Chapter 56: Rogue

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Sam POV.

I tried to hide how annoyed I was that Philza didn’t immediately get his heroes to drop everything to go organise a rescue mission for Foolish, however I saw where they were coming from. So I told Philza a little bit about the kidnapping victim, without actually telling him the relation between myself and Foolish.

“Phil the guy who was kidnapped isn’t just some random person on the street,” I told him. “He is my… I mean he is an employee at the Beast company, one of the best Physicists in the country, great with medicines and stuff. Suddenly he disappears. If a criminal gets their hands on him it would probably not be good.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone before there was a harsh exhale and Philza told me, ‘fine. I will have Techno and Bad keep an eye out. But there is more important stuff that also needs to be dealt with.”

“What important stuff?” I questioned before realising it, and he hesitated to answer but eventually did.
“Jacobs has recently gone rogue.”
“What?” I didn’t understand what a word of that fucking meant.

“Jacobs has gone against what I said several times and repeatedly snuck out of the headquarters. So I am sending Techno and Bad out to look for him.” Philza explained, before adding, “please also get your officers to look for him.”
“Oh… Uh sure.” I responded.

There was a large pause before I asked Philza what he was going to do. “Jacobs is going to be arrested,” Philza stated, “and then he is going to be questioned about what he had been doing, then we’ll decide from there what will happen.”

“Really?” I asked, “are you sure?” There was a small ‘yes I am’ on the other end of the call before I continued. “What if he’s not a criminal? You have known him for years!”
“He has been hanging around with Sapnap. Twice this past week he has been with him. Once when he was kidnapped, another time he snuck out to apparently go on a date.”

“So you're assuming that he wasn’t kidnapped and instead used the opportunity to pass on information to Sapnap or another criminal?” I assumed.
“That was Techno’s suggestion but I think that there is some reason behind it. I can see where he is coming from. Now do you need anything else, officer?”

“I think that has everything settled.” I said, before thanking him and hanging up the call. With a sigh I walked back over to the couch and lifted up Ponk in my arms. He let out a small yawn before turning and nuzzling his head into my chest, clearly tired. Once I’d helped him change into some warmer clothes and he climbed into the bed I laid down beside him.

“So have you found Foolish yet?” Ponk asked quietly in his sleep. “D-do you know what is happening to him?”
I just shook my head before talking in a low voice. “Nobody that has called has any idea as to where he is, but I’ve had Antfrost organise a search. We will find him I promise.”

Ponk gave a small sniffle along with a nod in response before his eyes fluttered shut. He fought against it, clearly not wanting to sleep but both him and I needed it. We were both clearly exhausted from today, and we couldn’t even think about finding our other boyfriend if we didn't get enough sleep.

Eventually small, shallow breaths signalled he’d fallen asleep, and a small smile tugged at my lips. He cared so much about Foolish and I can’t help but blame myself at the fact he was missing. Even though I told Ponk that we both needed sleep, I stayed awake, worried about the safety of Foolish at the moment.

Philza POV.

I hung up the phone after my brief conversation with Sam before sighing. “What the hell are we supposed to do, Techno?” I asked the pinkette who was sitting opposite me in the mission room as I paced back and forth. “He is a teleporter, how will we even find him?”

“We will Phil,” Techno reassured me. “Now the police know, why not go to the city council and the news. They’ll tell the public to put a lookout for him, and authorities outside the city as well. If we think about this strategically we could find him befo-”

“What are you guys talking about?” We looked towards the door to see Tommy standing there, looking at us questioningly.
“Nothing, we are talking about nothing.” I told the blond. “Why are you awake anyway? Don’t you have school tomorrow?”

“No,” Tommy scoffed, “it’s Friday and Ranboo and Tubbo are over for a sleepover. Now what were you two talking about?”
“Didn’t he just tell you nothing?” Techno questioned. “It’s also none of your business so piss off.”

“You aren’t the boss of me bitch! I can kick your ass so don’t tell me to piss off!” Tommy responded, and Techno seemed ready to lunge at his younger brother but I slammed my fist down onto the table.
“Can you two shut up? It has been a long day and I can’t deal with your shit!” I growled.

Immediately Tommy and Techno stopped arguing and looked over at me since I barely yelled at the pair of them and I sighed. “Tommy. Techno and I will tell you what is going on in the morning okay? Just go back and hang out with Ranboo and Tubbo and I will get Bad to make you some pancakes or whatever for breakfast.”

Tommy gave a reluctant nod while still seeming shocked that I had yelled at him, before he walked out of the room and I slumped back down again. The pinkette gave me a look and asked quietly what else we needed to do, and I told him to call the news and have them issue a warning to the general public, which he did.

There was the sound of scraping chair legs as Techno stood up before walking out of the room, and when he was gone I felt tears pricking at my eyes and I balled my fists up in anger. “Why the fuck does everything have to go out of control?” I asked myself.
1111 words

(It's not actually but it just looks nicer that way)

Is it fair for Philza and Techno to think that Karl is giving information to Sapnap?
(I mean Karl is giving something to Sapnap but it isn't information)

And I feel bad to spoil this but George and Dream get murdered during their seggsy time which is why it won't be here for a while.
/J... Maybe

HeroesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora