Chapter Thirty - Eight

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Liana's POV

I unexpectedly spent two more days in Spain, staying indoors, recalling all our memories. Within these two days, I slept on her bed, sniffed her clothes and hugged her pillow to stay connected to her. Memories were the only thing that is left of our friendship and I planned on not letting go of them.

"Lia I am going to pull off the dick of that selfish jerk and make him dickless!" She bawled, her eyes were screaming anger and if she could magically disappear and appear in texas, she would have killed Pharrell.

"Calm down, we will surely have our revenge on him. I will make sure of that."I advised. It has been a month I left the hospital with Heath. He advised it was better no one knows I am alive and to do that I have to leave Texas and go somewhere far. We finally settled on Spain. I reasoned that since that's where I am originally from it will be a safe idea to seek refuge here. Also, I longed to see my best friend and to tell her all that have happened to me.

"How can you tell me to calm down? He tried to kill you for God's sake! Or are you still in love with him?" She asked with accusing stares.

"Hell no!. How can I continue loving the devil? I so longed to cut his head off and feed it to the dogs but he is not worth going to jail for. I will make sure he pays for my pain and the death of my baby but in my own way." I spoke with fury. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to suffer this way. Was it wrong to love someone?

"I am so glad you are okay. I don't know what I would have done if that devil succeeded in his plans. I guess I have to meet this Heath and thank him for what he did for you."

"I am hungry, don't you have any food here?" I whined, wanting to change the subject.

"You didn't inform me before coming. I would have fixed a feast for you. There are some leftovers of turkey I roasted yesterday. I can cook some potatoes for you."

"Aww, you are such a darling but don't worry. Have you eaten? Let's order takeout, I have some cash on me." I said and I watched her face light up. We have always wanted to at least enjoy some good food from a restaurant but we couldn't afford it so she was delighted when I suggested it.

"Really? You want us to order food outside. Like from a restaurant?"

I nodded. "Yes dear, from a good restaurant. Now tell me, what do you feel like eating?"

"Pizza!" She blurted out causing me to laugh. I knew she would say that.

"What is funny? I have never tried that thing before and is it crazy that I am craving for something I have never tasted before?"

"No, not at all. I am only laughing because you are acting like a kid who has just been given a Christmas gift."

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes at me. I stood up from my couch and moved to where she was sitting. I held her hand and pulled her from the chair and gently pulled her to follow me to her room.

"What is it Lia. I thought we are talking about food, why are we in my room?"

"I have a better idea, get dressed."

"Oh no, where are we going?"

"No question, just get dressed."

"'Huh'!" She huffed, but followed my order and proceeded to dress up. The dress she chose was not in the best condition, neither was it shabby. I remembered this dress so well. It is her best dress and she calls it her lucky dress.

Amazingly, being with Gladys made me forget about my problems, and for once in a long time, I genuinely smiled. I was tired from the flight and I haven't had any rest since we spent the entire morning talking about  Pharrell and everything I went through in the united states therefore I was grateful that I could at least smile and release some stress.

"I am done now tell me where we are going."

She turned to face me. I fought to hide my laughter as her blue eyes widely stared at me.

"Now I am confused. What is funny? Do I look funny?"

"Wow Gladys, you are the first woman I know that can do her make-up this quickly"  We have been in her room for less than ten minutes and she has the funniest make-up done with her eyebrow drawn like she is Dracula. Also, her foundation color was nowhere near her complexion.

"Ermm Glad, I don't think you need all this makeup. You are naturally beautiful." It hurt me when I think about the reason behind her putting on makeup. She once told me her girlfriend left her because she said she is not attractive and can not even do her makeup.

"You do not need to change for anyone dear."

I fetched her towel, dampened it with water, and used that to gently wipe the color off her face. Within seconds, her face was back to the beautiful one she was born with. We were distracted when a knock sounded on her door.

"Finish up, let me go and see who is there." I offered and left to check who our guest is. I opened the door and was greeted by a pleasant pair of green eyes that belonged to a handsome blond.

"Holla, I am Julio,  is Gladys home?" He asked in a sweet manner that made me like him instantly.

"Yeah-yeah, she is, come in-come in." It took me a while to say.

"Who is there Lia?!" Gladys called out from her room.

"A guy called Julio." Almost immediately, she got out of her room.

"Hey Julio, H-how are you?" I raised my left brow in amusement at her stuttering. Gladys never stutters. That must mean she likes this guy and the blush on her cheeks confirmed it.

"I am fine and you?" He had all his attention on her and I can say they forgot I was there. So I cleared my throat to make myself visible.

"Oh Julio this is my best friend Liana, she is from the United States. Lia, this is Julio, my friend."

"Oh great your friend!" I said to which we all laughed.

"So what brings you here?"

"Ermm, I-I-I -I got an off day today and I was wondering if you want to go out with me. Maybe to the park?" He asked shyly.

"I would have loved to but Lia and I were just about heading out when you came."

"Oh it's no problem Julio, you can join us. If that's okay with you." I offered. Glad had an unreadable expression on her face and I winked at her, knowing that deep within her, she loves the idea of him coming with us.

"Sure sure. Only if it's okay with Gladys."

"I am sure it's okay with her. Gladys, are you done?"

"Yeah, let's go." She walked out as if she was pissed and we followed her, with me locking the doors.

"Oh, you brought a car?" I asked Julio surprised that he even has one. This gave me the idea that there are a lot of things I do not know about this guy. He looks like an average guy who could be earning an average salary and not much that can afford him a car and a Benz too in that case.

"Yeah, that's my ride."

"Damn, that looks hot," I said weirdly. I didn't know how else to react.

"Ladies, be my ride."

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