Chapter 58: tears

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I have to say, you guys seem to all know who you want me to kill for Philza's mistakes. People were saying Ranboo, Tommy, Techno, so on and so forth.
Don't worry I won't kill anyone.

/J... Maybe.
George POV.

Once again I was sitting on the bed while watching stuff on my computer. Dream was once again sitting opposite me working on his computer. There were two screens beside each other on his desk that he was working on. One was him just typing random stuff that I couldn’t read from here, and the other was showing footage of the cell Foolish was trapped in.

I had just found a video of someone doing a comedy show for a charity event a couple of years ago, but instead of watching what he was doing, or laughing at the jokes I stared at the screen  showing Foolish.

Currently he was leaning over a desk in his cage, tampering with something. An open toolkit was beside him and he was wearing a radioactive suit. Walking around the edge of the cage, while keeping their distance, were some more people in radioactive suits, but because of the masks I obviously couldn’t recognise them.

As I went back to watching the video a loud alarm emitted from my speaker, causing me to yelp and Dream to spin around as though there was a chance I was being killed. However after the alarm went off a couple of times there was a clip appearing on my screen from the L’manburg government.

A woman sitting at a news desk began reading an announcement, “Technoblade, along with members of the L’manburg police department have announced that the hero known as Jacob’s is officially wanted for questioning for association with a criminal.”

“No fucking way,” Dream murmured as he stood up and walked over to sit beside me. The news reported continued and I watched as he slowly leaned closer and closer as she continued.
“If anyone has any information that helps lead to his capture then they are being asked to come forward, and that people with useful information will be rewarded with one thousand dollars.”

“There will be more information given later so check into L’manburg news at noon for more information,” the female news reporter concluded, before the cameras turned off while she was still looking straight into it. Suddenly the footage disappeared from my screen, instead showing the number to call to pass on information about Jacobs id anyone has any.

Dream let out a chuckle, and I sent him a cautious glance as it turned into a mischievous cackle, almost like one you’d hear a witch screaming. “I can’t believe it,” he stated. “A hero, Jacobs, went rogue? Has he been a mole all these years? And to think, I believed he was useless every time I fought him.”

“This is cause to celebrate Georgie,” he added on, turning to me and probably beaming from under his mask. “So tonight, you and I will go all over the city. We’ll do whatever you want, my treat. In fact, why don’t we make a day of it? We can go out, get some drinks or some drugs, maybe take over a movie theatre and you and I can watch a movie marathon!”

“That sounds like a great idea, Dream, but don’t we have other stuff to do? L-like, don’t you have to keep an eye on Foolish to make sure he doesn’t try anything?” I really just wanted to sit and process what I heard. I knew that Karl would never actually betray us and work with criminals. So this had to be another plan to get inside information by Philza and Techno, right?

“Punz is in charge of making sure Foolish behaves, but heck, why don’t we go and visit him. Punz can get the day off and I’ll have someone else watch Foolish. Fundy and Niki could do that, and since I’m feeling generous how about we get Foolish something nicer to eat. A lovely steak perhaps?” Dream stood up and let out a low hum as he adjusted his mask.

“Can I stay here for a moment?” I asked, “I want to finish watching the comedy show, but after you go check on Punz and Foolish we can go wherever.” Dream considered it for a moment before nodding at me, telling me he would be back in about ten minutes. Then I watched the blond walk out of the room before shutting the doors and I took a few deep breaths.

Surely there had to be more to this, I knew that Karl would never go against Philza, or Technoblade, or Bad, or myself. It wasn’t like him. So I figured there must be something to it. I opened up emails and quickly typed something out to send to Phil, before quickly sending it. Then I got changed, since the clothes I was wearing I’d been wearing since yesterday.

Afterwards I sat back down in front of the computer and looked over to see if I had gotten an email in response, and surprisingly enough I had. I read over what Phil told me, which was about three or four paragraphs explaining every piece of evidence I found.

The moment I finished reading it and cleared all the history of the conversation I ran out of the room looking for Sapnap.

Karl POV.

“Technoblade, along with members of the L’manburg police department have announced that the hero known as Jacob’s is officially wanted for questioning for association with a criminal. If anyone has any information that helps lead to his capture then they are being asked to come forward, and that people with useful information will be rewarded with one thousand dollars.”

At the report I froze, and I could feel Sapnap’s eyes burning into my side, clearly wondering how I would react. “Karl?” He questioned after a moment of tears filling my eyes.
“Yeah?” I asked back, and he didn’t say anything more as he instinctively pulled me into a hug and held me close, murmuring about how it was going to be okay.

I hid my face in his shirt as he pulled me closer. “I’m sorry Karl, it’s okay baby,” he said with another shushing noise, as though I was a small child. Then the ravenette lifted me up, as though I was as light as a feather. I didn’t even care if people were staring at us, it was all just difficult to deal with.

The second we stepped into his room I teleported out of his arms and onto the bed, before curling up into a pillow and burying my head in it. A moment later Sapnap walked over to me and sat down beside me, rubbing small circles into my back as a way of comforting me. It was clear he wanted to say something, but didn’t know what to say and just gave silent support.

After a while I wasn’t physically able to cry anymore, my eyes were sore and I wasn’t able to let out anything other than choked sobs. I let out a hiccup-like noise, before hearing a knock on the door and immediately hiding myself under a blanket out of shame.

Sapnap stood up, and I noticed him pulling a small knife out of his pocket, before walking towards the door, seemingly annoyed that someone was interrupting him comforting me. But after the door opened Sapnap seemed surprised. “George?” He questioned, seeming confused as I immediately lifted up.

George was standing in the doorway but didn’t say anything to Sapnap, instead staring directly at me. The ravenette’s gaze shifted over to meet mine and I mumbled that he could let George come in, which Sapnap did.

My best friend ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
1344 words.

Rich Romance is going to be updated right after this, written by the fabulous (debatable) stunning (debatable) genius (debatable) known as iikxtezz.

(It may or may not besmut)

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