Chapter 35: a choice

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Dream POV.

A harsh chuckle left my lips as I looked down at the four high school students who were sitting on the ground in front of me. They had been wandering around the back alleyways like idiots and were quite easy targets to grab. I was originally planning on having a chilled out day, robbing some banks, killing some cops, etc. However when I ran into these kids I had a better idea.

They weren’t the brightest and I can’t say that it seemed like many people liked them either. The three who had talked so far of them seemed obnoxious and rude. I had them currently in one of our safehouses in the underground labyrinth of sewers. The roar of the underground river was almost deafening, yet their terrified cries were still able to drown them out.

“Since I am feeling nice…” I began, a smirk growing on my face which they couldn’t see from under my mask. “I will let you four choose what happens.” The high school students students all had their hands tied behind their backs with tape, and the same tape was tied around their ankles.

“What the hell do you mean?” A boy asked, he was the tallest of the group and his eyes were narrowed at me.
My smirk widened further. “The four of you can decide among yourselves who I kill. If three of you can agree on who dies then I’ll kill them and the rest of you will go home.”

For a few moments they were all frozen, obviously none of them wanted to choose which of their friends was going to die and they were all hesitant. To speed up their decision I let out a chuckle. “I have other things to do, if you don’t make a decision I will kill all four of you.”

“Kill Sarah!” One of the boys shouted. “She is such a slut, she cheated on me like fifteen times when we were dating!”
“I was not!” The girl yelled back, “you cheated on me with that bitch Layla when I refused to have sex with you! We should kill you Harry!”

“Both of you grow up! One of you should be killed because I was always busting my ass for all of the group projects! I have done so much for all three of you and you’ve done nothing in return!” The third boy yelled out. That just caused the group to start arguing more, their voices got louder as they threw insults at each other.

Eventually the girl looked over at the forth boy, he was a lot more small and skinny than the other three. “Why aren’t you saying anything Purpled?” She asked with a toxic sounding snarl in her tone. “Do you not care which one of us dies?”
The boy looked back up and shook his head. “I just don’t want any of my friends to die.”

The girl, Sarah, scoffed. “Don’t bother lying to us Purpled.” She began. “I know that you are just staying quiet so that we don’t end up choosing you.”
“No! That’s not it at all!” The scrawniest of the boys tried to protest, but the girl ignored him.

“I say that all three of us choose Purpled. He probably would have agreed with one of us so he could save his own ass.” Sarah said as she turned to the other two boys who were tied up. Both of them unanimously agreed with her and the boy began whimpering out in worry.
“Please. No!” He begged.

“Have you made your decision?” I asked in a playful tone, starting to feel impatient with how long it was taking.
“Yes.” The boy, Harry, said happily. “I say you kill Purpled.”

“Mhm,” the unnamed boy hummed in agreement. “Let’s agree to kill Purpled and the rest of us can go home.”
“Okay then, Purpled it is.” I pulled my gun out of its holster, and made sure it was loaded with enough bullets. I released the safety before pausing. “You are certain he is the one?”

At what I said the three other teenagers all nodded overenthusiastically, and a chuckle left my lips. I aimed the gun, but not at the teen they had thrown under the bus, instead at the girl who suggested he died. She didn’t notice what was happening as I pulled the trigger, and got her in the forehead.

She was frozen in the position she had been in as she fell to the ground. Her eyes wide in the petrified expression she had had, with a hint of snarkiness. Immediately the two boys began freaking out, shouting for help or begging for mercy, the smallest of the boys, Purpled, was just sitting there looking worried.

I laughed at the pathetic boys who were screaming. “I hate people who try to sacrifice others. I was considering having a use for some people brave enough to be out on a day like this. But you both seem to be ignorant. So I have no use for you.” Two more gunshots rang out following the first and the result of that was two more dead bodies.

Then I turned to the last boy who was shaking softly as he cried. I rolled my eyes and looked at Punz who had been waiting patiently behind me with some other assistants. “This kid could be useful.” I said to the platinum blond. “I want you to untie him, fix him up, and then you will train him.”

The boy watched me worriedly and Punz nodded as he walked over to him. Then I turned to the other henchmen and told them to clean up the other bodies. Without a word I turned and walked out of the tunnels in the sewer.

Once I got to the surface I got into my car and sped home through the deserted streets, being able to avoid all of the police cruisers which were patrolling the cities. After driving for a while I returned to the warehouse and walked inside. Skeppy and Sapnap were both off somewhere, probably still distracting the police and I sighed as I headed upstairs.

I walked along a corridor with corrugated iron walls and eventually reached the door to my room. The pair of henchmen I had assigned to watch George were standing outside of the door, and I raised an eyebrow at the two of them both from under the mask. “What are you two doing out here?” I questioned.

“He asked us to leave sir.” One of them explained. “He said that he wanted to sleep and wouldn’t be able to if we were watching him.” I nodded, feeling kind of annoyed that he was in the room on his own, because what if one of those disgusting heroes managed to find him in there alone and defenceless.

I opened the door to my room to see George curled up on the floor crying, and immediately ran over to him, slamming the door shut behind me. “What happened my darling?” I asked as I sat down on the floor beside him.
1192 words

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