𝟷𝟷. 𝙿𝙰𝚂𝚃-𝟷

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17-year-old Gabriel's POV

I sit in the backseat seat with Ezio by my side as the driver takes us to the Garcia estate. We landed in Spain just an hour ago. It was my mother's last wish before she died that I should the remaining of my time here before I finally take over the Italian mafia. My father was not in support of this idea because he wanted to me take part in his blood bath and be Lucifer that he created.

But, at the end of the day, he couldn't deny my mother her last wish and neither could I so here I am.

Shaking away these thoughts I look out of the window when we reach large black gates surrounded by guards. After security check, the car drives in the gravel road and stops in front of the mansion where a middle-aged man with jet black hair already waiting for us.

I get out of the car with Ezio behind me and the man in front of me smiles at me.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Gabriel...I am Alaric Garcia" he says and I am shocked to see he himself came to welcome me.

"Thank you for this warm welcome Mr. Garcia," Ezio says on my behalf and I maintain my cold expression.

"It is my pleasure son...your father and I go way back so you are like family" he exclaims looking at me and shaking Ezio's hand.

I am really surprised because I expected this man to be cold like my father but he is the total opposite of him and I cannot believe they are friends. The servants take out our luggage from the trunk of the car as Alaric walks us inside his mansion.

He walks us inside the large living room where I see a boy around the age of 13 standing there with the same black hair as Alaric.

"This is my son Diego" he says pointing toward the boy and I just nod at him.

My eyes fall on the girl sitting on the large sofa who seems to be around 16 looking at me intensely, like all the other girls I am used to. She is pretty and maybe she'll be a quick fuck who knows.

"This is my eldest daughter Charlotte" Alaric says pointing to the girl.

"Hello! It's so nice to meet you" she says excitedly but I just give her a curt nod.

"Where is Juliet?" Alaric asks looking at Diego.

"She must be in the stables" Diego shrugs.

"I told her we had guests coming but she has no manners...sorry for that" Charlotte says battling her eyes lashes at me.

"I must call her th-" Alaric says but gets cut off by another voice.

"I am here father" a sweet angelic voice says and I turn around to see the source.

It's like the world has stopped revolving or I just don't care anymore when I see her. Her beautiful doe-like brown eyes looking at me but unlike everyone else, her eyes are curious and happy. She looks like she is 13 years old. I cannot even begin to explain the foreign emotions surging inside of me, it's like she is offering me peace.

"This is Juliet my daughter...she and Diego are twins" Alaric says but my eyes still do not leave her.

"I was feeding the horses...sorry I am late" she says innocently walking towards Alaric but peeking glances at me.

"This is Gabriel Valentino and his friend Ezio...I told you about them" Alaric says looking at Juliet.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Valentino" Juliet says shyly.

"Please call me Gabriel" I say holding out my hand for her to shake.

Ezio looks at me with wide shocked eyes seeing my softness towards this angel in front of me. Ignoring him I focus my attention on the raven-haired angel in front of me who shakes my hand firmly.

"The butler will show you both to your rooms" Alaric announces as a butler comes in.

I walk out of there but not before taking another glance at the angel who is still staring at me.

"What was that about?" Ezio asks as we follow the butler.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I replied coldly.

"I am talking about you making googly eyes at the girl and YOU smiling" he whispers yell and I just roll my eyes.

"I don't know...she seems angelic" I whisper unknowingly smiling.

"It's the first time I have seen you smile and I can tell she will be good for you" Ezio says smiling at me.

Living here is not going to be bad, especially with that little angel around.


I wake up with a jolt because of another nightmare that I had. These nightmares are always the same, they are about when my father forced me to kill an innocent family when I was 10 years old. No matter how many times I have killed without mercy, their screams haunt me at night.

The door creaks open and I grab my gun from beneath the pillow pointing at the intruder. A small figure wearing a white set of nightdress walks in timidly and looks at my gun with wide eyes. I quickly put down the gun and take a deep breath.

"I-I am so-sorry...Y-you were sc-screaming so I thought th-that you w-were in pain" she stutters in embarrassment.

"It was just a nightmare" I tell her putting my gun away.

She looks at me with sad eyes and before I could say anything, she walks out of the room making me instantly miss her presence. I don't know what it is that I felt but I do know it is too pure for a sinister like me.

Before I could gather my thoughts, the door opens again and Juliet walks in but this time, she carries a small colorful blanket with her. I just watch her with curiosity and she climbs on the king-size bed, sitting beside me.

"You can have my blanky, it stops me from having nightmares and it will help you as well...I cannot give it to you because it is my mother's but I can share it with you" she says softly handing me the blanket.

"Where is your mother?" I ask taking the blanket from her. I was wondering maybe she was busy with some work but I did not even see her during dinner.

"She is in heaven" Juliet whispers slowly with a smile.

That is when for the first time in my life I felt such warmth from someone. For the first time someone is giving me something without expecting something in return...she has given me the most precious thing that she has.

"Now you can go to sleep and I will be here watching over you" she says tilting her head a little.

A foreign liquid started to flow down my eyes and my vision becomes blurry. Her small hand wipes away the liquid and I notice it was a lone tear. I have not cried since I was 10 and killed for the first time...I have cried today seeing so much love in her eyes.

I lay down on my bed as Juliet tucks me in her blanky over me and that is when for the first time I have slept for more than two hours without any nightmares.

She is my angel in disguise.

But I didn't know that I would become her devil in disguise.


Follow me on Instagram where I'll be uploading sneak peaks of the coming chapters

Instagram ID:- uni_cornisa14

Here's the first part of Gabriel's and Juliet's past.

More to come.




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