Chapter 23: limos and a purse thief

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George POV.

I walked about two or three blocks before a limousine rolled to a stop beside me. I didn’t bother to stop until someone stepped out of the passenger seat and called my name as he walked after me. “George.” He called out, and I was on edge hearing him calling my name.

My face scrunched up in annoyance and I looked over my shoulder to see that the man following me was one of the pair who had been sitting at the table at the cafe where Philza and I had had lunch. “What do you want?” I asked with a snarl, continuing to walk as I asked the question.

“Dream sent me to get you after you had lunch.” He said, continuing to walk after me as the limo kept pace with the two of us.
“Does that mean you had to sit and eavesdrop on me and my father while we had lunch together?” I accusingly questioned.

“It was his order.” The man said, without any sense of emotion in his voice. “Now hurry up and get in before I drag you.”
I decided to do what he said without saying anything, since I didn’t want to get dragged or get Dream to be pissed at me for resisting.

The limo stopped moving completely and I stepped into the backseat. There was a window separating the driver from me and I expected the other masked man to join him in the front seat, but instead he ended up sitting in the back with me and just stared at me the entire time to make sure I didn’t try anything.

For a few minutes I just stared back at him before getting annoyed and turning my attention so I was looking out of the windows instead. I was pissed off at Dream for sending henchmen to spy on me during my meeting with Philza to pass on information.

Thankfully for me though, I don’t think that either of them pieced together that I was passing on that information, they probably just thought I was having lunch with my father. After a minute of silence the man spoke up again. “What’s in the bag?” He asked, motioning towards the bag Philza passed me with the laptop and the card.

“If you were here to spy on me for Dream then surely you’d have known.” I scoffed, and he scoffed back at me in response and we just glared at each other.
The pissed off look was still plain on his face for a while before turning into a smirk. “If I were you I’d be careful about what you say to me.”

“And why is that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow as I crossed my arms.
“Because I can make up a lie about you being a snitch, or about me catching you cheating on him. Then Dream would torture you for information, or he might do something much more entertaining.” The man smirked. “He turned his last ex into a plaything for his henchmen.”

I had admittedly heard about rumours of what happened to people involved with Dream, some as henchmen, some as partners, some as people who just crossed his path. The blond lived up to his name as a sociopath, however I wasn’t going to tell the man that I was facing that I was scared.

Instead of giving the henchman the satisfaction of seeing me scared I smirked back at him. “Well what would Dream think if I told him that you just threatened me twice?” I asked, “I could tell him that you threatened my father, and anything else really. Would he really believe you over me? If he does, you and I could end up with the same fate that you just told me I’d have.”

His face fell and we went back to glaring at each other again, both refusing to break the other's gaze. Eventually the limousine slowed to the stop and I looked away from the unmasked henchman to look at where we were and I froze. The Limousine had rolled to a stop outside of the Las Nevadas casino.

I was confused as to why we were here. I mean there was a police raid here two days ago, one where several people got arrested including me. Who would be insane enough to hold a meeting here and why would Dream be insane enough to come here? Actually why do I care if Dream is stupid, if he gets arrested my job becomes a lot easier.

The henchman in the front had pulled a phone out of his pocket to presumably call Dream but I couldn’t be bothered waiting around for either of them. I stepped out of the car and began walking inside, since I knew that the longer I waited around the more essential information I would end up missing.

Tommy POV

The three of us had gathered on the roof of an apartment building. The three of us were going to be heroes and had decided to spend our weekend fighting bad guys. I was wearing a red and white shirt with a black mask so that nobody could see my face. Ranboo and Tubbo were both standing beside me seeming a bit more worried about the fact that we were up here.

I had decided that I was going to use the hero name ‘Big man’ since it seemed fitting for me, but Ranboo and Tubbo still hadn’t come up with their super awesome hero names. I was about to give them both a lecture about how to choose an awesome hero name when we heard a yell.

The three of us quickly climbed down to see what was happening and we saw a woman pushed against a wall by a man who was going through what looked like her purse. The man wasn’t focusing on us and the three of us ran up behind him.

"Give that woman her purse back or I will use my powers to zap you into oblivion." I threatened, causing the criminal to turn around in worry, however after he saw us he didn’t seem scared. "You're just a kid." The criminal responded. "You probably don't have any powers that could do anything, so just mind your business."

The criminal turned back to the pretty woman who seemed scared. So I yelled at him, "hey big man, if you don't give her the purse I will zap your hair off bitch!" The criminal still didn’t seem fazed and just flipped us off.
"Yeah, give her her purse back." Ranboo agreed with me.

We watched with our fists still balled tightly and he looked over our shoulder to see us, but his smirk was replaced by a look of fear. Without a word the man ran off, dropping the purse on the ground which the woman immediately grabbed before sending me a thankful smile and walking off.

Ranboo, Tubbo, and I took a step towards the woman as I began celebrating. "We did it!" I cheered, before sending a glance at my best friends. "I told you both that we'd be amazing superheroes, did you see how scared that guy was when he looked at us? Pure terror!"

"Tommy." A monotone voice said from behind me. Immediately I let out a yelp and jumped behind Ranboo. Then I realised that it was just my older brother Techno.
"Oh hey Big T." I smiled happily. "Did you see me scare off that bad guy there? It was pretty awesome."

"Sure, whatever. Good job at being terrifying to look at." The pinkette stated before grabbing my arm. "Philza was freaking out when he found out you snuck off to fight crime. He thought someone kidnapped you. Be glad I found out before you did. Now come on, we are going home."

“But wait! I have more hero things to do!” I protested, as Techno continued to drag me through the alleyway.
“Goodbye Ranboo and Tubbo.”  Techno called out, leaving them behind us in the alleyway as he dragged me home, and I felt like a humiliated child.
1358 words.

How could Techno dare to do this to big man?

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