Chapter 45: killing heroes

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So many cliffhangers.

George POV.

The meeting room was silent as the group all waited for the arsonist to turn up. This had been a meeting planned for ages, according to Dream, and according to another criminal it was just ‘typical that Sapnap would be the one to forget’. It seemed that none of them wanted to start without him, but none of them could be bothered waiting for him either.

Quackity was standing in front of a whiteboard, seeming like a teacher about to give the class a presentation. There were blueprints of a building that I knew quite well, one of the biggest buildings in the city, the biggest company in the city at least.

It was nicknamed the Beast tower, and the reason I was familiar with the place was because Karl worked there, and was friends with a lot of executives and the CEO. In fact after helping the company several times the executives offered to help us build the headquarters where we live now, which was a huge upgrade from the old store we lived on top of.

But that was a story for another time, what was worrying was the fact that there were blueprints of the entire building, showing the security systems, the security guards movement patterns, and a map of the vents. This made me tense up, why would they want to break into the Beast tower? It's just a big charity.

The company was well known as environmentally friendly, and was practically a charity, helping organise events to raise money for schools, church groups, and underprivileged communities from all over the world. I guess it was a big part of manufacturing technology which was offered worldwide for low prices, and it made a lot of medicine, but it still didn’t make sense.

Eventually Quackity let out a satisfied cheer. “We can begin,” he announced to the group. “Sapnap will not be here but he knows enough of the plan to be here already.”
The group all seemed happy that they could finally start, turning their attention to Quackity as he began an explanation.

The only thing that would make him more like a teacher would probably be if he had a pair of reading glasses, and maybe a wooden ruler or a stick to use to point at whatever he was talking about. But you’d have to remove the smell of alcohol and drugs first of course.

As Quackity spoke I looked around at the group. It was the same group at the meeting Dream had brought me too the other day. The collection of drug dealers, mob bosses, and businessmen from all over the city, but there was also the man from yesterday that Quackity had snuck into the city.

It just so happens that the man who was smuggled into the city via an armoured mail van yesterday, was staring back at me. His eyebrows were furrowed and I tried to avoid his gaze, which was hard because he was sitting right beside Quackity. Something about him put me on edge.

“As you know we are creating a weapon, a weapon powerful enough to kill the three heroes which continue to plague our city, and 404 if he decides to return. However, the best way to build a bomb is with a physicist. So tonight I have some friends going to go and get one of the best physicists in the country and he lives on site.”

Smiles started appearing on the faces of everyone as Quakcity said that, they all seemed eager for this bomb, the bomb that was apparently strong enough to kill heroes. I didn’t really listen as the gambler continued on, giving a profile on the person who he was planning on kidnapping, a young physicist named Dr Gamers.

There was a photo of him which showed someone who was around my age, or possibly a year or so younger instead. Quacktiy gave a huge explanation about Foolish, telling everyone about his history, relationships, and weaknesses. It was surprising how much the gambler had found out about them since all employee information was top secret.

However all of this was hard to focus on because I felt a pair of eyes on me, which made me worried. I looked at the rest of the group to see it was the same stranger staring at me, the one from earlier. His eyes were practically burning a hole in me, and so I leaned towards Dream for protection.

The blond didn’t move his gaze, but his hand dropped down to rest on my thigh and he squeezed it reassuringly. A small smile appeared on my face and I leaned even closer to him, my head resting on his shoulder. From under Dream’s mask I could practically hear him smirking, but he allowed himself to receive attention from me.

With Dream and me being closer to each other the unnamed person seemed to lose interest in me and turned back towards Quackity. I let out a sigh of relief and felt Dream’s hand moving slightly higher up my leg, but allowed this to continue as I just stared at Quackity while he continued.

Sapnap POV.

“Holy shit.” I muttered, my eyes widening as I sat up straighter on the bed.
“What?” Karl asked, he seemed confused as he stared at me.
Suddenly I turned to look at him, everything suddenly had worked itself out. “Why the hell is 404 dating Dream?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?” Karl asked, “404 and George are not the same person.” He explained, although I found myself unconvinced.
“Seriously? One of the only people I have seen you hanging out with is George, and as Jacobs it’s 404. Both are British and around the same height.”

“That has nothing to do with anything.” Karl tried to defend himself. “404… he went back to the UK to visit his family.”
“A few weeks after 404 disappeared, George met Dream and they started dating. Plus, your friend seems too calm and collected around Dream to just be a common civilian.”

“I can guarantee that none of that is true.” Karl stated. “You can trust me Sap. Why would I lie to you about this? Do you really think if George was 404 he would agree to go on a date with a sociopath like Dream? He is a hacker, he is smart enough to know that is a bad idea.”
“Maybe you know that we’d think that, then it would be ingenious.” I responded.

“That’s not the case…” Karl began but I cut him off.
“I know that you aren’t being honest Karl.” I said firmly, making him gup and blush as I continued. “I don’t know what your plan is, and I won’t tell Dream, or Skeppy, or anyone else. I must warn you though that if George gets caught he’ll have a fate worse than death.”

The hero let out a loud gulp, before his expression fell. “Well this wasn’t as nice as I hoped it would be,” he muttered. “This was a mistake… I probably should be going… I’ll give you your stuff next time I see you.” Karl stopped his rambling to give me a glance as he climbed out of the bed.

“But Karl… I just don’t want you to-” I cut myself off as he teleported away, leaving me alone in my bedroom. Although I wasn’t really alone, my heart was beating enough for two people, and my mind was full with enough thoughts for three. But at the same time this was the most alone I had felt in a long time.
1276 words

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