Chapter 46

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Felix's POV

Felix looked at the calendar on his wall. Huh, it's been three weeks already. Somehow, it felt both like he had come in this house yesterday and like it's been three years since he stepped a foot outside. It felt like his life, the way he knew it, was only just a dream he had had in the middle of the night. Felt like Hyunjin was one, too. It would make sense, in a way, for Felix wouldn't have been as lucky as to be with someone so perfect, so beautiful, as Hyunjin had been.

He would sometimes try convincing himself that Hyunjin was never real, that it was all just a product of his imagination. Sometimes it felt like it was the only way for him to survive. But then, the man's voice and ringing giggles would play like a broken radio in the back of his mind and it would be so real, the memories of the sound so close, so clear, in their evil attempt to show Felix that he had actually had that, before it was all taken away from him in a snap.

He tried to shake the thoughts away, to ignore the numbness in his chest and go back to finishing the assignment he was working on in his room. He sighed into the empty walls and re-focused on the numbers in front of him.

However, suddenly, in the otherwise always eerie and quiet house, he heard a shout, then another and another. Felix's head snapped up towards the door, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to hear what was going on but apart from his father's loud and terrifying yelling, he couldn't pick anything apart, couldn't hear the words the man was saying. His heart increased its beats in fear for the person who was a victim of Minjun's rage.

Felix put everything to the side as he got up from his desk slowly, tip-toeing and pushing the knob of the door down, before carefully opening it, allowing for the sounds to hit him clearer, the shouting travelling to each part of the house and making even the walls tremble.

'I told you to get the fuck out, who do you think you are, stepping into /my house/', Minjun raged and the purple-haired gulped as he started walking down the hallways, trying his best to not make any noise as he reached the top of the stairs and peeked from behind the wall, hand resting on the greyness of it and the cold seeping into Felix's skin from the surface.

He peeked, his eyes immediately zeroing on the two forms standing in front of the entrance door and Felix felt his body freezing as his heart stopped.

'No, I'm not going anywhere', the other voice said calmly while Felix gasped, a quivering palm covering his hand as his eyes widened and everything around him spun. He tried to hold onto the wall but his clammy fingers slipped down it and his body moved on its own accord, almost robotically, he appeared from behind the wall and took slow steps down the staircase, not realising when the tears had started falling down his face as his heart was beating louder in his ears than Minjun's shouting.

'You fucking wench, I will fucking-', Felix couldn't hear the rest, couldn't hear a thing as the other person turned their head towards him and his eyes locked with another pair of brown ones that widened impossibly once they caught sight of Felix.

He couldn't stop the sob that escaped his mouth and the sound caught Minjun's attention, his father snapping his head towards the purple-haired and screaming at him to go away, to go back to his room, spilling threats at him that went past his ears like a sharp cold breeze during late November.

Everything sounded like static as he couldn't take his eyes away from the lock they had on other teary ones and when he saw the first tear falling down their face, Felix had to grab onto the rail of the staircase, his legs unable to hold him up without an extra support.

'Felix, didn't you hear me? I said go to your goddamn room-', his dad kept going but the shorter man only felt his lower lip wobbling as he tried to blink the tears away, to see the person in front of him better.

Darling, let me teach you a lesson. (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now