Chapter Fifty-Four

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She did not know when sleep got hold of her but she did know when she woke up and what woke her up. When her eyes opened in the morning, it was still dark, giving her a fair idea of what time it was. She was still sleepy but she couldn't ignore the faint noise she was hearing in her room. She slightly got up and looked over to Heath's side of the bed hoping to see him resting peacefully, yet, he was not there.She got on her feet and walked towards the door. That was when she spotted him sitting on the couch in the dark.

"Hi, why are you up so early beautiful?" He asked when he saw her standing by the door.

"Nothing," she simply said and moved closer to him. He had a golden short gun in his hand with its case opened on the table. Her eyes were fixed on the gun in his hands and immediately, questions started piling up in her head. He had bought this gun on one of their trips to California and hadn't seen him using it before. Though his field of work is sometimes dangerous, she had never known her husband to be violent and the way he was cleaning the gun made her think that something is at stake.

"There are some mafias who want to cause havoc in the club, I need this to protect myself." He said, answering her unasked questions. She only shook her head and walked back to bed. The next time she woke up, he was nowhere to be seen and the sun has made its way into her room.

Pharrell's POV

I called her for the third fucking time, yet the bitch was not picking up. I tried the last time and luckily she picked up.

"Hey, what got you so occupied? I hope you are doing your fucking job?. I do not have any time to spare." I cursed when she said hello.

"S-sorry sir, I was a little busy."

"I don't care. When I call, I expect you to answer instantly. This should be the last time this happens!"

"Yes sir!"

"I hope you are doing what I paid you to do? I have no much time to waste."

"Yes sir, I am on it. Very soon everything will be fine." Her voice sounded like someone who was scared and she breathed loudly, showing that she is intimidated by me. That is a good thing. I grinned.

"Good, I want it done before the end of this week."

"But sir I...."

"No buts, I have given you a lot of time. I am growing impatient now. It's either I get the results or I get my money and when that happens, I will kill you!" I made sure that she heard the anger in my voice.

"Okay, expect the results very soon. I have better plans. She said enthusiastically. I could swear i heard her giggle and that confused me. For someone i just threatened, that was not the reaction I expected.

I cut the call before she can say anything again. It was almost 9:30 am and I haven't heard from Mark. After pondering over what happened at the court yesterday, I came to the realization that I overreacted and treated him badly. I called him this morning and thankfully he picked up. I thought he wouldn't and trust me, I would have lost my sanity if he hadn't because when I called him, I was having a very bad hangover and in that state, I know I have zero tolerance.

"Okay, I will meet you there at 9:00," I recalled his words before the line went dead.

He said nine, so why isn't he here yet? Or has he changed his mind? What if that bitch, together with that traitor, have paid him to work for them and he has decided to take their offer.

Obviously, they are now richer than I am but I promise that very soon, I will take back everything that belongs to me. Starting with her son. Whether he is mine or not, she was supposed to have my child and so Junior is my son. I don't fucking care about what DNA says.

"Damn these tastes do good." I moaned, sipping the last drop of the white wine. I then reached out for its bottle and examined the name on it. It is a French wine a friend brought along to a dinner I invited him to. When I win the case, this is definitely the wine I will be celebrating with. Hence, I made a mental note to get a couple of bottles.

"Hey sorry I am late, bad traffic." Mark entered my office panting as if someone was running after him.

"I thought you changed your mind about coming here."

"Why will you think I will do that? you treated me badly but this is business. You are my client and whatever that happens, I need to stand firm and fight with you."

"Okay, so what did you want us to talk about?" I questioned with a puzzled look.

"I did my research and I have found who we are looking for. He is a very credible doctor. He is a great dude but very strict and accurate. It will be very hard to convince him."

"We will see about that. Whoever he is can't say no to me."

Liana's POV

"Hello, Simona, I can't hear what you are saying. I want you to relax and speak to me." I said, referring to the snuffling sounds she was making on the phone.

"What is it Simona? Why are you crying?"

"Ma-m-ma'am its Mr. Gonzalez, the ambulance has come for him."

"What! Why, what happened to him, Hope he is alive? Simona stop crying and answer me!"

"I-I-dont know. I went to his room this evening with his dinner but I met him shaking profusely..."

"Oh no, which hospital are they taking him, I am coming there."

She mentioned the name of the hospital and I wasted no time in setting off. I have already closed from work but there were a few things I needed to address so I was staying overtime. Well until she called me.

On my way out, I called Alex.

"Alex, Alex!" I called out, out of breath.

"Alex I need a huge favor from you. Please can you meet me at the Mount Sinai hospital? Mr. Gonzalez has been admitted there. Simona said his condition has worsened."

"Okay thank you so much. I will be looking forward to seeing you there." I ended the call and then called my husband to inform him that I will be a little late since I don't know how long I will be spending

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