"Yes! I'll do anything! I'll even sacrifice Atsushi to the Gods if necessary!" He said pointing towards the poor tigey boy that looked horrified.

I stopped typing on my laptop, I let out a long sigh and turned at him. His face inches away from mine, I grabbed him from his bolo tie and pulled him near me, so my mouth was near his ear.

"I want you to tell me why you left the Mafia, no made up story, no half assed truth. I want you to be real with me. If you try to lie I will notice and I will cut your fingers one by one and never speak to you again" I whispered in his ear. I was smirking, fully knowing he would tell me, he had promised me this before so he has no excuse.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away. He was not happy I could tell. He had a fake small smile on his lips but his eyes were dark and his body language was tense. I was looking at him with an innocent smile, looking like a spoiled brat that had asked her parents for a new doll after breaking the one she already had.

"Fine. you want it, you got it, pretty eyes" He said softly and went back to his desk.

"You guys need to stop that kind of behavior in the office, this is a work environment" kunikida said looking shocked.

"Yeah be weird in the commodity of your own home but not here please" Atsushi added looking flustered by the interaction of his fake parents.


I heard a knock on my door. I knew he was going to come so I mentilized myself, I got the hello kitty cups out and got everything under control.

"Since when do you knock?" I asked him while opening the door. There he was looking...different. His hair was brushed, one strand of hair tucked behind his ear. He wasn't wearing his normal trench coat, or vest, and khaki color pants. He was wearing a beige color jumper, navy blue collar coming out of it, untucked shirt, and black pants. The only familiar thing were the bandages wrapped around his body.

"I just came to pick you up, you ready?" I was confused, and I'm sure he saw it on my face cause he just gave me smirk.

"No I am not ready, you didn't tell me we were going out, what is going on. Don't try to get yourself out of the deal we have" I told him squinting my eyes, he just laughed, and grabbed my hand pulling me out of the apartment.

We were walking through the city, we were not really talking, just small chat and casual remarks, the air between us was kind of shy, I looked at him from the corner of my eye once in a while and he did the same. I looked at the stores and the people, I noticed the stolen glances of others, we standed out because one, I am a foreigner, two, Dazai is handsome, the turning heads type of face, he was tall and walks like he knows he is attractive.

It was making me self conscious. Not that I think I am horrible looking, I am pretty average, in both looks and body complexion, I would even be considered a little chubby in asian beauty standards, not that that matters, I am healthy and that's what matters, but oh the stares. Looking at Dazai then at me, and then a face. I know it shouldnt mean nothing and these are just my insecurities getting the best of me but I felt small.

I kept my gaze on my shoes, black DrMartens. Converse are too frail for the type of job we do so I switched, it took a while breaking this bitches in but they were finally comfortable. I know I am rambling because I am nervous.

Then I felt him search for my hand, he took it and intertwined our fingers. I looked up to him, with a confused stare, but he just acted like he didn't notice my eyes glancing at his.

"What are we doing Osamu?" I asked him in a defeated tone. I am getting irritated.

"We are on a date of course! And don't worry we are almost to the place I want to take you!" he said in a cheerful tone, and I felt my ears get hot. This man always does what he wants.

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