Chapter 7: hostage situation

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George POV.

Dream was holding my arm, from just below my shoulder, and he directed me through some staff-only hallways. I stayed quiet and let him direct me wherever he wanted while I formulated a plan in my head.

He stayed quiet too, the only reason I knew he was still there was the fact that his hands were holding my arms, and the sound of his breath just behind my ear. There was another person standing further down the hallway who was also wearing one of the black smiling masks with the white expressions painted on.

The only difference between the other guards that had been out in the main area of the mall and this one, was the fact that this one was wearing white clothes instead of the black armoured gear that the other henchmen of Dream had been wearing.

“Who is that?” The masked man asked, indicating me as he spoke.
“This is the hostage, it’ll make it easier to get out of here with one, remember?” I could tell that Dream was raising an eyebrow at the shorter man.
However the shorter of the pair seemed confused. “But you never take a-”

The masked man was cut off by the sociopath behind me. “I want you to take his phone to you know where and destroy it, lead any cops who might track it on a wild goose chase.”
I watched as he pulled my phone out his pocket and passed it over my shoulder to the other man opposite the two of us.

“Got it boss.” The man said as he held my phone, turning it on to see my wallpaper and any notifications that I might have.
“No.” I objected loudly, trying to wrangle myself out of Dream’s grip to grab my phone back from his henchman.

All that I got for my pathetic escape attempt was Dream tightening his grip and pulling me closer to him. My back was pressed against his chest and I heard him breathing beside my ear which made me shiver uncomfortably. “Don’t try that again,” Dream warned me, before tightening his grip on my arms even further to prove how serious he was.

Even though I couldn’t see his eyes I could feel his glare burning into the side of my face and making me shiver. Dream only seemed to avert his cold look when he remembered his henchman was standing there. “What are you waiting for?” He questioned harshly. “Go now Punz!”

The henchman immediately nodded and ran off when Dream yelled at him, leaving me alone with the psychopath. “Move,” Dream instructed, signalling for me to start walking again which I did without objection. The entire time Dream directed me around he seemed to be telling me ramblings about something I wasn’t paying attention to.

All I was thinking about was the name he said ‘Punz’. It was the name of one of Dream’s most notorious workers. He was almost as ruthless as the man he worked for and was often used as an assassin. In the eyes of the city council and the police department he was one of the Dream’s greatest assets. Almost as little is known about Punz, as is known about Dream.

I only started paying attention again when I was directed into one of the staff parking levels, made specifically for employees working in the mall. Parked right in the middle of the car park, not paying any care to the obvious white lines was a dark green sports car. Dream directed me over to it and opened the door before pushing me into the passenger seat.

As he climbed into the driver's seat I scrambled to put my seatbelt on so that I wouldn’t end up being thrown around if a high speed chase were to happen. He began driving, while watching me out of the corner of his eye so that I didn’t try anything. To further that, as we drove onto the street he warned me not to tell anyone.

“If you say a word about this, or try to get anyone’s attention I will kill you.” He warned, before turning his attention back to the road. The windows were tinted such a dark shade I doubted anyone would be able to tell that someone was in here, so I sighed and let the sociopath kidnap me.

I stared out the window of the car that sped through the city, wondering if Techno, Bad, or Karl had heard about what was happening at the mall yet. If they were there investigating or trying to arrest some of Dream’s henchmen that were still at the scene when they arrived.

Maybe, if they were quick, they’d be out searching for Dream’s hostage, if the people at the mall told them about me. Did they realise that I, another one of their team, was the one who was taken, or did they think that it was just some random fearless person who was in the area.

Knowing them, the moment they heard about Dream they ran to the mall, currently they and a bunch of cops will be looking for any of Dream’s workers, along with Dream, and the hostage who they may or may not know is me. And this is what I get for moving my ass off of the couch. This is all Techno's fault.

So I instead began planning an escape. If Dream lowers his guard I could attack him and try and knock him out. I could also try and jump out of the car, although the doors are probably locked, and the windows seem too thick to break, especially if Dream realised what I was doing as I broke the window.

There was another option though. Dream was always quite elusive to the cops, and to me and the team, so maybe I could let him take me to wherever his base of operations is, then escape and come back with the others.

After deciding that was the best course of action I grumbled quietly to myself and settled into my seat, only watching what was on the road ahead of the car. Dream seemed to notice that I wasn’t looking around as much and seemed to raise an eyebrow at me from under his mask at me before talking into what I assumed to be an earpiece.

“How is the crime scene looking?” He asked somebody, before getting a reply which I didn’t hear. He listened for a few moments and continued to watch the road before responding to whoever was there. “That’s good, keep an eye out.”

“The cops have started asking about you,” Dream stated, glancing at me for a moment before looking away again. “The heroes seem interested in the sketch that witnesses gave of you.”
I just nodded at what he said, not wanting to say or do anything to make this sociopath mad at me.

“What’s your address?” Dream asked, which made me freeze.
“What?” I asked, thinking that I had misheard him. Why would he want to know my address?
“I asked what your address was so I could drop you off there.” Dream explained, which worried me.

“I’m not going to tell you,” I stated, crossing my arms and turning to look out the window, however I could still see him from the reflection.
“I don’t want you dead, if that is what you are thinking. I think you could be useful, so I will keep you around for now… darling.” At those words I froze before Dream asked me the question again.
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