Chapter Five

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Liana's POV

"The guts of that lunatic.  Are you still crying?"

I cleaned up the tears pretending not to be crying.

"Who? Pharrell?"

"Who else? That fool has no shame. Can you imagine he left your things at the cafeteria and you are here foolishly shedding tears for him still not believing he did this to you?"

"I was not crying and yes Pharrell can't do this to me. I refuse to believe it because I know him very well."

"Stop being stupid and naïve Lia, why isn't he here when you need him the most! Why isn't he?

"I don't know! maybe something important came up."

"What is so important that he couldn't tell you. It's been three days and he hasn't called yet. And you sit here and tell me that you know him well? Stop being ridiculous and accept it. He is gone and it's like he just used you for his pleasure!" Gladys shouted out the painful truth I have been dreading to hear since this whole drama started. It is painful to realize the truth so I prefer living in denial that Pharrell can not do this to me.

"Enough Gladys! please stop, please please stop."  I sobbed, my minding trying to absorb the truth.

"Why should I? I won't stop saying the truth until you come out of this foolishness. Look at you, you look miserable and weak. You have refused to eat and you don't even listen to my pleas to. Have you forgotten that you have a life within you?. Listen very well, I will not forgive you if anything happens to this child."

"I don't know what to do more so, I don't know if I still want this child. Pharrell was my rock and Everything and now he is gone. What do you expect me to do?"

"I want you to fight. Fight for this child, fight for your dignity. Don't make that jerk win by being miserable. He wants to break you and if you accept that you are broken then he had won. Please Lia, think about this baby and forget about that good-for-nothing man. I know you and I know you can do it."

"Let me go and get you something to eat whiles you go and take your bath. Stop crying, I assure you that he will pay for this."

I nodded making my way to the bathroom. I lazily stripped off my dirty and sweat-filled dress before stepping under the shower. The water was cold, the way I wanted it, to get me refreshed. With each drop, I got a renewed strength so by the end of my bathing session I have summoned enough strength that can even win the third world war.

It was only when I started thinking about things that the truth sank in. It was like I have tasted a bitter pill that I wanted to spew out but I have no choice than to swallow. Everything made sense now. The fake promises, the gifts, the sweet words. Did Pharrell really play me for a fool? It was still hard to think that he did. Well, there is only one way to find out.

I have to go to the united states of America to find him. But how? I barely know anything about him. All I know is his name and that he lives in the USA. Unless I ask help from Caroline which is the last thing on my mind now. I dried myself making my way to the bedroom I now share with Gladys.

"Lia! Lia! Lia come see something." Gladys called from the living room

"What is it?"

"Just come and see. There is a certain Pharrell on the TV, come see whether it's him."

I rushed out of the room into the living room in record time to see a bold writing that made me disappointed.

"Damn! Gladys this is Pharrell Williams the American musician. The one who sang Happy  remember?"

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