Chapter 64: Identity

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Techno POV.

“What are you doing here that is worth risking your freedom?” I asked my brother, having put the book down and turned to start glaring at him.
“Can I not see my brother?” The brunette responded, and I glared at him from the corner of my eyes.

“You can see me from behind bars,” I informed him. “In fact we can make it a whole family thing, I’ll bring Tommy and Phil. We can do family game nights again.”
“Sounds fun,” was my brother’s brief response. “But if you were visiting me at prison then you’ll be visiting 404 at a graveyard. Or… should I say George?”

“Who?” I questioned, trying to act dumb and as though he didn’t somehow guess the name of one of the other heroes I was with. “I don’t know any of the identities of the other heroes. I’m sorry, now can you go away, this is my day off.”
“Don’t act dumb with me Techno.” My brother teased. “What is hard to believe?”

When I continued to glare at him he began rambling facts off. “George Davidsom, age 25, he’s from the UK but ran away from his parents around 17 and lived on the streets until he met you and Phil. He can control electricity after brutally falling on train tracks and attacking his poor parents.” When my expression faltered slightly a smug look appeared on his face.

“Now. There have been rumours which you’ve shrugged aside about 404’s whereabouts, but I believe that he hasn’t gone too far from being around the city and the criminals he’s fought, mainly Dream.” I bit the inside of my lip as I tried to start figuring out how he knew this stuff, and he let out a knowing chuckle.

Instead of responding with something to do with George, trying to defend that I didn’t know anything about that, or come up with some other fake origin story. No excuse came to mind though, and so I found myself asking, “what do you want?”

“I want to see my family, although Philza and you are quite illusive you never did lose your love of books.” At his explanation I narrowed my eyes.
“You aren’t allowed to see them. Neither me nor Phil would dare be in the same room as you.”

“What about Tommy, he’s my brother too. Surely he misses me. It’s been almost 10 years since I’ve seen him.” Wilbur pouted and I just stood up.
“You are not going to be seeing Tommy, or Philza, or anyone else. Or else I swear to god whatever criminal charges you have will be ten times worse.”

I stood up and began walking towards the exit of the library, leaving my book on the table since I didn’t want to have to spend any longer here than necessary. As I walked towards the door I could see my brother following me out of the corner of my eyes.

Obviously I wasn’t going to head straight home, instead I began walking in a random direction, planning on walking through a lot of alleyways, malls, subway stations, or any other place I could think of to try and get Will to stop following me. If I wanted to I could fight him off or call the police, or call Philza, but he was still my brother and I was giving him the chance to fuck off.

Five minutes passed and every few steps I’d look over my shoulder to see my brother following behind me with several feet between us. It was getting tiring but I refused to say anything. I came up with the idea that I could duck into a small side street or an alley where I could start sprinting away from him since I’ve always been faster than my brother.

Unfortunately for me, as I stepped into the sidestreet I was blocked off by someone standing there, and looked to see Dream. “Shit,” I murmured, taking a step back, but Wilbur had appeared behind me. My hands balled up into fists and I prepared to start throwing punches but suddenly I noticed someone standing behind Dream, and saw George.

When George and I made eye contact he gave me a saddened look before the blond stepped in front of the shorter brunette. “Hello Techno,” Dream greeted, as I backed away slightly and stood at an angle where I could see both him and Wilbur at the same time.

George POV.

Dream drove us both to a place that surprised me. Every other time he drove me somewhere it was a place like Quackity’s casino, the strip, or some other fancy place since he claimed that he didn’t want to be seen in, but that he’d be fine putting up with it for me. So when he drove his car past the public library and down a side street I was confused.

“What are we doing here?” I asked him, feeling confused, but he didn’t answer me and I stared out of the windows and watched as we sped through several other streets.
Eventually Dream pulled the car over and a chuckle left his lips as he stepped out into the street. The street was quite empty and I stepped out and followed him down an alleyway.

I didn’t ask where we were going as he led me through several different streets, but eventually there was another person in the alley and they paused when they saw Dream. I was standing almost directly behind the blond so I couldn’t see who was there at first, but when I stepped to the side of the blond I froze.

A pinkette was standing between Dream and Wilbur (who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere), and his eyes were flicking between both of the criminals. The second I saw him I let out a quiet gasp which the other three men couldn’t hear. It was Techno, I couldn’t believe it!

When we made eye contact, my expression saddened, in the corner of my eye I saw Wilbur getting closer to the pinkette and suddenly Dream stepped in front of me to block my view of what was going on. I resisted the urge to grumble at the fact I couldn’t witness what was happening but could still see the blond stepping closer to Techno.

“Hello Techno,” he greeted, continuing to step towards the pinkette, and I watched as Techno’s gaze flicked between both of the criminals. “It’s been a while since the three of us have hung out, hasn’t it, old friend?”

I felt worried as I watched what was happening and felt electricity flickering under my skin, feeling ready to completely blow my cover to protect Techno, but the look he gave me told me to back down and I did what he said. Reluctantly I backed down and just watched what was happening.
1203 words

So the votes showed that you guys wanted King of the Cell written next, and I must say the votes did change a lot.

The last time I had a vote it was mermaids that had the most, but this time out of the original three warewolves had the most.

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