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Liana's POV

I felt tired and exhausted. The lights coming through the curtains woke me up. The white painted wall of the hospital was what greeted me first. This made it feel so real that I am a mother again. I smiled at the thought and got up into a sitting position. My baby was lying peacefully in her cot. She looked like an angel: An angel sent to make me whole. I couldn't stop looking at her neither could I carry her. It's been five years since I had Junior, what if I break her when I carry her? She looks really fragile.

A yawn escaped my mouth and I felt the urge to pee. I stood up and went to the adjoining room which was the bathroom and relieved myself. When I got back, the door of my room was opened which insinuated that someone has entered. Everything was in its rightful place and my baby was still sleeping. So what did the person come to do? I double-checked my daughter before lying back down on the bed.

"Knock Knock!" A nurse voiced out and entered.

"Good, you are awake. How are you doing this morning?"

"I am fine, dear, better than I can be."

"That is great, considering the pain you went through to get this little angel out of you."

"She is worth the pain."

"Of course. You are one brave woman and I must say it was quite exciting to help you deliver. Your husband made it fun. I nearly laughed out of my skin when I saw how frightened he was. He nearly fainted."

"My husband?"

"Yes, Mr. Miller, he was holding your hand throughout. I noticed that seeing you in pain was so hard for him. It's good he experienced this, so he can appreciate you." I smiled just to be polite to her.

"Anyway, it's time to feed this little angel. Let me help you."

She carried my baby and positioned her in my arms in a way that will make it easy for me to feed her. I thought she was sleeping but immediately my left breast got close to her lips, she got hold of it and started sucking it. Once in a while, she will open her adorable eyes and close them. She looks exactly like her father. Junior might have taken a few features from me but this girl took everything from her father. From the shape of her eyes to her nose and lips. Even the shape of her face was that of her father's.

"Such a betrayal." I joked. This is not fair. I carried her for nine months, she should have at least taken a single feature of mine.

"That's a beautiful baby you have got there. And the calmest I have ever seen. Before I forget, your family is here, I made them wait at the reception so you can feed her."

"Okay, thank you."

Someone knocked and we both diverted our attention there.

"Sir, I thought I told you to wait at the reception. The patient is feeding her baby."

"I know but I can't wait to see my daughter and grandchild. Please understand me, I am over-excited."

"Don't worry Doreen, let him come."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. He is my dad."

"Okay. You got lucky this time." She winked and exited the room.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked mischievously.

"Oh, nothing. But why do I have a feeling that you like that nurse?"

"Come on darling, I am an old man in my late sixties, who would want me?"

"Doreen isn't young either. I believe she is over forty dad. And that's not a bad age for you."

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