Chapter 35

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Felix took his time to go above and beyond with giving Hyunjin the perfect after-care. The TA grabbed a warm wet towel from the bathroom to run it over the brunette's hole and sensitive thighs that had lube and cum painting them.

He led him to the shower and made sure to set the perfect temperature before pulling Hyunjin under the water streaks. Then the man washed the brunette's hair, massaging the other's scalp and emitting soft sighs from the taller one at the feeling. He took Hyunjin's blue body poof and applied shower gel onto it before using it to clean every patch of the brunette's skin.

Hyunjin was particularly melting and nearly half-asleep on his feet by the time Felix washed down the soap from his body while he was pressing light kisses over wet skin and burying his nose in dripping hair that smelled of vanilla.

The TA was the one to blow-dry the taller's hair this time around, taking his time to run his fingers through Hyunjin's dark locks until the dampness disappeared and left only softness behind it. Felix had slid on a blue long shirt over the brunette's body and apologetically grabbed a clear pair of boxers from one of the drawers for himself and another pair of panties for Hyunjin who had smiled at the choice, the two bows on both sides of his hips sitting prettily over his skin and making the TA leave a single adoring soft kiss under each of the bows.

Felix did a quick job at changing Hyunjin's sheets, asking the brunette to sit down on the chair next to his desk in the meantime and to let him put clean bedding on his own while Hyunjin was sipping on the herbal tea the TA had prepared for him.

Once they slipped underneath the blankets that smelled of aromatic fabric softener, Felix pulled the brunette close to his chest as he pressed a kiss after kiss on the brunette's lips and cheeks, giving special attention to the mole under Hyunjin's eye each time and making the taller giggle quietly at the fluttering feathery feeling of lips brushing over his skin.

They got lost in sleepy hushed conversations and gentle touches, got lost in the warmth that surrounded them and reddened the skin on their cheeks. And before Hyunjin could realise it, his relaxed body and mind finally pulled him into deep slumber in the middle of a smile that threatened to stretch on his face from Felix's mellow words.

And for the first time in days, no nightmares chased him, his dreams too busy being coloured purple.


What woke him up was the feeling of sun rays seeping between his closed blinds and melting over his skin and the feeling of a pair of lips leaving soft kisses on his shoulder as two hands held the brunette's waist tight and kept his back pressed to warm chest.

Hyunjin smiled sleepily and let out a soft sigh of relief and content, one of his hands moving to cup Felix's that rested over his own tummy.

'Good morning, sunshine', a husky deep voice rang next to his ear, making butterflies flutter in Hyunjin's stomach.

'Mm, mornin', Lixie', Hyunjin murmured and felt the hands around his waist tighten as they pulled him closer. He twisted his head as much as possible, just enough to watch as Felix's hooded sleepy eyes blinked slowly and looked at him with so much warmth behind them that it nearly took the breath out of Hyunjin's half-awake self.

They smiled at each other softly before the brunette pressed a closed-mouthed kiss to the TA's lips, cautious of his morning breath at first but throwing away all care about it a moment after, because once Felix wrapped his lips over Hyunjin's bottom one before moving to the upper and sucked softly on it, the only thing that mattered was to feel the purple-haired's mouth over his own better.

And they kissed lazily, tongues soon finding each other and pushing in their mouths, curling together with the taste of their early morning as Hyunjin's hand squeezed around Felix's and he pushed his hips back, feeling the TA's morning wood pressing between his cheeks and letting out a soft pleased noise at that.

Darling, let me teach you a lesson. (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now