Chapter Forty

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Heath's POV

"Daddy!" my son ran to me, engulfing his tinny hands around my waist. I wrapped my huge ones around him, finding comfort in him. Since his mother has been gone it's just him and me.

"Welcome, sir!"  yeah and of course Annie, who has been nothing but caring, playing the role of a mother to junior for the four days that my wife has been away.

"How are you, Annie?"

"I am good but you don't look so good. Are you alright?" She asked with so much concern in her eyes.

"Yeah, I am fine. Very stressed but I am good. I only need my rest. I am going to my room. Please take care of Junior."  I sighed, releasing a full force of air that I have been holding on to. Today has been a hectic day and on top of that, someone decided to send me a threat in the form of a letter. You couldn't imagine how pissed of I got when I read the letter and realized who sent it.

"But sir, you have to have your meal. Should I bring it to your room?"

"Hmm, I am not hungry dea....."

"Just try and eat a little. You go, I will warm it and bring it to you."

"Do I have a choice?. Whatever you say, boss. I am tired." I murmured then with much effort I trudged to my room. I have had close to twelve meetings. Three about the clubs and the rest about the mall and our shares with Pharrell's company. We have new partners who are interested to invest in the mall and they proposed a good deal but I can not make any decision without Liana and that is what I told them. So until my wife gets back, we do not have any deal.

I allowed myself to fall onto the bed. The relief that came out of that was incredible. In no time, I slip into a deep sleep where I might probably be snoring but I had no idea.

"Daddy no, I do not want to leave. Please don't let me go. Daddy!"  I heard my son's wailing voice as a man I could not recognize was dragging him away.

"Junior! Junior! Hey leave my son." I shouted and tried to move to where they were but it seemed like something was holding me in place, preventing me from moving.
"Hey, you are hurting him, let him go or I will kill you!"

"Hold your breath dear friend. I told you right? I told you I will take my son away from you and that bitch you call your wife. Now he is mine and I do not want any of you around him."

"Leave the boy out of this coward.  I will kill you for hurting him." I snarled.

"Yeah yeah, you are just a barking dog, Heath. Watch me as I walk away with my son." He laughed out loud and had an evil smirk on his face. I watched as he snapped his fingers to gesture to the guy holding my son to take him away.

"Daddy! Daddy!Daddy!"

"Junior! Junior! Jun........."

"Sir! Sir! wake up, it's a dream wake up."

I felt someone shaking me. It took a while to calm down and for my eyes to flutter open.

"Sir, are you okay? You are sweating so much". Annie asked holding my towel in her hands. I stared at it for a while wondering how she got it yet I did not ask any question. What was on my mind was far serious than a towel. She intended to clean the cluster of sweats with it but I objected, took it from her, and cleaned it myself.

"Where is Junior?"

"He is in his room. I just put him to bed. I brought your meal."

"Okay leave it there I will eat later."

"But sir it's late. Please try and eat a little.  I won't leave until you are well."

Third Person POV

She stood outside her childhood home, contemplating whether to go in or not. She has not seen her adoptive father for a long while and in a way she was mad at him. Mr. Gonzalez knows that her husband and her are struggling with their business and instead of helping them, he gave them an ultimatum to have a child.  She thought things over for about five minutes before she decided to go inside. Who knows, she might be able to change his mind this time. She had heard from her father's help that he ain't well which to her is good news. If he dies, everything will be their's since her sister Kira is dead. But knowing the old man, he can decide to give everything to charity and that was what she feared. She placed a knock on the door and moved a little further from it waiting for someone to open it. It took a few seconds for it to be answered.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Smith. You came. Please come inside." Her father's help Simona jabbered, moving from the way to allow her to enter.

"Where is he?"

She asked in a way that suggested she was not happy to be there and that she was somehow forced.

"He is in his room. Like I told you over the phone, he has not been eating well and has refused to get out of his room. His health is deteriorating and when the doctor checked him he said he is becoming weaker and any stress will send him to his grave."

"Okay, I am going to see him now. Give us some privacy." She narrowed her eyes at the help who she knows is inquisitive. She then walked across the room to her father's room, the sound of her six-inch heel and her well-known perfume announcing her presence.

"If not my prodigal daughter who else?" The old man who looked frail in bed spoke without even looking at who entered.

"Dad, I'm not prodigal."

"Oh really? When was the last time your feet stepped into this house?"

"That is not important. What is important at this moment is your health. I understand you have refused to take your medication and you have decided to stay the rest of your days in this room." She said trying to act like she cared but she failed miserably.

"Oh dear daughter, I thought this will make you happy. I am old and about to die. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"How can you say that dad? Do you think I am that wicked? Dad it's me Carmine, your favorite daughter."

"I know, but ever since you married that man I don't know who you are anymore. You became selfish and greedy and it saddens me because that is not how I raised you."

What are you talking about? I am the same person you always knew. I have not changed. She was trying her best not to be irritated. At this moment, she was only enduring his presence. She wished she could finish him off right there and now. But that will go against her. She had come to convince him to will everything to her and not to charity. He had earlier threatened to give whatever he owns to the children's home and the government and so if dies now, she might not get anything.

"I know whatever you do Carmine. Just because I close my eyes to you and your husband's deeds don't mean I'm blind."

"I don't know what you are talking about but I am leaving. I thought you will be happy to see me. Now I know I was wrong to come here. You are such an ungrateful father." She insulted, took her purse which she had earlier on placed on the bedside table, and walked to the door, sending hateful glares at the man who had taken her from the orphanage, sheltered, fed, and educated her.

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