Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Objection my Lord, there must be something wrong!" Liana's lawyer called out. The smile on her face was long gone as she couldn't comprehend what was going on. Was the judge referring to another Junior or her own? She thought. Heath was also surprised. Liana lost the baby several months before she became pregnant with Junior so how can this be possible? How can he not be his son?. These were the questions troubling his mind. This was when he realised he had underestimated this case. He has always thought that they will win the case yet here they are being told that his son belongs to another man, his sworn enemy for that matter.

"Sustained, do you have anything to say Mr. Whiteman?"

"Yes your honour." His answer was short and bold.

"Go ahead."

"There must be a mistake with the DNA test. Per what we heard in the first hearing, my client Mrs. Miller was pregnant with Mr. Smith's son six years ago. According to her narrative, she lost the baby due to domestic violence she endured from Mr. Smith. Now, Junior is four years old, which means that he can't be his son. If my client had the baby, the child would be five and not four, so in normal circumstances, there shouldn't have been a DNA test. But she accepted to do the test because she knew that the child is not Mr. Smith's and the DNA test she received confirmed it. So how then is it positive now?

"Do you have proof of what you are saying?"

"Yes, I do your honour." He walked back to Liana and asked for her copy of the DNA test.

"Here, enclosed in this envelope is the DNA test conducted by my client's doctor." He handed the envelope to the judge who scanned through. It was indeed verified by a doctor, so was Pharrell's. Now he didn't know which was telling the truth.

"What is going on here? Do you intend to waste our time?" He bellowed, looking from Liana to Pharrell. "How can the same test give two different results?"

"Exactly your honour. That can not be, so it means someone is lying." Attorney Whiteman said.

"Objection my Lord!" Mark yelled.


"Thank you, your honour. Please consider this error and let us conduct the test again. I am sure this time, the result will be accurate." Whitemen suggested and winked at Mark who initially thought they have won the case. His face had turned pale and beads of sweat were starting to appear on his forehead. Pharrell was not in a better position either. He was sitting at the edge of his seat, inaudibly cursing Whiteman.

"Request granted. Attornies, I want you to submit samples from your clients. I want to have them tomorrow. The court will conduct its own test since you adults can't carry out a simple task." He spoke as though he was disappointed in both parties and adjourned the case to a week.


"Thank you so much, Felix, I almost died in there," Liana said with a bit of hope in her eyes.

"It's my pleasure. I hate injustice and trust me, I will make sure the right thing is done. Please take her home and let her relax. The shock back in there was too much for her." He told Heath and left them because he has another hearing that he has to rush to.

"Let's go home." Heath who has been silent all these while placed his left arm around her neck and walked with her to their car. He was assuring her that everything will be fine and that no one can take their son away from them.

Pharrell's POV.

I hate that man! damn, I was so close to making my dreams come true. "What makes you think you can get away with it this easily?" My conscience chose this time to taunt me.

"Let's go man!" Mark called out. He tapped my shoulders angering me the more. I shook his hand off and walked away from him.

"Hey relax, I know you are pissed. I am too. Whiteman meddles in everything."

I ignored him and walked to the car park. That is when I saw my wife, getting out of her car.

"Oh no! Damn it!" I murmured.

"Hey baby, I am so sorry that I am late. I hope the case is about to start." She screeched.

I rolled my eyes at her foolishness. "There is no need, it is over." I walked briskly past her, leaving her with Mark. I got into my car and sped away. Mark was yelling for me to wait for him but I didn't care. He can walk for all I care. He is the reason we are in this situation. He could have said something to stop the judge from asking for a second test yet he didn't. I guess my lawyer is not the best after all. I didn't know where I was going. Home was the last thing on my mind right now. There was only one place I can go when I am feeling this way. There, I can drown myself in alcohol which will make me forget all my problems.

Annie's POV

Where is he? Why isn't he here yet? He told me he will be coming back in an hour. I sighed. Probably he might have forgotten about me. I was startled when the loud sound of my ringing tone filled the room. I ran to get my phone, which was lying comfortably on my bed. I was in such a hurry that I nearly tripped. I was only in that hurry because I thought he was the one calling but it only turned out to be my mum.

"Hello mum?" I answered, a little disappointed.

"Hi babe, how are you?"

"I am fine and you?"

"I am good. I only called to check up on you. How is work and why haven't I seen you in a long time?"

I bit my lips, searching my mind for the best excuse.

"I am sorry mum, I wanted to come there but work has been busy. You know I have to save money for next semester."

"You know you don't have to work. Why are you bothering yourself? I can take care of you. My work is paying well now and I have been promoted. Please quit this job and come home."

I kept quiet for a few seconds. This made her ask whether I was still on the line.

"Yes Mum, I am here."

"I want you to come home by Monday. You do not have to work. All I want is for you to focus on college. I am not comfortable with you being a nanny to some boy. Come home."

"No mum. No, I won't. I can't!. I don't want to! There is something I have to do here. I am sorry,"

Please guys, kindly follow my FB page @Author Jules Lamptey and my Instagram page@ jules_lamptey. Hope you are all good. Thank you.

NB: Very soon Married will be coming to an end and there will be a new story, so kindly look forward to it. Thank you

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