Chapter 12

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It was only after Sam left that Jisung broke down into tears as well. Hyunjin held his friend and murmured comforting words to him as he embraced him. After his eyes had dried, they called Minho to tell him what had happened and the older man barged into their room an hour later with take-away from Jisung's favourite place and just smiled, announcing that they'll be binging Marvel movies all night.

And binging they did, Hyunjin couldn't think of a better way to spend his Saturday night as the three of them cuddled on the bed together, the movies playing from the brunette's laptop as Jisung remained squished between the two taller men and sniffled quietly from time to time.

Sunday wasn't that much different, Minho stayed with them throughout the entire day, telling the two boys with a shy smile about Chan who had shyly kissed him under the stars the night of the party and had texted him the next day, frantically apologising and thinking that he's made Minho uncomfortable.

The dancer told them that he had only responded with a 'you better kiss me again next time we see each other'. Hearing that, Jisung and Hyunjin howled at Minho's bravery and pushed him around teasingly as the blue-haired man reddened like a tomato.

In turn, Hyunjin told the other two about everything that had happened with Felix the past two days, from the tension between them to the words exchanged. Jisung and Minho listened attentively and stayed quiet for several minutes after the brunette finished telling them everything until Han let out a:

'I think that if anyone can make him open up truly, it's you Hyunjin', at that, the taller man's eyes widened.

'However, even if you're strong, make sure that you don't hurt yourself in the process, okay?', Hyunjin laughed at that but Jisung's expression remained still.

'He's right, Hyunjin-ah', Minho added, 'I don't want his unpredictability and that push and pull to make you suffer more than you need to', Hyunjin gulped, thinking about the words for a bit before he cleared his throat and smiled at his friends.

'It'll be okay', he said confidently with a nod. Jisung and Minho still seemed slightly hesitant but eventually they smiled back and ruffled Hyunjin's brown locks.


Monday came along a bit too fast for Hyunjin's liking. Even though, after everything that had happened the last seven days, he could hardly believe that it was only his second week in university.

'I didn't prepare for a single class, this is already a disaster', Jisung whined and Hyunjin groaned loudly as he threw his head back, being in the same boat as his roommate.

They managed to get away with it, more or less, remaining quiet in the back of each classroom with heads buried in their handout sheets. However, with the next class being their Business seminar with Felix, Hyunjin nervously nibbled his lip, not wanting to disappoint the TA with his lack of preparation for today. Him and Jisung hadn't even done the basic exercises that they were given out as homework. Shit.

His suggestion to just skip the class got him nothing more than a whisk on the head by Jisung though, so with a long exhale, Hyunjin made his way into the classroom alongside his friend. Felix was already there, focused on fixing some papers on the desk, his glasses hanging low on the bridge of his nose and the white shirt he was wearing, looking way too good over Felix's pale skin and it didn't help the brunette's racing heart upon the sight.

The TA looked up accidentally then and his eyes caught Hyunjin's. Both men's eyes widened as they looked at each other and the taller man felt the butterflies in his stomach again, especially when Felix's Adam Apple bobbed after his eyes travelled down, taking in the /purple/ skirt Hyunjin was sporting.

Darling, let me teach you a lesson. (Hyunlix)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora