Chapter 1

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Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange had seen a lot in his many years of being alive. He'd traveled forwards and backwards in time, fought a being that was larger than his entire home planet, traveled across the entire world looking for a mystic that would help him save his hands in a vain attempt to reclaim his former glory as a surgeon only to fail spectacularly and reemerge into society as what Tony Stark once called him and his dear friend Wong, a "wizard". But there was one thing that he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone. Not Wong, not the Avengers, and damn sure not you, his newest protege that he was fast becoming enamored with over the long months that he'd spent training you. This secret was something he knew he shouldn't be ashamed of but he couldn't help but be.

"Hey, doctor." You say as you walk over to him after rearranging the library for what felt like the thousandth time that week. "Oh yes hello (Y/N). Have you finished the library?" He asks in his usual crisp tone. You smile as you nod and reply, "Yes, doctor. Is there anything else I can do for you?" You ask politely as you chew on your bottom lip. That tiny little action amongst so many others is what has the doctor practically squirming on the spot as he says, "No, thank you, (Y/N). You've finished for now. Go return to your chambers for the night." You smile happily as you bow to him with your fist against the palm of your other hand beforing turning and skipping off towards your room. Stephen watches you go then groans and leans against the window sill as he massages his temples and mutters, "Why of all people does this have to have happened to me?! Maybe I can go back and fix this whole mess." He's scared almost out of his skin when Wong says from right behind him, "You know you can't go back to change anything." Stephen jumps almost a foot in the air before clutching his chest and saying, "Wong, if you ever do that again I swear on the powers that be that I can and will open a portal and allow Dormammu to swallow you whole." Wong simply chuckles at the look on his friends face before clapping him on the shoulder and saying, "Alright, old man. I promise not to sneak up on you again...this week."

Stephen growls and Wong roars with laughter as he walks off back to the library so he can do some more research leaving Stephen alone once again. Stephen quickly makes his way back to his chambers before putting protection wards on the entire room then laying down after stripping all his clothes off and masturbating to images of your face before finally passing out from exhaustion. The last thought that crosses his mind before he finally does drop off to sleep is that he prays no one finds out his deepest darkest secret. That he, Stephen Strange, is an Alpha.

Breakfast is always an awkward ordeal ever since he started having to take care of himself with your image and voice floating through his head. Today was no different as he walked in and almost tripped over his own feet when he saw that you were wearing a tank top and some simple shorts. Thankfully, the Cloak of Levitation kept him from falling and he was quite sure that if it had a mouth and face to go with it, the Cloak would be laughing it's non-existent ass off at him. "It's just clothes!" He growls at himself in his mind but his cock had already taken quite an interest as to what was going on and he mentally groans as he grabs a cup of coffee and a few bagels and rushes back to his study before you can say anything to him.

"We've gotten word from the other Sanctuaries that we need to start training (Y/N) in our ways. They feel she's ready to join our ranks." Wong says as he appears beside Stephen who almost spills coffee all over himself and glares at Wong and says, "I thought you promised not to scare me anymore this week?" Wong smirks completely unapologetic in his actions but still says, "Sorry. Didn't mean for that to happen." Stephen rolls his eyes then says, "How long do we have?" Wong thinks for a moment then says, "Two months." Stephen chokes on his coffee when he's given the time frame and the Cloak of Levitation immediately starts smacking him on the back until he coughs up a mouthful of hot coffee on the ancient priceless rug and he waves his hand to get it to stop then says, "Two MONTHS?! Are they fucking insane?! She's not going to be ready in that amount of time!"

Wong laughs and says, "I said the same thing about you but look at where you're at now," before turning and walking back towards the kitchen once they reach Stephen's study door. Stephen sighs and walks into his study and sits down and puts his head in his hands. It wasn't that you weren't going to be ready in two months. Hell, he could get you ready in a month and a half if he really wanted to but that wasn't what was really bothering him. In order to train you, he'd have to be hands-on and he knew beyond a shadow of any doubt that there was no way in any version of hell that he was ready for that.

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