Chapter 5: form of protest

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George POV.
One month later

The show on the TV was completely boring, but I couldn’t be bothered changing it to something else. For the entire month I had been practically living on this couch as a form of protest. Since I wasn’t allowed to go out and fight crime, and since I wasn’t able to go to work at my coding job I decided to make this annoying for the rest of the team.

So I had taken over the couch so that nobody else could sit here, and I had taken over the TV so nobody else could watch what they wanted. I didn’t enjoy sitting here but that wasn’t the point, the point was that I was bored out of my mind and wanted to go back to working and fighting crime.

“George, do you want to go play some video games in my room or something?” I glanced over my shoulder to see Karl and Bad standing there, and I shook my head at Karl’s question and turned my attention back to my TV.

“How about we bake some muffins then?” Bad offered, “I got a new recipe at the bakery that I haven’t tried out yet.”
“No thanks Bad.” I responded. “I’d rather be sitting here and watching this TV show.”

The pair sent a worried glance to each other before nodding and walking off. I felt guilty because they were my best friends however I didn’t stop them as they left. Still I just began to scowl as I looked back at the screen.

A few minutes passed before another person came to annoy me. Philza’s youngest son, Tommy, was standing over me along with his two best friends Tubbo and Ranboo. These were the only three civilians that knew about us being heroes, mainly because Tommy couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“Gogy, wanna go see a movie with us?” The blonde asked, smiling down at me.
“No thanks.” I muttered, before seeing the teenager pout, still I continued. “I am busy with some other stuff, no time for a movie.”
“What are you doing though?” Tommy’s friend Ranboo asked. “You are just watching Netflix.”

“I’m protesting the fact that I want to go out and fight crime.” I explained.
“How are you protesting?” Tubbo asked curiously.
“By making life annoying and inconvenient for everybody else who lives here.”

The trio all giggled slightly at this and Ranboo wished me luck with my protesting before walking off with Tubbo. Tommy stayed here for a moment and opened his mouth to say something before he was cut off. “Tommy, what are you doing here?” We both looked up to see Techno, who just so happened to be Tommy’s older brother, standing there.

“Just saying hi to the Gogmister.” Tommy responded, “what are you doing here?” He questioned back at the pinkette.
“I work here. Now go, I need to talk with George.” Techno instructed, and Tommy grumbled before doing what the older asked and running off after his friends.

“What do you want Techno, I am kinda busy…”
“Protesting?” Techno finished, “I heard what you said. But that is not what I am talking about at the moment.”
“Then what are you talking about?” I asked.

Techno beckoned for me to move over so he could sit down on the couch too and I begrudgingly did. I shuffled over to one side of the couch and he sat on the other side of me. “What are you talking about?” I repeated.

“You can’t keep being depressed because you aren’t able to do anything.” Techno stated. “It is hard for us to do any training if you are groaning the entire time in the background…” he began, and I rolled my eyes since I knew this was probably going to turn into a lecture.
“So are you telling me to just shut up?” I questioned.

“No, Philza would tell me off if I did that.” Techno chuckled. “You have heaps of money George, I am saying go out and do something. You could go on holiday or something.”
“I don’t have that much money,” I defended, but Techno scoffed.

“You earn about $4,000 a week and haven’t had to pay for your own food, bills, or clothes, in around three years. You have more than enough money so stop making excuses.”
I grumbled quietly to myself and Techno noticed. “You realise you spend more time fighting crime then Karl and Bad combined George. That’s not healthy. You need a work life balance.”

“I have a work life balance.” I responded.
“Working as a superhero and working at a lab are both forms of work, not ‘work life balance’.” The pinkette clarified. “Why not go out and find something to do? Get a hobby or something since you have at least a month until your shoulder gets better, possibly even longer.”

Even though I wanted to be a pain in the ass to the other three heroes to try and make them let me join them again earlier I knew that wouldn’t work, because I knew that even though I was stubborn, Techno was twice as bad. “Fine.” I said in an annoyed tone, as I pushed myself up from the couch.

I rolled my shoulders to get used to the feeling of standing up after laying on the couch for about a week. Although I immediately regretted it because a wave of pain coursed through my injured shoulder. “Thanks for the talk… I guess.” I said with a small smile directed at Techno, “although I feel the others put you up to this.”

He chuckled as he watched me struggle to put a hoodie on before grabbing my wallet and phone. I ran towards the entrance of the alleyway and waved at him for a moment before walking out of the room and onto the street.

For an hour or so I wandered around the streets while building up my hunger. It took a lot longer to walk around the waves of people since I had an injury to be wary of. Plus I never knew how much people liked to talk about me and the other heroes.

I decided to try and avoid having to listen to them and instead headed to a mall nearby deciding to get myself something to eat after living off chips, and ice cream, and my own misery for a week.

Eventually I made my way into a cafe in the mall and slumped down in a chair before scrolling through my phone. Once my food came I pocketed the device and sighed before hearing the sound of an explosion and a voice crackled over the intercom that connected throughout the mall.
1125 words

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