chapter-17 denial ( jessica's pov)

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No, this can’t be.
This can’t be possible.

Dad is dead.
My father is dead.

And I thought… things couldn’t get any worse.
And I’d left my dad alone.
When he’d been pleading for me.
When he wanted me the most, I left me. the last time..if only I knew this would be the last time I’d ever see him,
I’d hugged him.
I would have told him how much I loved him.
If only- if only, I cared to listen.
There are no tears left to cry, I realise. Everything is too much, whoever wanted to murder the people I loved, had done so already.
I get up from the ground, walk towards the rain. Outside this caged building.
“ JESSICA!” noah calls me from behind, emma runs towards me.
They hold my arm, force me to look at them but I’m so dead…so dead…so dead.
Just like everyone I loved.
“ don’t let yourself go Jessica “ noah says.
And I snap , “ HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME THAT?” I Shout, shoving his grip from me, knocking emma as well. “  I trust no one now ‘ I say.
“ NO “ I cut emma before she can speak anything, “ my father is murdered . and the murderer can be anyone. Anyone, “ I point to both of them, their eyes dilate.
“ it can be emma. or it can be noah “ I repeat.
And those were the most harsh words I ever said in my life.
I took my frustration out on them.
They gape at me and emma walks back to the hospital while noah –
Rage is burning in his eyes.
“ you are suspecting me? “ he says, his voice vibrating. I don’t answer. I walk on the empty road, the rain is getting harsher, heavier. My clothes are soaked in a second.
“ you’re repeating the same mistake “ I don’t look in his eyes. “ the way you lost your father, you’ll lose me. and you’ll guilt yourself for fighting with me “
I just walk forward but he follows me, “ don’t do this to yourself jess “
I keep walking.
He walks in the middle of the road, “ what do you think? Don’t you notice the pattern jess? Everyone you know is getting murdered. Soon, I will be too “
His words are harsh- but they are true. I don’t want to hear them.
And his voice fades when I walk away in the rain .

I have no clue where I am when I finally come back to my senses. I find myself standing between an abandoned, isolated road . no cars, no roads, no buildings, completely isolated.
Where am i?
Beside me is a dry, haunted park. I walk towards the biggest, nearby tree and sit under it.
Then sob.
What have I done?
Its all your fault
The voice speaks to me again.
I grab a stone and throw it on the road, then another stone, then another. I keep throwing until I can no longer feel myself.
Until the numbness takes over me.
I scream and scream and scream.
You killed him
The voice repeats, lightning thunders again. the rain gets harsher.
He died because of you
I hear my dad’s pleads, his ragged voice, his bangs on the door.
If only- if only- I had opened the door. If only I had looked back.  It feels as if I’m dreaming but its very much true
I hear footsteps but I’m no longer scared, everything I had- its snatched. But I still look and I feel my gut twisting at the sight of him.
What is he doing here?
“ how did you find me?” I stand, too quickly that I fall but he helps me get up, his wet hair brushing my forehead.
He wastes no time as he further says, “ I’m sorry”
At first, I’m urged to ask for what – but then I realise. Dad.
How did he know?
Nobody knows him- nobody has his number- could it be-
Why would he?
“ why are you here?” the words come out harsh, “ how do you know that my dad-“ I can’t bring myself to finish the sentence.
“ I can’t answer that “ he repeats and suddenly, all the warmth I had felt from him till now, is gone.
Vanished along the cold breeze.
I stumble back from him but he holds me. “ why?’
“ I can’t” is all he says.
And then it Is too much for me, that I faint onto the hard ground. Into the unconsciousness. Seeing nothing but drake infront of me, his honey eyes watching me.

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