Chapter 55: Paperwork

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Sam POV.

“Shut up all of you!” I yelled at the prisoner’s in the holding skill as they talked loudly to each other. It was normal for it to get quite loud on a Friday night, all the people who went out drinking at the end of the working week and were arrested for drunk and disorderly, or for attempting something illegal.

Since a lot of our officers were injured during the crime wave, a lot of us officers had to pick up extra shifts. We were paid extra of course, but I was annoyed since Foolish, one of my boyfriends, was coming to stay with me and my other boyfriend, Ponk, for the weekend. He lived in the Beast tower, but came to visit often and stayed with us each weekend.

After dealing with the people in holding I walked back to my office and slumped down at my desk. It was past 11pm, I only had to stay for another hour before some more officers came in to replace the ones that were currently on duty, including myself. Foolish should be over at my apartment by now and I was looking forward to seeing him when I got home.

I had a huge pile of paperwork sitting on my desk which needed to be done next week, and so I decided why not end my Friday with a ton of forms. Just as I felt close to falling asleep during the job, my phone rang.

A sigh left my lips as I pulled it out of my pocket, thinking that it would be someone who I couldn’t be bothered speaking to right now. However I noticed that it was from my boyfriend Ponk, and so I answered the phone. I didn’t even get the chance to say ‘hello’ or ‘how are you’ because he immediately started rambling to me.

“Sam, please come home right now. I know that you have work but I am really worried about Foolish, I think that something bad has happened to him, and I don’t know what to do,” he said quickly, without stopping for a breath in between his words.
“Ponk. I don’t understand. Can you take a deep breath for me before telling me again?”

There was a brief pause as Ponk took a deep breath before explaining, but I already knew it was most likely serious and I was already grabbing my stuff. “So it was getting late and I was worried about Foolish, since he never works this late on a Friday. I called like three or four times but he didn’t answer once.”

“Maybe his phone was dead?” I suggested, trying to keep him calm as I stepped out of my office and locked the door with a set of keys. “Have you tried calling him on one of the company phones?” There was a small ‘mhm’ on the other end of the line along with a sniffle.

“Okay, I will come straight home and we can have a look for him together. Have you called any of his coworkers?” I began walking towards the exit, but lowered my phone away from my ear for a moment as I told Antfrost that I was leaving early.
“I called Eret and Karl. Eret said he hadn’t spoken since lunch and Karl didn’t answer.”

The more he talked the more panicked he got and so I shushed him over the line as I walked down the stairs. “Okay Ponk. Go get yourself a glass of water, sit down and I’ll be home in ten minutes okay? Just relax and don’t hang up the phone.” Ponk told me he would and I walked out onto the street and over to where I parked my car.

When I was inside I put my phone on speaker so I would be able to hear Ponk if he needed anything or suddenly started freaking out. Since I often travelled around the city for my job I knew the quickest routes possible, managing to avoid the long queues of traffic in the late hours of the night.

When I reached the apartment block where myself and my boyfriend lived, I parked my car in front of the building, in a spot that allowed me to stay there for half an hour. I decided I’d rather risk getting a parking ticket than have Ponk freaking out about Foolish while I had to park in the off street parking which was a lot further away than this.

I ran into the building, sprinting up the stairs and running to the door of my apartment on the third floor. Once I pulled my keys from my pocket and unlocked it, I found someone practically leaping off the couch and into my arms. Ponk’s cheeks were stained with tears, and I didn’t move my arms from around him, instead kicking the door shut with my leg.

“Foolish is missing,” he murmured as he cried into my uniform. “What if he’s hurt? Or someone took him? Or what if he’s dead?”
I hushed the crying boy as I helped him back over to the couch and sat down before walking towards the kitchen to get him another glass of water and something to eat.

When Ponk started eating I grabbed my phone from my pocket and made some phone calls, first to one of Foolish’s bosses and a member of the security team working at the Beast Tower, asking both if they knew anything about why Foolish wasn’t home and what could have happened.

Sadly neither of them knew anything, and once I had hung up I decided to also call around asking if any of my boyfriend’s friends had seen him. Most of his friends from work said ‘we said goodbye as we were leaving tonight’ or ‘we talked during lunch today’ but nothing that helpful.

Next on my list were a couple of places where I knew Foolish liked to hang out, at least the places that were open 24/7. That included an internet cafe, a club, and two other buildings owned by the Beast company. When I started running out of ideas I also started looking at the grocery store that was open all night, and the public library. None of them had any signs of him.

Finally I decided to call one of my officers. I called Antfrost at the station and sent him a photo of Foolish, so he could start organising a search. After that last call all of my ideas were gone. I glanced back into the living room to see Ponk curled up on the couch and gave him a sad look.

But there was one number in my phone that I hadn’t touched yet, although I felt like this was the most dangerous one to try and call, since it could end up with me being beaten by a superpowered individual or in prison if I pissed them off.

However I called him anyway, and after a couple of rings the phone was answered. “Sam, do you have to call now mate? I am in the middle of something important.” Philza said, clearly too busy for a proper greeting.

I tried to hide the emotion in my voice as I responded. “Sorry sir, but there has been a kidnapping and I wanted to know if you could get the team of heroes to start looking for the man taken and his kidnappers.”
“Isn’t kidnapping the police’s job?” He questioned.

“Phil the guy who was kidnapped isn’t just some random person on the street,” I told him. “He is my… I mean he is an employee at the Beast company, one of the best Physicists in the country, great with medicines and stuff. Suddenly he disappears. If a criminal gets their hands on him it would probably not be good.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone before there was a harsh exhale and Philza told me, “fine. I will have Techno and Bad keep an eye out. But there is more important stuff that also needs to be dealt with.”

“What important stuff?” I questioned before realising it, and he hesitated to answer but eventually did.
“Jacobs has recently gone rogue.”
1451 words

So it is kind of obvious if you looked back about 2 parts to story samples which one is the clear winner. But to anyone who hasn't checked, the next story will be a Mermaid AU.

I haven't come up with a name for it yet though and will be open to suggestions if any of you had any ideas.

"And In case I don't see ya . . . good afternoon, good evening, and good night."

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