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‘ analysing your own data is the way to learning, its over for today’ professor luke finishes his lecture.
He discharges the classroom, his blonde short hair and patterned tie  giving him an old appearance.
‘ will you partner with me in my current research analysis Jessica?’  hakim pats my shoulder, his green eyes blazing.
Hakim is a nerd, though never looks like one, he is extremely fashionable. the straight black hair of his always combed perfectly. A cool keychain constantly hanging in his index finger, an acknowledgement for his love of chick stuff.
‘ uh.sorry hakim, I’m already doing it and got a lot of other stuff to work on. You ask lyssandra, Katie or Anthony maybe? I think they’ll be interested’ I apologize.
‘ ah its okay. Can you do me favour though?’
I nod, ‘ what is it?’
He chuckles,’  it sounds childish but I lost my keychain, the one with an anime character on it? yeah. Anyway,er, if you find it, will you hand it to me?’
I say,’ sure. It doesn’t sound childish at all. Will see if I find It’ my eyes travel to his hand and that’s when I notice, the little keychain of his is missing.
He grins wide in return,’ thanks’  then turns in the direction of Anthony, a gamer who somehow scores the best.
I let out a long sigh. Emma isn’t here today and neither did she inform me. Its not particularly unusual but still bothers me a bit.
I stare at the white screen as I type a message to her,
Where are you? , the popping sound of the message surfaces. Though, I doubt she’ll hardly read my message any time soon.
I put my phone to where it was before, in my purple- black bag and walk outside.


How can people not like this?  I think while eating hot ramen, tasting every spice, tangy and slavoured. The ring of my phone’s notification buzzes in my bag.
Had I gone to home, cuddled in bed or watched a series while eating instead of hurrying here itself, I regret but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying every flavour. My phone buzzes again.
I hold the food aside on the green bench I’m sitting on, in a park near uni. Emma’s messages fill my notifications.
I did something.  I read her text, then reply with, what? Don’t tell me you got into trouble. I ain’t dealing with karens again.
Laughing emojis pop up, then she types, deletes and then types again.
Lmao , it isn’t about karens. I did a thing, you’ll know when you see me. I Hope you’ll like it.
My mind wanders to all the possible situations but conclude nothing. i drag my mobile back into my bag. I don’t give a hell about her surprise, all I want is food right now.
There are not much people here, thanks to my luck, the rest are either busy listening to music or chatting with their friends, colleagues or ..lovers. I think as I see a cute couple holding hands, eating icecream together near a big tree.
A pink,floral dress clungs to the female while the male wears an orange t shirt and blue jeans. They both look like they’re in their mid twenties, lucky ones. They remind me of him.
I find myself diving into that feel again. I focus on eating, food is the solution of all. I managed to hide from all my problems today, quite a victory.
the black hair of mine flies in my eyes, the cool wind enclosing me. I stay careful not to drop my juice, which I brought from home, on my white t shirt.
I would call myself somebody casual, not putting much effort into dressing up, I don’t wish to most of the days, there’s no reason. while emma pulls off any outfit, be it basic or any tight dress. Her blue eyes an additional touch.
I look at my black jeans, always getting picked up by me. Poor thing never gets a break.

I throw off the empty pack of ramen and juice inside the dustbin. Then I take a casual walk from the park to the uni . I can’t wait to see papa, I’ll hug him so tight when he’ll arrive, I think as I walk past a number of college freshmen. While I walk, My vision finds something on a ground a few feet above, near the college building, something shiny
A keychain.
Hakim’s keychain.
I  fasten towards its direction. Atleast I’ll be of some use.
I pick it up from the ground, it indeed is cool. Its black ring consisting of a character I don’t know about, its eyes red and hair white.  suddenly, I feel someone near me. Like a shadow.
I turn around, finding him a few meters away from me, he hasn’t seen me yet.
I freeze in my state, my eyes fixed on him, his stature, his clothes which 
I hope I’m not disturbing you,
it was a dream Jessica. it was a fucking DREAM!
But it felt so real.
His eyes find me, then he smiles. Walking towards me, he waves at me. But I stay frozen, unable to move.
‘ well, god bless our luck’  his voice rumbles.
I don’t answer, just staring at him, at his eyes. Those honey eyes, which were so close to me last night. The cold lips which were so near –
My face turns red, forbidding me further to behave like a normal human being.
He observes me, ‘  you ok?’
I clear my throat.’ Uh,yeah. i’m good ‘ I put on a smile.
His eyes squinch, clearly in doubt of me. Then he looks behind me, frowning at someone. I follow his gaze to the group of freshmen I just passed by. They turn around nervously when I look at them.
‘ were they staring me?’ I say to nobody in particular.
‘ probably’ drake whispers, still staring at them. Then he looks back at me.’ they probably have a crush on ya’ he says it as it’s a normal thing, a matter of fact.
I scratch my neck, clearly not knowing how to answer to  compliments.
His lips turn upwards,’ were you waiting for someone?’
‘not exactly. Just wanted to hang a little before going home’ translation: couldn’t wait to eat food.
He nods his head towards a street nearby which I guess is famous for mouthwatering restaurants,’ wanna eat something? Will have a nice walk on the way too’ he says.
Shit Jessica. Should’ve indeed waited before eating ramen. ‘ don’t know about eating but uh we can chat’ I state as he starts to walk, me following him.
‘ you were acting different. everything fine?’ he asks.
Nothing is ever fine with me, I don’t speak out loud.
‘ nothing out of context, its fine’ is all I say.
We walk in silence on the lonely street, houses consisting of no noise. Streetlights taking up empty spaces, the rumble of green bushes near parks.
I look at him, at the guy wearing a full sleeved black t shirt even in summer, black jeans. ‘ why do you always wear black?’ I ask out of curiosity.
‘ I did think you would ask. Its simple, I like black clothes’ he says, brushing his hand through his chin length hair in a style I would call messy highlights, held together by a little bun.  I nod at him.


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