An innocent family. A family who did nothing wrong but stand up for their beliefs, stood up for one of my closest friends.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I grabbed my hair in fists.

I was filled with so much guilt and pain that I couldn't bring myself to go into society, I wanted to sit in the room of requirement forever and die.

I want to rip the dark mark off my arm, I wanted to kill my devil self, I wanted to kill myself.

I wanted to die, but I couldn't leave my father.

At this point I was shaking so hard I couldn't stay sitting it up, I didn't realize I was now curled into a ball on the ground as I screamed and cried.

I couldn't tell if I just felt so incredibly guilty or if dark magic was officially taking over me but my chest was on fire and my heart was beating a million times per second.

Is this what dark magic feels like when you aren't in devil form?


I heard Draco's thoughts in my mind. The screaming was probably hurting his brain.

I didn't give him anything to answer him as I just sat there hugging my legs to my chest.

I rolled up my jacket sleeve and started scratching the dark mark so hard I was breaking skin.

"Get off!" I yelled towards my arm in despair as tears stained my cheeks.

I was scratching so hard my arm was starting to create a pool of blood.

"Get off! Get off! Get off!" I screamed and thrashed.

"Gemini?" Draco's voice spoke quietly but this time it was in person.

Draco Malfoy's POV

"So you admitted you love her?" Blaise asked as we sat in our room.

"Yes Blaise." I spoke quietly as I read a textbook.

"Thank god, I was tired of seeing you so fucking depressed." Blaise joked.

I laughed quietly. "Shut up."

"How is she dealing with ya know?" Blaise asked quietly.

The mark.

"She's doing bet-fuck! Ow!" I yelled as I gripped my head in pain.

She was screaming.

"Are you good?" Blaise asked with a worried tone.

"It's Gem." I said as I tried to suppress the screams.


Come on love, answer me.

She didn't say anything but I had a feeling I knew exactly where she was.

"I've gotta go." I said to Blaise as I rushed out of the room and stared running to the room of requirement.

I barged in there quickly and found her in a corner surrounded by blood as she screamed as she scratched her arm so aggressively.

"Get off! Get off! Get off!" She screamed.

"Gemini?" I asked as I slowly took a step towards her.

She didn't reply as she kept going at the mark and kept screaming.

"Hey hey baby." I said calmly as I sat down next to her and grabbed the arm she was scratching with.

"Get it off!" She screamed in pain.

"Gem, calm down." I said quietly.

I went through this, the same thing when I found out I had to kill Dumbledore.

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