You kick off your shoes and socks before dressing into something lighter to wear, a comfortable, slightly oversized white tank top and silky Nike shorts. Might as well get comfortable right?

You were now done unpacking and you decided to make your way downstairs to see if Mark needed your help at all. You left your phone upstairs, not wanting to be rude on the first day of staying there, as you usually read on your phone or scroll your favorite social media sites as you ate. You make your way down the spiral stairs and across the room to the kitchen.

Mark was stirring the cooking noodles for a few seconds before moving on to the boiling pan of hot dogs, they must've been frozen. You noticed he has also changed into pajama pants that had the letter 'M' on them with a pink mustache in the middle of it. You shook your head and smiled.

"You need any help?" You ask. Mark jumps and turns to look at you. You chuckle slightly, "Scare easily?" You raise a brow.

Mark chuckles, "No, I just didn't hear you coming down." He watches you lean up against the counter. "No, It's almost done, thank you though."

Mark soon turns the stove off and you move away from the sink as he goes to drain the noodles, you walk over to the stove and poked a fork in one of the hot dogs, seeing that its tender and done, you turn the dial off and picked it up just as Mark finished draining the noodles.

"Here," you say, holding the hotdog pan in one hand and reaching for the noodles. "I'll take the noodles."

Mark hurries and takes the hot dogs before handing you the pan with the noodles. You walk back over to the stove and placed the pan back on it. You see the packets on the counter and reached for them, you rip the top off the packets and poor the powdered cheese into the pan before going to the fridge to grab some milk and butter, which you easily found.

You poured a little milk into the pan, just to get the powdered cheese a little milky and put a third of the butter block into the pan just to give the noddles the nice buttery taste. You grabbed the spoon Mark used to stir the noodles with and stirred the ingredients.

Mark walks back beside you, setting the pan of hot dogs back on the stove off of the burner and move away to grab plates. Once he came back he placed to plates down and put two hot dogs on each plate before putting the left overs in a bowl he also grabbed.

"You weren't supposed to take over," Mark gives you a look, but doesn't seem mad, he seems slightly grateful.

"You looked like you were struggling and you were about to over cook the noodles and the hotdogs." You gave him a pointed look. "Besides, I am always willing to help make food."

Mark smiles at you and points to the hotdogs. "Two okay?" He asks. You nod and hand him the spoon to the noodles. "Here, you serve yourself while I wash my hands." You hum, moving away to the sink and quickly started to wash your hands.

Mark hesitates for a second before brushing off his actions and waited for you to finish washing your hands so you can serve first.

You dried your hands off on to the nearby towel and walk back over to the food and Mark. "I told you to serve yourself." You frown at him.

"Ladies first, remember? Plus I am a pig when it comes to Mac 'n' Cheese. So... you serve and take as much as you want, I made two boxes..." He hands you the spoon back with a slight smirk as you roll your eyes and groan.

You serve yourself a pretty good size helping before giving him back the spoon and leaning up against the counter as you watch him serving himself the same size. "You're odd." You comment randomly.

Mark looks up at you over his glasses, "Why thank you, best compliment in the world." He grins. Walking over to the sink to wash his hands. Before walking back beside his food. "You're... odd too." He hums, grabbing a soda from his fridge before holding up a coke. "Want one?" You nod as he hands you the can and grabs himself a Pepsi before leaving to go to the living room. "I don't have a table so we can eat on the couch." He states.

You grab your plate and follow him into the living room before sitting a little ways from the man. "Typical thing for a man to do." You smirk, setting you sofa down on the table before picking up one of your hot dogs and biting into it. Mark chuckles but doesn't comment as he starts eating his food.

About an hour later, when you've both finished eating and you both started watching the show called 'Impractical Jokers'... You couldn't help but feel very calm and collected.

"Which one is your favorite?" Mark asks, sipping his Pepsi he has been nursing off of.

You point at the man you like when he comes on screen. "Sal! Sal is funny and can't dance. Which makes him an idiot and idiots make me laugh." You say, "You?" You ask.

"I like Joe." Mark comments, hushing quickly as Joe was telling Sal what to do. "Murray is weird looking."

"So is Q." You point out.

By now you and Mark were on your fourth episode of Impractical Jokers when Mark got up and took the plates to the kitchen and rinsed them off. You stretched and groaned softly as your back popped, wishing it would've done that earlier.

"Hey, I'm going to head up to take a shower, do as you please." Mark points to the stairs before tossing you the remote to the TV.

You easily catch it as you nodded at him. Mark waves slightly and heads up the spiral staircase and into his room. You sigh as the last episode of Impractical Jokers just went off, and now you were bored, you turned the TV off. You felt the need to play your Xbox, which made you quickly stand up and head up the stairs.

You knock on Mark's door, just now remembering that you needed the password to his wifi. Mark opens the door, "Yes?" You notice his glasses were off, then mentally slapped yourself because he just told you no longer than two minutes ago he was going to take a shower.

You pointed you finger to your room. "Do you think you can uh, help me with the wifi? I don't have the password and I meant to ask you earlier..." You trailed off, biting your lower lip.

"Oh! Yes!" Mark smiles as he walks to your room with you. "The password is kinda easy and I can write it on a piece of paper for you." He offers, slipping out of your room and soon comes back with a piece of paper and pen. "Here, MarkiMoo25." He hands you the paper.

You giggle slightly. "Markimoo?" You raise your eyebrow at him. "Uh.."

Mark gives you a look, his cheeks tinting a light pink. "Everyone has nicknamed me Markimoo. Don't judge." He says with a smile. "Night, I'll see you tomorrow." He waves before slipping out of your room once more.

You giggle again before you put in the wifi password, putting the paper away in a safe place, which was under your Xbox and out of sight, and quickly chose your favorite game before climbing in bed, leaving the lights off and only your Xbox and TV on.

Before you knew it, it was already two-a.m. and you were already dozing with the controller in your hand and whatever monster you were fighting killed you and sent you to the game over screen, then you were out like a light.

Til 6AM (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now