Chapter 44: a hero's hangover

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Sapnap POV.

I didn’t know what time it was when I woke up. The lights were off, and there were no windows in my room of the Warehouse we had taken over. I tried to sit up and turn to grab my phone from the bedside table but I was trapped under something.

My eyes widened when I saw someone lying on top of me. That’s when I remembered the date from last night. Me and Karl going to the Kinoko restaurant and him getting shit-faced drunk (a side of the hero I never expected to see). Then he fell asleep after teleporting into a pool, truly one of the best dates I have been on though and surprisingly it didn’t end in sex.

The brunette’s breathing was slow. He was still clearly asleep and I smiled as I examined him. It surprised me that he was as cute as he was under the mask. I honestly expected him to be older, with some scars and bruises clear on his face from hundreds of battles against people like myself.

Karl looked quite calm, and I found myself staring at him. His delicate expression. Too delicate for his line of work. I managed to adjust myself and the brunette so that I could sit up and grab my phone without waking him, and did that. When I turned it on I muttered a swear word under my breath. “Shit…”

I was meant to be at a meeting, right now, talking with Dream, Skeppy, Quackity, and a dozen other notorious businessmen right now to discuss plans. However I was instead laying in my bed, cuddling a hungover and passed out superhero that I took on a date. Although I definitely have got my priorities straight.

There were a dozen missed calls and even more texts from Dream, Skeppy, and Quackity, along with some other people who I didn’t know as well but still somehow had my phone number. All of them were the same, asking me where the fuck I was. I looked through all of the messages without replying to any of them.

Just as I almost looked through all the messages there was a phone call from Quackity. I decided I might as well answer it so that he wouldn’t end up calling me again and again and again. “What?” I asked in an agitated tone as I answered it.

“Sapnap, where the hell are you?” Quackity asked. “All of us have places to go man, and we can’t start until you turn up.”
“Sorry, jeez.” I muttered into the phone. “I was caught up with something last night and I probably won’t be able to come today. Start without me.”

“Really?” Quackity sounded unconvinced. “Were you with something or someone?” He asked me, and I let out a huff at how well he knew me.
“Somebody. You… probably… don’t know them though.” I said, hoping he couldn’t hear the hesitance in my words.

“Okay then. Are you going to hurry up and get here or not?” Quackity asked.
“No thanks. I think that I’d rather stay here. I don’t want to wake up my date and kick him out since we had a late night last night.” I told him, running a hand through Karl’s soft hair as I spoke about him.

“Fine. I’ll call you later telling you everything that you need to know then.” Quackity said. “Just wake up your hook-up and do whatever you plan on doing with them, enjoy yourself.”
“Yeah, okay.” I hummed at him before hanging up the phone. I checked the time again before turning off the phone and putting it on the side of the bed.

As I settled back into a more comfy position I let out a breath I felt like I had been holding. My hand moved down to run through the sleeping brunette’s hair again but suddenly. “Am I really just a hook-up?” I heard a quiet voice asked, and I found myself looking downwards. Karl’s eyes were opened and it felt like they were staring into my soul.

I shook my head, before realising he might want a verbal response. “No, you aren’t… un-unless you want to be because I don’t think a hero would want to date an arsonist. Plus, you aren’t even a hook-up. We haven’t slept together.” Part of me wanted to offer that but I held my tone, thinking it was too early for that.

Karl just nodded at my response, before readjusting himself so his head was beside mine and neither of us said anything. After the silence continued for a few moments I noticed that the brunette was rubbing his forehead, and my eyebrows furrowed. “Is something wrong?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” he responded. “My hangover just hurts and it sucks.”

At him saying that I remembered something. “Here, I grabbed these last night. You were really drunk. You teleported into a pool, so I knew that you’d probably need this when you woke up.” I held up a glass of water and some pills to help soothe his headache.

He gave a wary smile and put the pills in his mouth before washing it down with a sip of the water. I knew I had to continue before he noticed another thing that had changed. “Also, you were soaking wet so I had to change your clothes, but I didn’t do anything else.”
“Oh… really?” Karl’s face tinted red, but he didn’t say anything else.

Surprisingly he smiled, “thank you for changing me. I don’t think I would have liked to wake up soaking wet or cold.” The brunette muttered, and I grinned warmly.
“You look good in my clothes,” I hummed, pulling back the covers over both of them to show him. “You should wear them more often.”

“Maybe I will,” he responded, biting his lip slightly in a flirtatious manner which made me chuckle and press a kiss to his forehead, not thinking much of it.
“What were we talking about last night?” He asked after another moment of silence passed. “I can’t really remember, because I drank a lot.”

“What we were talking about last night?” I was hesitant about telling him, because he might be mad again, like he was last night. Just this morning there was no alcohol for him to use to forget the conversation. Karl seemed confident that that was what he wanted to hear, what he wanted me to tell him. “Well I needed to tell you something that would happen in the next couple of-”

I didn’t finish my sentence as the door was thrown open. In walked one of my men and Karl instinctively ducked under the covers to try and conceal himself. “What?” I questioned the man, feeling my face contort into an expression of annoyance.

“Sir, I was told to inform you that you are meant to be at the Casino for a meeting.” The man responded, refusing to actually look at me though and I rolled my eyes.
“I already knew that dumbass,” I grumbled, and I sat up more and reached over to the set of drawers beside my bed, opening the top drawer to grab something out.

“Is that all you have to tell me?” I continued, and the man just nodded. “Well that was a waste of time. And for wasting my time, the price is simple.” A gunshot rang out and the man collapsed to the ground, a bullet wound in his chest. I slid out of the bed to drag the dead body into the hallway and shut the door, feeling thankful that there wasn’t much blood on the floor.

Once I closed the door I looked over my shoulder to see Karl looking at me with wide eyes. “Is something wrong?” I asked him as I walked back over to him.
“You just shot somebody in the chest, in your bedroom.” Karl stated, seeming surprised.
“It’s not impressive.” I responded. “I was aiming for the head.”

“You keep a gun beside your bed?” He asked, and I shrugged again.
“I keep a lot of things beside my bed.” I informed him, before beginning to list some stuff off. “A bottle of beer, some weed, some cocaine, XL condoms, lube, handcuffs, this really large, expensive, vibrating-”

“That’s enough.” Karl cut me off, his face having turned the shade of a tomato. “A-Anyway, what were you saying, about something happening in the next…”
“Oh yes.” I continued what I said. “Something dangerous is going to happen in a few weeks. If I were you I’d get out of here ASAP.”

“What why?” Karl questioned, and I felt he was going to get pissed off again.
“I can’t tell you. Just get some of your friends and book some plane tickets somewhere else, North Carolina perhaps. Then you’ll be far away and safe, just like 404, where he disappeared over the last couple of we-” suddenly something clicked in my head. “Holy shit…”

“Sapnap? Why do I need to get out of here? And why to North Carolina of all places? I mean I know it is far away but still…”
“Holy shit.” I repeated, ignoring what the hero was saying for a moment.
“What?” Karl seemed confused.

Suddenly I turned to look at him, everything suddenly had worked itself out. “Why the hell is 404 dating Dream?” I asked.
1575 words.

HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora