pov- noah

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I wake up with a jaunting alarm of my phone.
Jess had left already, with my clothes. My wardrobe was wide open.
I’d asked all the nearby camera recordings of where mia lived, the police might have viewed it already but perhaps, I can find something inetersting
Tomorrow, jess’s dad will finally see his daughter’s face. After years.
I don’t know how it must feel to not have someone, to not have a family,
To not have a mother.
I slide the chopped onions into the boiling soup.i’d jogged right after waking up for some fresh air, came back and bathed. Hunger crippled over me and it was a little cold this morning,
So I decided to make myself some veggie soup.
my kitchen’s tiles are all marble black,the ceiling pure white with the shelves made of fresh wood.
Smoke arises from the soup.
I cover it with a lid, just a few more minutes and it’ll be ready.
My mother taught me how to cook,my dad taught me how to be an honourable man, my sissy taught me how to laugh and love.
I step out of the kitchen and move to the right, towards my bedroom. To have a glance.
At the photo of my dear family.
A sense of relief ruffles through me at the sight of them smiling.i’ll meet them soon this month, I’ll be with them as much I can.
Life is unpredictable.
And then out of nowhere-
My ass buzzes.
What the fuck.
Oh, my phone. I kept it there. In my back pocket.
But all the jokes in my head fly away as I read the name of the caller . its been so long since he called.

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