Chapter 47: personal info

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George POV.

The brunette that I had been talking with smiled as he stood up and held out his hand for me to shake. “It was nice to meet you, Mr…”
“George.” I responded as I shook his hand back. “Thank you for telling me about that. I hope to see you around.”

“I hope the exact same… oh and in case you were wondering, you can call me Wilbur. Wilbur Soot.” Before I got a chance to respond he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Suddenly I felt Dream’s hand on my shoulder and I immediately tensed, figuring that I had said something, or that Wilbur had said something to me, that he didn’t like. “We need to go now, we have other stuff to do this afternoon.” He told me, and I nodded at him, feeling nervous.

I stood up and followed after the blond, and he paused for me as he stepped out the door unnoticed, before wrapping an arm around my waist. Dream led me back downstairs to the ground floor of the casino. His hand fell from around my waist to his side as we stepped outside, he had probably figured that if I tried to run he could shoot me easily.

The limo was waiting for us on the deserted street, and Dream opened the back door. I slid into the backseat, sliding as close to the window as possible. Dream sat opposite me, and looked at the henchman in the driver's seat, just giving him a single word to ‘drive’ before turning back towards me.

“I didn’t want Wilbur to tell you that.” He hummed, after staring at me for a moment. “I wasn’t sure if I could trust you, Wilbur apparently could straight away. So tell me… how much did he reveal?”

For a moment I hesitated to speak, wondering if it would be better to lie to him, instead of telling him the truth. I knew that that probably would not work though, I don’t know how much he had heard, and if he catches me lying he might kill me right now.

“Well he told me that you and him used to be friends, and that you went missing along with his brother for about a month. Then when you and his brother were found you were both… different.” I paused for a moment and looked up at Dream, to see his face downcast, and the blond motionless.

After a few seconds of me not talking, Dream's gaze lifted again and I decided to continue. “He told me that you and his brother were going to be trained to be heroes, to protect the people of the city. But you decided to leave, since you thought Wilbur’s father didn’t care about you, only about training you to become a hero. That you never had time to be yourself.”

Once I stopped talking Dream sighed, before nodding at me. “You know a lot.” He muttered, and I just nodded in return.
The two of us sat quietly after that and the blond turned to look at his phone. I just watched him, not knowing what exactly he was planning on doing, but feeling it wouldn’t be good.

After twenty minutes of silence, the limousine rolled between the chain link fences that surrounded the docks. I watched as the car drove towards one of the ports, and my heart rate began to spike. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” I asked Dream, and the blond turned his head away from his phone to look at me, but he didn’t give an answer.

Eventually the car stopped near the edge of the dock, where there was a drop off between the edge of the concrete platform and the water. It was like so many mafia movies I’ve watched, where the person gets shot on the edge of the dock and falls into the water where they either drown or bleed out and are never found.

When I stepped outside of the car Dream was right beside me, and I balled up my fists, deciding it would be in my best interest to electrocute him with a shock powerful enough to knock him unconscious and run. The blond’s hand rested on my shoulder, but before he did anything the henchman who had been driving asked a question.

“Is that true? That you were trained to be a hero?” The henchman asked, and Dream slowly turned to look at him before nodding. A power hungry expression appeared on the henchman’s face, and I let out a gulp. I knew that look, it meant he was going to plan on overthrowing Dream. I could tell.

Part of me thought that I should warn Dream, and another part of me said that I should allow this henchman to try and overthrow the blond. By the time I had made up my mind I noticed that the henchman had switched places with Dream, and was now touching my shoulders. The blond gave us the command to start walking towards the edge of the dock and I slowly did.

The henchman had a gun pressed to the small of my back and I grumbled out a complaint as I reconsidered what I should do as we continued to walk. If I shocked the henchman I could take the opportunity to run to try and escape, and I could even dive into the water to try and help myself. My only problem was that Dream could figure out how I escaped by shocking the other.

I wasn’t able to come up with a plan when I reached the edge of the dock, and froze when Dream gave the order for the henchman to take a step away from me. Immediately a tear rolled down my cheek without me realising. This entire situation was getting too intense for me, I’ve heard threats thrown at my friends before but never from this close.

This was the most dangerous shit I have ever been in, more dangerous than any other bad guy I had fought and I just found myself staring at the blond as my body started to shake. Dream pulled his gun out of his holster and aimed it in the direction of the end of the dock and I knew I was practically dead.

Any sudden movements might make him shoot before I can run, plus if he misses me both him and the henchman would start shooting at me in an attempt to kill me. Plus, I was dumb enough to tell Dream my real name, and tell Sapnap my real name, and Wilbur, and so many other criminals.

All of them know who I am, and if I used my greatest advantage, my electricity, I’d put my friends at risk. So when Dream pulled the trigger I immediately flinched. I had been at risk of death for years, but gunshots had always been something that had scared me, especially if they were aimed at me and I was undefended.

After the shot went off I fell to the ground and curled up as I cried.
1209 words

Now George has two reasons not to walk. Dream and a fucking gun wound.

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