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The crowd around me is quiet, nobody says a word except the prayers.
I requested to arrange the funeral of dad and emma at the same time.
Noah squeezes my shoulder, I gaze in his eyes. He knows everything.
So does coral, who arranged all the flowers. She passes me a sympathetic smile.
Mellisa was told only half of the truth- the one that was enough for her.  kobe, hakim, Jacob, chloe, masud, rahas- everyone else know what’s enough. They sit in the back.
I look at the two coffins, both took their own lives.
When the prayers are over, I walk towards the front and read my prayers.
I look at everyone before starting, “ for dad “
There is silence everywhere when I speak, “ I love you, forever and always “ my voice cracks as I say.
I don’t say the rest of the speech which I’d planned.
I close my eyes and take a long breathe before reading again, “ for emma ,my bestfriend, the person I trusted the most “ the words feel ironic.
Tears roll down my face but I keep my voice still, “ I will love you- forever and always “
There is this haunting yet comforting stillness.
And now I realise what she’d pleaded for.
“ I forgive you “ I say atlast.
Not completely, but its what she’d pleaded for, by her eyes. I’ll try to, she was still emma- my emma, my bestfriend.

Its afternoon When I reach home, I go straight to my bedroom and open the letter. I sit on my chair and switch on the lamp.
Dear jessi,
Before saying anything, let me deepheartedly convey that I love you and am proud of you. You have been the greatest gift your mom ever gave to me.
When you’ll find this this letter, I’d be long gone. I’m sorry dear, I’m too much of a coward. While I should have been with you when times were hard, I wallowed in my own sorrows. I’m so sorry, I hope I have been good enough- if not better- as a father.
But I can’t deal with this world anymore, its hard to live without your mother. I’m selfish, please forgive me for it.
I love you,
Your papa.
Teardrops fall on the paper, I didn’t know when I started crying.
I fold the letter and keep it back where it was, I won’t get rid of it. I can’t, I still need it.

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