Chapter 9: keeping watch

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George POV.

Another thing to add to the list of bad things about this apartment is that the bed feels like it is made of hay. I was laying in the bed for at least twelve hours, tossing and turning, and I only slept for about an hour or so.

At least when I peaked out of the curtains to look out of the window again Dream’s sports car wasn’t here, however there were two people standing outside at attention like they were the royal guards at Buckingham palace. It seemed like they were the people who Dream was talking to last night, and I felt like he had asked them to watch me so I didn’t go to the police.

When I let go of the curtains and they fell back in place and I grumbled to myself. Part of the reason was because of the fact Dream put his henchmen there to spy on me, and the other part was because the injury on my shoulder and collarbone were acting up again and all my painkillers were back at the headquarters.

So to pass the time I went through the fridge again, checking all of the food to see what wasn’t expired for me to have as breakfast. I managed to get a handful of sad looking, but still edible, vegetables, and I ate them alongside some dried oats that were on a shelf. Not the most tasty breakfast, but it will keep me from starving.

The clock on the wall showed that it was 8:30, and I heard the sound of some people from other apartments down the hall beginning to head to work, so I decided to try and follow one of them out. I went back into the bedroom and scavenged through the closet for another pair of clothes to wear.

All of the clothes were too big for me, since they were originally Techno’s and the pinkette was clearly taller than me. I did eventually decide on wearing a black overcoat over the clothes I had on overnight which went down to my knees. It was warm enough though so I wasn’t complaining as I slid out of the apartment and locked the door.

An elderly couple were the only people standing in the hallway, shuffling towards the stairs but struggling to get down them with only each other to rely on. I walked over to them as I watched them struggle and gave them a small smile. “Excuse me, do you two need some help?” I asked them as I looked down at them.

The pair looked up at me warily and I continued to smile at them. The woman broke out into a smile first and responded. “That is quite nice of you dear, it would be lovely to have some help.”
I continued to smile as I walked down to them and began to help the elderly pair hobble downstairs.

“Thank you dear,” the woman smiled when we reached the ground floor. “Are you new here? I don’t think I have seen you around.”
“Yeah,” I responded. “I’m just staying here for a couple of nights in an apartment that belongs to my friend.” I answered, since it was the truth. “There are some problems in my neighbourhood.”

“Well that’s terrible isn’t it.” The man said with a small shake of his head. “I always knew this city was never safe, not that the government is doing much to stop all these criminals. Plus those heroes, you’d have expected they could have at least caught that arsonist or that jewel thief.”

“Randel dearest, don’t be rude.” The lady scolded, hitting him lightly on the leg with her walking cane before sending me a look which made me smile. “Anyway, where are you off to dear?” She asked when she turned to look at me.
“Back home hopefully.” Was my answer as we stepped onto the street and felt a rush of cold air.

“Well I hope that we see you around sometime.” She smiled as we walked down the street, and I couldn’t help but glance past her at the pair of men standing opposite the apartment who I don’t think noticed me. “My name is Dolores and this is my husband Randel.”
“My name is George.” I responded, “it was nice to meet you.”

I watched the pair of them cross the road to walk towards the marketplace, and I looked over my shoulder again and saw that the pair of men had disappeared from where they had been leaning, which made me nervous. That’s when I saw them walking after me, and I turned and began running.

“Shit,” I muttered as I felt my shoulder starting to act up again, but continued to run through the pain.

Dream POV.

“Shit,” I muttered as I sat on the roof of the warehouse at the docks that had become a base for Sapnap, Skeppy, and I. My eyes wandered along the waterfront which was just barely visible from through the thick morning fog.

Ever since I got back here yesterday I had only thought about the brunette that I didn’t even know the name of. He didn’t seem scared of me, which was a first since every person in this city was scared of me. It felt like a breath of fresh air and I wanted to experience that feeling again.

I heard the rusted metal door of the roof swing open with a loud creaking noise, and I glanced over my shoulder to see the arsonist and the gem thief walking over to me. “You both know that I don’t like to be disturbed when I am in thought.” I stated, refusing to meet their gazes.

“Yeah, but you seem to have forgotten the plans for this evening Dream.” Skeppy stated as he walked over to stand beside me. “Quackity has that major event at the casino.”
“It is the biggest event of the year.” Sapnap hummed. “There’ll be drugs, booze, gambling, and a bunch of hot girls.”

“I've never been interested in any of that stuff Sapnap.” I responded.
“Seriously?” Sapnap questioned, seeming confused before figuring something else. “Is it because there is someone you have to behave for?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
“Shut up before I skin you.” I warned, glaring at him from under my mask.

“Jesus man, I was just joking.” The ravenette defended himself, stepping slightly further away from me and closer to Skeppy. “If you’re organised then I’ll leave you be. We don’t have anything planned to do today.”

“See ya later then Dream. We’ll meet at the casino I guess” Skeppy added, walking back towards the door to the roof with Sapnap tailing behind him.
I nodded at his words, although my mind was on what Sapnap had said earlier, about if there was someone else.

Quackity hosts these nights at the casino once or twice a year. It was one of the biggest nights for the criminal scum of the city, with drinks, and drugs, and deals and auctions for all black market items. This is considered sacred, anyone who tells anyone about it gets their tongue cut out.

However Quackity did allow some of his higher profile guests to bring a plus one, and I had someone who could come with me. I pulled out the phone from my pocket and called the number of one of the guards who I put in charge of watching him.

When they answered I immediately asked the question. “Where is he right now?”
1263 words.

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