Chapter 67: panic

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chapter starts with smut
Karl POV.

“Did you know that you’re so pretty,” Sapnap hummed. “The prettiest person in the city and you continue to wear a mask when you fight crime.” I smiled at him and leaned down from where I was straddling his lap to connect our lips. The ravenette smirked against my lips before his hands trailed down to run around the waistband of my jeans, causing me to whine loudly.

My hands were holding onto his bare shoulder, with my painted fingernails digging into his skin while he continued to play with my clothes. “You are letting an arsonist get close to you,” he pointed out. “Should a beautiful superhero really be allowing himself to be pleasured by a criminal like me?”

I shook my head and he chuckled. “What will all of the other heroes think if they find out about this? They find out that I can make you act like this.” At his words, and the soft touches that Sapnap was giving me I had a shiver with delight. “You are the most loved you ever have been at the hands of a villain.”

I whimpered as I leaned down to nuzzle my head into his shoulder, and he let out an ‘aww’ sound as my face flushed red. Sapnap moved his hands to pull off my hoodie and shirt at once and threw them somewhere else in the room before beginning to mark up my chest, leaving kisses and bites and sucking lightly on the skin to change the colour.

The ravenette rolled us over so he was on top of me and began rocking his hips back and forth against mine. I let out a moan and one of my hands ran up to tangle with his hair, giving him head scratches which made him let out a pleasure-filled groan.

We were about to go further before there was a knock on the door, causing us to freeze. I push Sapnap off of me and pull the covers up to my chin so that nobody can see me naked, or at least half naked.

Haha just kidding, no smut

Before Sapnap could go to open the door or even ask who it was, the door was thrown open, and the arsonist looked ready to kill. However when he saw George there he stopped with a quiet grumble, (probably because he knew he couldn’t kill him and that it might be a while before we could have sex again).

“Karl!” George practically yelled in a panic as he ran over to me. “Dream and Wilbur! They’ve got Techno!” At his words my eyes widened and I teleported over to where Sapnap had thrown my hoodie and shirt to pull them back on.
“What do you mean they’ve got Techno?” I asked as I pulled my clothes on.

George sent a cautious look over to Sapnap, probably worried that he was going to tell and I noticed, so I ran over to George and grabbed him before teleporting off. Surely the arsonist would understand that we wanted some privacy to talk over this. “What do you mean they’ve got Techno?” I repeated, seeing how terrified my friend looked.

“Well Dream and I were in town, he said we had plans there today, and he began leading me through an alleyway. I didn’t question it but Techno came from the other direction, being followed by Wilbur and he was cornered.” George explained with a whimper. “They made him call Philza and Tommy and tell them to meet up with him, he warned them but I am still worried.”

George let out a sniffle as he burst into tears and I pulled him into a hug to comfort him. “Don’t worry,” I reassured him, “anything else that happened?”
“Techno wanted me to stand down.” The brunette recounted, “he saw me about to attack and gave me a look that showed that he didn’t want me to do anything.”

“That means he probably knows what he’s doing, if he knew he was at risk and told you to stand down that means he has a plan.” I pointed out, and all George could do was give a nod in response. “Did he give Philza and Tommy any sort of warnings while on the call?” I continued on, and once again there was a nod. “So that means that he should have it sorted.”

The brunette seemed to have calmed down and when I felt that there had been enough time I sent him a brief glance. “How is Dream going? Do you want me to take you back to his bedroom?”

“He’s checking on Foolish I think,” George murmured, and I nodded before asking if he wanted me to take him back.
“Yeah,” was his weak response. I warily smiled before taking his hand and I quickly teleported down to Dream’s bedroom with George.

The room was empty and so I helped George, who was still feeling worried for Technoblade’s safety, get changed into some of Dream’s warm clothes which were in his closet, before getting into the bed. It was warm in the bed and I watched as he curled into one of the pillows and buried his face in it before hearing the door open.

Before anyone could step in I teleported away, back into Sapnap’s room and saw the arsonist sitting awkwardly on the bed talking on the phone. When he saw me he opened one of his arms and I walked over to be pulled into a side hug. I listened to the conversation and it seemed that Sapnap was asking someone about Techno, but eventually hung up the phone.

“Are you feeling okay?” He asked me when he had put the phone in the pocket, and I told him that I was feeling fine. “How about George? He looked on edge.”
“Don’t worry about George.” I told the arsonist. “I calmed him down and I think he is going to have a sleep just to relax.”

“So what was he freaking out about?” Sapnap asked, and I just shook my head, refusing to tell him. He let out a sigh but seemed to understand why I wasn’t telling him and pulled me down so we were both laying on the bed, pulled into a warm hug.

It seemed that even though I didn’t answer Sapnap was curious, even though he never said anything. For now at least it was fine for both of us to just let it go, I wanted to get out of Sapnap’s arms and wanted to go look for Techno. The ravenette seemed to notice as I tried to get out of his grip but before feeling the steel bracelets back on my wrist.

“Sapnap what the hell? Let me go!” I told him loudly, “I need to go find Techno!” The arsonist ignored me and just pulled me closer to my chest.
“Karl, calm down. You are freaking out and I am not going to let you do anything until you’ve relaxed since you’ll get hurt otherwise,” he told me.

I struggled for a few minutes but the ravenette’s strong arms were wrapped around me, with one around my waist and the other around my shoulders. Eventually I gave up with a sigh, feeling annoyed that I had been trained to get out of most situations but never one where I was held against my will in a hug by an arsonist.

When I began relaxing into Sapnap’s touch he seemed relieved and even though I tried to fight it I found myself getting tired.
1274 words

HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora