Chapter 12: dressed up

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George POV.

Niki and Fundy were quite nice, and I knew that if I escaped when they were watching me, Dream would certainly kill them both. Plus, if I went along to the casino I could take down some of the biggest criminals, and stop some of the biggest black market deals in the country. So I decided to go along with what they told me to do.

The pair had a suit bag, make-up kit, a shoebox with some fairly new looking shoes, and some other accessories. They talked to me, asking me about my life (I provided them with made up details of course) and in return I asked about theirs. Both of them were surprisingly friendly and I was curious as to how or why they were working for Dream.

So as they fussed around with my hair, and the make-up that I apparently had to have on I asked them, and they easily responded with. “We don’t work for Dream, we work for Sapnap.” I looked over to Fundy with confusion as he answered that.

“If you work for Sapnap then why are you here, and why would Sapnap need people to be good at designing outfits and stuff anyway?”
“Sapnap often gets a lot of dates, plus he is convinced that he looks attractive. And him, Dream, and Skeppy are working together, so Dream is in a way, our boss.” Fundy answered.

Wait so Sapnap, Dream, and Skeppy are working together? I questioned internally, and while the pair continued to fuss over me I thought about it. I ignored what Niki and Fundy were saying while following my train of thought.

Actually it made a lot of sense, afterall Techno told me that Dream’s workers have been killing any of Sapnap’s and Skeppy’s henchmen that get caught. And recently it had seemed that the three had all been committing crimes, at the same time as each other. Or even if we didn’t know who was behind a lot of the crimes we found a lot of dangerous stuff stolen while one of them made a scene.

I only began to focus again when Niki and Fundy put on the final touches to my outfit, before beckoning for me to stand up and look at myself in the mirror. I did as they wanted and went to look at my outfit and saw that I did in fact look stunning.

They’d dressed me in a blue, velvety, suit. A white dress shirt was underneath them and it was buttoned up tightly and exactly my size. Draped over my neck was some warm, white, faux fur and on my head was a pair of white sunglasses with black lenses. My skin seemed lighter and reflected the light in the room.

The only difference in my skin colour was the few freckles scattered over my face, and I found that I looked a lot nicer than normal, which isn’t surprising. My main job, as a coder, was done in a small secluded office on the tenth floor of one of the biggest buildings in the city.

My other, less known, job also meant nobody saw my face. So for that one it didn't really matter what I looked like either. “I look amazing.” I said in awe, staring at this strange person in the mirror who seemed the opposite to me. I kept expecting this reflection to start moving on it’s own, and prove that it wasn’t me.

Niki laughed, “you looked amazing before the make-up and the outfit George.” she said, “now I better call Dream and tell him that you are ready.”
At the thought of Dream my eyebrows furrowed again. I wondered what would happen when he took me to the casino, if that was in fact where we were going. He could have easily lied.

I sat down on the bed with Fundy sitting a foot away from me while Niki stepped outside with her phone. “So what is Dream like?” I asked quietly, deciding to try and get some information on him before he got here, or try and figure out a weakness.

“Oh, he is quite strict and ruthless,” Fundy began, “but he is also mysterious and a lot of people usually find him hot.” I scrunched my nose up at that thought, who would find a ruthless sociopath attractive, besides some of those teenage pick-me kids.

Instead of saying my thoughts out loud, I just responded with, “that’s interesting, what else can you tell me about him?” I tried to probe for Fundy to continue, and he did.
“Usually Dream doesn’t take people to events like what’s going on at the casino.” The redhead continued.

“Really?” I asked, “so I am the first person to be a plus one of his? His first date?” I didn’t like the word date, but I didn’t know what else to call myself, especially since Fundy seemed to imply that I was in fact a date for the blonde.

Fundy just hummed a yes. “Usually what he does is hire one of the dancers there, he’ll buy them dinner, give them a cheap fuck if he was feeling up to it, then he’ll kill them once he’s done.”
“Fundy, don't tell him that!” Niki scolded as she walked back into the room.

The blond girl tutted at the other before sitting down beside me. “Ignore him George, Dream doesn’t always hurt people he takes on dates. Just enjoy tonight with him.” I nodded at what she said and hoped Dream didn’t attempt to kill me, I knew I could probably hold him off until I escaped but then he’d know my identity. Fuck, why did I tell him my actual name!

“Anyway,” Niki continued. “Dream is on his way, so are you ready George?”
‘I mean I am in a room with nothing here, I have no phone or anything so what else am I supposed to do?’ I thought, but I just nodded at her.

A few long minutes passed before there was a knock on the door. Niki stood up and opened it, to reveal Dream standing there. He barely even glanced at Niki or Fundy before turning to look at me. I couldn’t see his expression under the mask but I could tell that he was admiring my outfit as I stood up to greet him.

He too was dressed nicely. His normal mask was switched out for one that was the same as his old, besides the fact there were some gold details painted on carefully. His mask wasn’t the only thing that was switched out for something slightly nicer. The normal outfit he wore was also switched out for a suit.

I knew he was associated with green so I figured the suit which looked yellow was probably that colour, if only I had the glasses which were a part of my supersuit, then I’d be able to tell for sure. It seemed his suit was covered in a pattern of small seemingly green diamonds, with gold outlines.

When he noted my expression he chuckled before holding his hand out for me to take. Cautiously I did, grabbing it and walking with him to the door. He only turned for a moment to dismiss Fundy and Niki before directing me towards a limo that was parked right outside of the fisherman hut.

He opened the door for me to sit in the backseat before sliding in beside me. A man dressed in navy blue was sitting in the driver's seat with a sliding window separating him from us, Dream simply knocked on the window and the man began driving wordlessly.

“I didn’t know you owned a limo.” I muttered quietly as he settled into his spot beside me.
Dream chuckled at what I said before responding. “This isn’t my limo. Quackity sends the Las Nevadas limos to pick up his VIP guests. That includes me darling.” I cringed at the pet name but didn’t say anything since I didn’t want him to be pissed.

“So I’m with a VIP, great,” I muttered, hating how anybody would treat a psycho so nicely, but this would be more than enough evidence to put Quackity behind bars along with Dream.
“It will be great for you later,” Dream growled seductively in my ear, causing me to blush.

Before I could say anything he turned his attention to his phone, and didn’t look up from it until we reached the casino.
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