhero.
“What if you go and something happens to you?” the shorter of the pair piped up.

“Then I don’t know.” I sighed, before Tubbo continued.
“We should go with you. That way if you need it, we can back you up.” He said, and I let out a small sigh.

“I already told you Tubbo, you aren’t trained. I don’t want you two muffin heads getting hurt, okay? Plus, I was told to come alone. If I go walking in with a pair of teenagers what would happen to you two, or what would happen to Phil and Tommy?”

“Actually there is a way we can come with you…” All three of us spun around to see Skeppy walking out of the kitchen, with him having listened from the other room for who knows how long.
“Holy shit,” Ranboo’s eyes widened, and he grabbed Tubbo’s arm, pulling him behind the couch.

“How did you get in here?” He asked when he felt he was safe enough.
“I let myself in.” Skeppy responded, an unreadable expression on his face as he and Ranboo stared at each other for a few moments. “Plus, Bad would have kicked me out if he had wanted to.”

“That doesn’t matter for now,” I stated, “you said that you had a way for you guys to come with me? Can you explain?” I didn’t want them to get hurt, but I knew that I would be 100% a dead muffin if I went in on my own.

“I can go get the gear I give my henchmen. Your friends here can wear them and I can sneak them into the docks. Then when you get there we will say we found you and then lead you to wherever.” I looked over at Ranboo and Tubbo and both of them seemed cautious, but also not against the idea, and so I turned back to Skeppy and nodded.

"What else do we need?" I asked.
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