XXI) Marion- Bellisimo

Start from the beginning

My heart pounded faster and faster knowing that the clock was ticking on the wall. I could hear it and it was almost as if each second got louder. Almost half the men raised their hands at the same time. I checked each one with accuracy. Lieutenant Anderson raised his hand and I walked over there quietly. He sat in the very back where Nick sat yesterday. "Done." He snapped at me, but clearly was still trying to flirt. I checked his page over and tried to read through the terrible handwriting. The writing was nearly ineligible. After determining he had it all right I said, "great job and thank you for that." I took the paper, but then he clasped my wrist. "Marion, you're such a disappointment. Don't you even think of crying out to your little boyfriend over there. He's German too! He sucks and you do too." His grasp tightened clearly signaling the fact that he hates me. My wrist was throbbing and my head began to get nauseous. He saw the ring on my left middle finger. "What's this?" His voice was angry but quiet. "It's nothing." I denied but he knew the truth. "Fine, Lieutenant Anderson, Nick and I... Please just leave us alone. I don't know why you keep bothering me." I quietly begged. He loosened his grip and I was able to walk back up front. I slipped my hand in my pocket as I went to Nick and Officer Dixon. "That you all for doing that. "

I proceeded to stand up at the front and begin a last second phony, full of garbage lecture. "You all have something so wonderful and interesting to do. This is now the time where we take control of our flying careers." I felt like I was just rambling until my two hours were finally up. Nick stayed after and walked up to my desk. "Hey love." He said. I looked at the ground sheepishly. "I will take you to the party tonight. Would you come with me?" He asked very politely. "Yes I'd love to." I stood up and he walked a little closer. "Come on Marion, this could be the end. It's only for two hours and that's it. I know this is rough, but we can do this." His voice was calm and reassuring.

After escaping from Nick for a moment I decided to take a tour of the front of the base. I knew there was a female desk attendant who most likely had a dress for me to wear. I walked up to her to ask a question regarding formal wear. "Hi, I'm Marion and I'm wondering if you maybe have a dress I could wear tonight? I really love this pilot and it's our last little bit together." I tapped my foot against the desk in pure acts of nervousness. "Ahh, my name is Tilly." She spoke in a thick German accent. "You love him? This war has me down too. I'm losing my pilot tomorrow too. I've got a dress. I always bring a few extras. Here I think this one fits you." She took a black dress out of her drawer. It looked pretty tight, but I'll wear it. "Oh my gosh thank you. I'll return it later tonight." She looked at me with repulsion," nope you can keep it." I said thanks and left.

Nick and I ate lunch together and had a pleasant conversation about the sky and flying. It's both of our passions. Right before dinner I had to go back to my bunker and change. I let all the men in my unit use the restrooms while I walked to a distant restroom down the hall. I slipped my shirt off and pulled my pants off. I pulled out my extra pair of black shoes I brought in my duffel before I left the room. They were flat bottom shoes, but still comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time. I slipped the dress over my head and slipped my arms through the sleeves. The sleeves were capped and the dress' neck dipped down considerably far, but it was still somewhat modest. The bottom only traveled to my knees. It was tight in the bodice, but loose and flowing at the bottom. I combed my hair so it sat so perfectly on my shoulders. I did find a curling iron and decided to curl it to the best of my ability. It was pure fun spinning around in the awkward shaped mirror. I took my knee high socks off and placed my feet in the shoes. I put my favorite smelling lotion on my freshly shaven legs from earlier today. I moisturized my face and looked in the mirror. My phone got a text from Nick. He was just telling me where to go. Since I never wear makeup I didn't have to worry about that. I walked back to the barrack and put my old clothes in my duffel bag. I then shut the door and left.

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