Chapter 57: morning after

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Karl POV.

Small touches were trailing gently over my body, running up and down my back, small circles on my inner thighs, and just a gentle hold on my stomach. They were small and relaxing and I found myself leaning into the touch, feeling safe here. I let out a quiet hum of satisfaction at how I felt before there was a chuckle coming from right beside my ear.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sapnap laying in the bed beside me, and when the ravenette noticed I was staring at him he moved the hand that had been switching between my back and inner thighs. It went up to my hair and got itself tangled in it before Sapnap gave me a quiet good morning.

“Morning,” I responded, my throat sore from last night, as I rolled over so I was laying flat and staring at the ceiling of the bedroom. Since there were no windows the room was pitch black, but I felt that I would ruin the moment if I told Sapnap to turn a light on. That this hazy fantasy couldn’t be seen in the light.

I mean honestly, did Sapnap and I really think this could work? How would a hero and a villain ever be a couple, especially if I live and work with other heroes who also know how dangerous Sapnap is.

That is if the ravenette wanted to be a couple. I know he has had a lot of hook-ups and maybe I was one of those. I’ve heard him bragging once about fucking a cop, which made them resign because of the shame that they’d have if they were discovered. Maybe I was just a bragging right, or this was a way of manipulating me.

“Karl~” The ravenette hummed, moving so his head was resting on my shoulder, and his hand trailed under the covers of the bed and under the hoodie I was wearing so that it was resting on my bare shoulder.
“What?” I asked, in a harsher tone than intended.

“I was wondering how you were feeling after last night,” he muttered, his hand felt warm on my stomach as he began rubbing small circles over it.
“Fine,” I responded, still wondering if Sapnap truly cared for me or not, it was a hard question to answer.

The ravenette seemed to notice that I was uncomfortable and shuffled his head closer to me before placing some small kisses on the side of my neck. “Is something wrong Karl? Did I do something?” He wondered, and I just shrugged.

After a minute of me not responding he sat up, looking worried. “Oh no, you didn’t enjoy last night, did you? You regret it!” He began freaking out and I cut him off.
“No, it’s just that… will we ever be able to do anything together? Ever? You are a criminal and I am a hero. It won’t work!” 

“We can make it work.” Sapnap responded, sitting up eagerly. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“But it is goes against every fucking rule we have. A hero dating a criminal.” I stated.
Sapnap rolled his eyes, “when did I ever care about following rules? I am a criminal.”

“You’ve said that stuff already, it’s growing old now.” I informed him, attempting to roll over so I was facing away from him, and Sapnap seemed fine with that, pulling me close to him and happily using the opportunity to start spooning me.

His warm breath tickled the back of my neck, making me feel safe. Even though he was a criminal, and this was probably just a hook-up, I couldn’t help but lean into his touch. When I was with him I felt like nobody would dare hurt me. “How are you feeling?” The arsonist asked in a hushed whisper, “do you want me to get you something to eat?”

I nodded and the arsonist stood up. This was the moment I realised he was still naked, and found myself glancing at his body since I had been in some sort of fever dream last night. His body was completely toned, with defined muscles and abs. My eyes screwed shut to avoid looking further down and staring at what was destroying me last night.

Sapnap seemed to chuckle as he shamelessly walked over to his closet and began rifling through his clothes for something to wear. I watched as he pulled on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before returning to me and he lifted me up. “Noo.” I whined, feeling tired. I wanted to just teleport back to the bed and lie down but the steel bracelets were on so I couldn't.

“C’mon, if I am going to the kitchen I am not leaving you here half naked. I don’t want to have to kill any henchmen that see you like that today.” Sapnap told me as he sat me down on top of the covers and grabbed some clothes out of his closet for me.

When he returned to my side I tried to reach out and grab the clothes to change but Sapnap pulled them away. He said ‘these are my clothes, in my room, and you are my bottom, so I need to take care of you’ and I knew he would not let me get away with disagreeing with him. So he carefully changed me.

He pulled the hoodie that I’d slept in over my head, and uncliped the steel bracelets which stopped me from teleporting, leaving me naked. Then he took a moment to admire my bare body before pulling another hoodie on. He pulled on a pair of shorts and lifted me back up into his arms. I complained about how I could walk myself, but he kept saying ‘not for long’ which made me grumble while my face turned red.

When I was finally put down I was in a kitchen, with Sapnap wandering over to the fridge and beginning to rifle through it. I stood behind him awkwardly, glancing over my shoulder and seeing some henchmen of Sapnap’s, Skeppy's, and Dream’s walking back and forth. Most of them would send the occasional glances at me and whisper to each other which I ignored.

Sapnap noticed the stares and promised me that he would deal with them later before he plated up some toast which was unsurprisingly burnt. He gave me an apologetic look as he led me over to the couch and the two of us settled down and I managed to deal with the toast, just because I felt thankful he made it for me.

The ravenette began switching through channels before pausing on one which showed the news, and I froze when I saw my face on the screen, and I told Sapnap to turn the volume up which he immediately did.

“Technoblade, along with members of the L’manburg police department have announced that the hero known as Jacob’s is officially wanted for questioning for association with a criminal. If anyone has any information that helps lead to his capture then they are being asked to come forward, and that people with useful information will be rewarded with one thousand dollars.”

At the report I froze, and I could feel Sapnap’s eyes burning into my side, clearly wondering how I would react. “Karl?” He questioned after a moment of tears filling my eyes.
“Yeah?” I asked back, and he didn’t say anything more as he instinctively pulled me into a hug and held me close, murmuring about how it was going to be okay.
1414 words

Okay, so I know people are kinda mad at Techno and Philza for saying Karl is a traitor, but what would you all think in the same situation.

He has gone against several direct orders to not go and willingly hang out with Sapnap, even when Karl insisted that it was undercover work, however he did so several times.

If he starts disappearing randomly to hang out with a known criminal and then suddenly disappears without trace, wouldn't you think that they possibly were passing information?

Just some stuff to think about.

Maybe Philza gets the fate people say he deserves. Or maybe someone close to him will instead.

If you know what I mean

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