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Juliet's POV

"She needs to go" I tell Calix as point to one of the strippers in my Las Vegas casino slash strip club who is busy with a customer who is clearly not interested in her. Although the man's back is to me I can still tell that he is not even the slightest bit interested. I am watching everything from my office on the second floor.

"Done" Calix says as he notes it down on his phone.

After my phone call with Gabriel yesterday I just threw myself into back-to-back work. I got to Vegas this morning to do the half-yearly check-up on my clubs and casinos. And so far, I have fired over eleven people and twelve including the stripper in the pink wig.

"By the way, that man has been sitting there for the last two hours" Calix says pointing at the same man who was not giving any fucks to the stripper from before.

"So? It means money for us" I shrug and grab my glass of scotch.

"Yeah, but it is weird that he is not even doing anything except have a glass of drink" Calix is now looking at the man like a hawk.

I too look at the man and then start analyzing him. He is of a very large built, the bulky type like my bouncers in the club, then he is wearing a black suit which isn't that different considering we harbor the elite asshole men but what stands out the most to me is his posture. He isn't like the typical slouched-down drunken men but rather a sturdy bison. His shoulders are firmed and it is very much clear that his body is fully active and alert.

"Let's greet our guest" I speak and finish my drink before walking downstairs. Calix is behind me when I reach downstairs and make my way to the mystery man. Everyone clears the way and I finally stand in front of the man.

The man stops and he looks at me. His eyes are very cold, something that I see almost every day in the men who work for me.

"Who do you work for?" I ask. The cold expression of the man finally breaks and he seems at least a little bit shocked. It is very clear that he works for someone strong and probably someone from the Mafia world. The man stands up and takes his hand out for me to shake.

I look down and the first thing I notice is the tattoo on his hand. It is something I am seeing for the first time ever in my life. I know every single mafia symbol by heart and the skull one on this man's hand is something I have never seen before.

"It is nice to meet you" the man says with a thick Russian accent. I just stare at him, forcing him to pull his hand back but it seems like he was expecting it. "I am here on behalf of my Boss" he says.

"And who might be your Boss" Calix asks and I could feel his fingers twitching to go for his gun.

"He is a man who is highly interested in your business" the man looks at me while completely ignoring Calix.

"There are many people interested in my business but none of them have the guts to send their man into my club and spy" I tell the man and slyly pull out my gun and put it right on his stomach. He still doesn't flinch. "And the ones who even think of trying get a bullet inside their body" I smirk.

"You can shoot me if you want" he replies in a monotone. "I didn't come here thinking that I would just get to talk to Donna of American mafia without shedding a single drop of blood".

I laugh loudly at his reply. This man is like the most loyal dog I have ever seen but I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued to know more.

"Now then if you know exactly what you are into then follow me to my office" I say while removing my gun and making my way to my office. Calix of course thoroughly checks the man for any weapons, he goes so far as to remove the silver tie pin. Apart from that he wasn't even carrying a gun. So fucking stupid of him.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now