Chapter Four

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Liana's POV

I stared wildly at the doctor,  trying to understand what he just said. My mind ceased working immediately he told me that I am pregnant.

"You mean I am going to have a baby?" I asked again, still in doubt that I have a life within me.

"Yes dear, you are two weeks pregnant."

"Oh okay"  I zoned out contemplating on whether this is good news or a bad one. Will Pharrell be happy about this?

Of course he would. He wants to marry me someday so I am sure he would be happy that we are having a baby.

"Are you okay Ms. Jones?"  the doctor asked anxiously

A smile broke on my face, feeling excited to share this with Pharrell but at the same time anxious about what his reaction would be.

"I am just great doctor. Thank you."

"That's nice, I thought you would explode, but this is unexpected. Normally girls your age cry their hearts out immediately they find out they are pregnant and tend to want abortion right away."

"I get you, doctor, I am just happy about this and I know my partner will be trilled as well."

"Well, congratulations Miss Jones and good luck."

"Thank you doctor."

"Here, this is a prescription for some vitamins and medications that can help with the nausea and the headaches. I will also advice you to schedule an appointment with the OBGN. They would be able to explain more about pregnancies  and what you should expect during this time."

"I will doctor. I am sure my fiancé will do that."

I thanked the doctor again before exiting his office.

I walked to Gladys, who sat at the reception patiently, waiting for me.

"So?"  she asked eagerly

"So what?"  I pretended not to know what she meant.

"Don't play dumb with me. What did the doctor say is wrong with you?"

"Guess it dear."

I know she hates guessing, but it is my way of pulling her legs.

"You have HIV?"

"Hell no!"


"No! stop mentioning those horrible diseases."

"But you said I should guess knowing very well I hate that shit."

"I know I told you to guess but why guess those horrible deadly diseases. Would I be joking with you if I am down with HIV or cholera?"  I uttered rolling my eyes.

"I am sorry for guessing that duh. Now tell me what it is or you want me to guess some more?"

"No, there is no need for that."

"I am pregnant!"

"Huh?"  she asked, her eyes growing like saucers

"I am having a baby with Pharrell."

"Woah Girl you have tied this dude down for good."

" Yep. There is no way for an escape now. He is now mine and mine alone."

"That's my girl. Very wise."

"I guess I am. But I didn't get pregnant on purpose. I think the heavens are on my side."

"I want to thank you girl for bringing me here. This shows how much you care about me."

"I would do anything for you Lia. You have done unimaginable stuff for me in the past so nothing prevents me from doing the same for you. Let me take you home. You need to rest. I don't want you to put stress on my niece or nephew."

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