Chapter 48: gunshots

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George POV.
8 years ago

A gunshot rang out causing me to gasp as I ducked into the alleyway. The sound was a lot closer this time and made me shiver at the thought that someone could be getting close enough to find me. There was a dumpster near the entrance to the alleyway and I ducked behind it, being pressed between it and the brick wall of one of the buildings towering over me.

I tensed up as I heard footsteps running past me feeling a shiver running down my spine as I tried to keep my breathing quiet. There was a cobweb inches away from my face with a large spider crawling over it that definitely wasn’t helping keep me calm.

Living in L’manburg for two months was the scariest shit in my life. This place was a lot like Gotham city from the Batman comics and movies, full of crime, and even with its own superhero. There was a vigilante by the name of Technoblade who seemed to have advanced human strength, speed, stamina, etc.

I have considered going to find the hero several times, asking for help learning to control my powers, something which he had to learn to do. Although every time I thought of the idea I talked myself out of it. I had done some terrible things in my first few weeks here, stealing food and hurting others, the hero would probably have me arrested, or sent off to a lab.

Since I arrived here I have been homeless. Sure I had an ability which could make money fly out of an ATM, but I am a teenager, not legally allowed to buy a home, and I am not a legal citizen either which makes it worse. So until then I was homeless.

A few days after me getting money out of the machines and using that to buy food, I was unable to do that either. Since L’manburg has such a high crime rate money is tracked a lot more and it started getting a lot of attention. Police were able to start closing in on the shops where I went, and I didn’t risk wanting to get caught by the cops.

I figured that stealing food was more likely to keep me out of jail, which was a strange conclusion for a person to come to. One of the shops I went to was run by a guy who went by the name of Schlatt, who was apparently a mafia overlord (just my fucking luck).

He had sent some of his men after me, which is the reason why I was currently hiding in between a dumpster and a brick building. I listened quietly as the group that worked for the mafia walked past, hoping that they wouldn’t see me.

After waiting a minute I decided it was safe enough to run, and pulled the rubber gloves on my hands further down so they wouldn’t slip before beginning to sprint out of the alleyway. A hopeful smile appeared on my face at the thought of me getting out of here unharmed, of returning to the small abandoned shed I had made into my home.

Suddenly though, a gunshot fired from behind me and hit me in the shoulder. I let out a yell at the pain before stumbling and falling to the ground. Immediately I started calling out, screaming for help from anyone who could hear me but was stopped when a gloved hand clamped over my mouth.

Thanks to the rubber I had all over my body to stop myself from hurting anyone he was unfazed, I couldn't do anything. But before anyone could come looking for me I was dragged away, screaming and crying into the maze of alleyways.

modern day

When Dream pulled the trigger I immediately flinched. I had been at risk of death for years, but gunshots had always been something that had scared me, especially if they were aimed at me and I was undefended. After the shot went off I fell to the ground and curled up as I cried.

I started shaking slightly but my eyes opened and widened when I realised that I was unharmed. I lifted my tear filled gaze to see Dream walking towards me, then turned my head slightly to see that the henchman was gone from my sight.

When the blond reached me I shook slightly as he lifted me up, holding me close to his chest and turning around to walk back towards the limo. I sniffled and leaned slightly closer to him, whimpering out his name in both worry and confusion.

He shushed me as a hand trailed up to run through my hair and I found myself surprised as this was the most intimate moment between the two of us. Dream opened the back door of the limo and laid me down on the seat, before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car again. I stared at him in the rear view mirror as my chest rose and fell quickly with my panicked breath.

There wasn’t a word exchanged between us the whole drive until the limo had been parked and then Dream stepped out of the limo and scooped me back up in his arms. I was embarrassed of the thought of being seen as I was carried by the blond, and hid my head by burying it into his chest as he carried me wordlessly to his room in the complex of warehouses.

I didn’t look up even when I heard the sound of a door opening and closing and I felt myself being lowered onto the bed that I had been sleeping on for the past couple days. Without a word to him I shuffled up to be near the pillows and held one close to my chest as a form of comfort while he sighed.

“Are you okay?” The blond sociopath asked after a moment, even though he was wearing a mask I knew he had an expression of genuine concern.
I looked over at him with tear filled eyes. “I’m a little shaken up.” I admitted, forcing my eyes shut as I reached up to wipe some of the tears away. “I expected you to have shot me.”

“I had to shoot that henchman, he had heard that I worked with the heroes. It isn’t something that one likes to admit often.” He explained, “but why did you flinch?”
I froze at the question, shifting awkwardly at it before finally deciding on an answer. “I don’t like being shot at.”

“You’ve been shot at before.” Dream pointed out, walking to the edge of the bed and sitting beside me. “Why didn’t you flinch then?”
I sat up so I was at eye level with the blond as I replied. “I always have something to keep me feeling safe, whether it is protective clothing, weapons, or… you I guess.”

“If you want I could help you get over your fears, make you the one who is feared instead.” The blond suggests quietly, but I quickly shake my head.
“I don’t want everyone to fear me. I’m… not like you in that way…” part of me expected Dream to get pissed at the sentence, but he wasn’t.

Instead there was a nod from the sociopath. One of understanding? One of acceptance? I couldn’t be sure which one, or if it was something else. Whatever it was he moved closer to me, and I found myself leaning into his warmth since this bedroom always made me feel slightly chilled.

This was the most intimate the two of us had ever been, and I felt myself nuzzling into his warm touch. While letting out a content sigh at the situation I felt myself dozing off into sleep.
1321 words

Okay so I might have lied about the George getting shot thing


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