Chapter 11

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Hyunjin walked into the dorm, still feeling dazed from the events which had occurred that day. He couldn't take the words Felix had told him off his mind, they replayed over and over in his head like a broken record, never failing to steal the breath out of him.

'Hey, Hyun, everything okay?', Jisung's voice startled the brunette who looked up only to find his roommate sprawled on the bed and studying Hyunjin's face.

'Um', he cleared his throat. 'Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed, a lot happened today', Jisung frowned in concern at that but Hyunjin waved it off quickly.

'Nothing to worry about, let's focus on you and Sam for now', Jisung still seemed hesitant while watching the way Hyunjin nibbled his lips but still nodded as he straightened himself up in a sitting position and made space for Hyunjin on his bed.

'He called you /what/?!', Han jumped off the bed with a yell after Hyunjin told him about what had happened with his boyfriend earlier.

'Yeah... that's kinda what got him a punch on the jaw', the brunette scratched the back of his neck nervously, 'from.. Felix', he looked away from Jisung, ignoring the surprised raised eyebrow aimed at him.

But his friend didn't make any further comments about it, instead he grabbed the phone which was thrown aside on the bed and dialled someone's number which had Hyunjin giving him a confused look, mouthing the words 'What are you doing?', but Jisung only shook his head at that and closed his eyes before a muffled voice could be heard from the speakers.

Hyunjin couldn't make out what the person on the other side was saying but Jisung listened in silence for a while, before saying a simple.

'I'm at the dorm, come right now to try and explain yourself or don't show your face to me ever again', and with the words, Jisung ended the call, burying his face into his hands and crouching with a groan.

'Fuck, fuck, what happened with him', the man wailed and Hyunjin immediately moved to his friend, enveloping him in a tight hug.

'Hey, it's okay Jisung-ah, just breathe, I'm with you, yeah?', the brunette murmured softly in the shorter man's ear and leaned his forehead on the side of his face.

'It'll be fine', he added lastly and Jisung only nodded before he returned the hug, squeezing his friend tightly and accepting the comforting warmth.

'You don't need to stay right now though, I don't want him to say anything more hurtful to you', Han said but Hyunjin only shook his head.

'I'm not going anywhere, I'm a strong boy and have heard way worse anyway, what's important right now is you', Hyunjin patted Jisung's back who let out another choked up noise at the words.

'You're way too selfless, Hyun, what am I gonna do with you?', the boy said but a loud knock interrupted the two of them whose heads snapped towards the sound.

The shorter man took a deep breath in and with a comforting squeeze from Hyunjin, he gathered the courage to get up and walk over the room to open the door.


Sam looked way calmer now, turning a complete 180 with the way he tried to make himself small and looked down in shame as he sat on the corner of the bed while Hyunjin and Jisung watched him after having put distance between them.

'I'm-', the blonde whispered as he dug his nails in the skin of his arms nervously, 'I'm sorry for everything Jisung-ah, I know that I acted like a total prick', Sam added but his boyfriend only puffed and rolled his eyes at that.

'Do you think a 'sorry' is gonna cut it and make me run back into your arms after all of that?', Jisung's voice raised slightly with each word and Hyunjin placed a comforting palm over the man's fisted hands.

Darling, let me teach you a lesson. (Hyunlix)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt