Chapter Nine

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"Boss you are hurting me."

She cried out as Heath's hold on her was very tight to the point that his fingers were imprinted at her wrist. His anger was all he could focus on and didn't realize he was hurting the same person he was protecting. It wasn't until they were in his office that he released her.

"Why are you wearing that?"

He shouted causing her to flinch. His tone was filled with rage.

"Martina gave it to me."

"And you wore it? or maybe you wore it to seduce them. Are you always this naive?!"

His voice was no where down. He hadn't intended to raise his tone but what she was wearing was making him mad and to see another man grabbing her like how the dude did made him crazier.

She shivered, forcing to hold in her tears but that only made her burst out.

"I am sorry Liana, it's just that this place is too dangerous for girls like you. Who would have known what would have happened if I hadn't come there and you wearing that is making me crazy."


She snapped her head up making Heath realize what he just said.

"Hmm, I said you wearing that only put you in harms way and I don't like that. Tomorrow at 10am I will take you to get new and decent dresses. Now get back into what you came here with and take the rest of the hours off."

"But boss I just started. It been less than thirty minutes."

"I know, but this has not happened to you before and due to that you are frightened. I should have warned you."

"I am fine boss, I am not frightened."

"No you are not. I can see it Liana. Now just go and rest. I will see you tomorrow at ten."

She realized there was nothing she could say to make him change his mind so she went to to changing room to change into the clothes she came in with then left for the night. When she got home, Velma was still by the TV watching a reality show but her head was buried in a file she held.

"You are back early, are you alright?"

Velma questioned in her Spanish accent, raising her head from the papers.

"Yeah everything is fine. Just closed early today."

She told her a half truth not wanting to tell her exactly what happened. Velma would have said 'I told you so' if she had.

When she first told Velma about the job, she had warned her that the club is quite a dangerous place for her to be and made sure to make her understand the dangers involved but as naïve and stubborn as she was, she didn't listen. Even so now, she had made up her mind that she will never quit despite what happened today.

"Then I guess you are going straight to bed?"

"Yeah if you don't mind."

"I don't. But you will have to tell me how your first day went tomorrow."

"It was not eventful, but I hope tomorrow will be better then I will have something to tell you."

"Okay dear, goodnight and sound sleep"


Velma entered the room, when after she knocked there was no reply. She was worried but she calmed down when she saw Liana soundly asleep on her comfy double bed.

"Eww she scared me with that silence"

She said beneath her breathe putting her hand over her chest. She turned to leave, deciding to speak with her when she wakes up.

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