"Do I need to call your mom?" Florence threatened with a notorious english accent, more as a joke.

"Don't you dare calling her..." Y/N huffed, putting her healthy arm up in surrender. Florence let out a laugh, taking the broken skateboard from the teenager's hand and then both started walking to the oldest's trailer.

"Clearly, you are not 'fine'. But whatever, how did you managed to get this injured...?" Florence asked.

"I was skating, and silly me crashed against a trailer... Nothing new..." Y/N shrugged, earning a nod in response. It wasn't a surprise the teenager was known for the crew for being clumsy.

"And why didn't you use any protection, Y/N?"

"I didn't have any. I thought nothing serious would happen if I didn't use. Guess I was wrong." The teen chuckled, signaling her eyebrow. She froze on her place when she heard the faint voice of Scarlett on the distance.

"Something is always happening with you. If I were you, I'd bring a first aid kit wherever I went." Florence suggested with a laugh, causing one as well from the teen.

"There you are, sweetie... I was looking for you..." Scarlett approached her daughter and Florence, with a smile.

Before Y/N had a chance to respond, Scarlett let out a loud gasp when she saw the blood on Y/N's face, arm and shirt. "What happened to you? Is that real blood on your shirt?" 

"Yes?" Y/N shrugged, regretting her decision as soon as a sharp pain ran through her injured arm.

"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question." Scarlett raised her voice in a worried tone. Taking a few steps closer to her daughter to inspect the injuries.

"Woah, mom, chill out. I'm fine... I think your over-..." Y/N shut up inmediately when she noticed the
angry glare on her mother's eyes.

"Look at the hour. I-I have to go... Have fun at the doctor and let me know how it goes, Y/N, and if you want to hang out later..." Florence mumbled awkwardly, before walking away from the scolding the teenager was about to had. Y/N groaned when Scarlett touched her face, staining her fingers with a little blood.

"Okay, that's definitely deep. We're going to get it check, and I don't want to hear another peep out of you." Scarlett treatened with a frown, walking now to her car with Y/N following her behind.

The ride was long and silent enough to let Scarlett calm herself down, while Y/N thought about all the posible excuses she could to the question of how she was injured? During the short visit to the ER, Y/N got her eyebrow stitched up and had to get a cast for her broken forearm, and now the duo was on their way back to the set.

"So mom... I know you said no ice cream earlier, but it's getting hot and..." Y/N started but was cut for Scarlett arching her eyebrow. A clear signal for the teenager that she wasn't in the mood for talking.

The ride remained quiet for some more minutes, until Scarlett let out a long sigh and her voice echoed through the car.  

"So... will you finally tell me how did you get injured? Because I don't believe that lie you pulled earlier." Scarlett chuckled sarcastically, already knowing the truth because a quick call with Florence. 

Y/N now remained silent, focused more on her now broken phone as she scrolled through social media, making Scarlett groan. "When I ask you something, I expect a response in exchange. That's how conversation usually works, you know?"

"So you want to talk now, huh?" Y/N sassed. Scarlett snatched the phone from her hands to keep it in her jeans. "Hey, what was that for?"

"Okay, drop the attitute. And tell me what did you do to get this injured?" Scarlett rolled her eyes, stopping at a red light.

"I already told you, I fell while walking. It's no big deal." 

"No big deal? You joking, right?" Scarlett scoffed. "You have blood even in your shirt. You are stitched up and have a broken arm. No big deal, seriously?"

"All I am saying is, it could've been a lot worse."

"Yeah, like you're not riding that skateboard without any protection like I repeatedly told you not to do for the last few weeks, right?" Scarlett asked ironically, making the teen bit her lip. "Because that could've not only cost you several scraps but a broken bone.... oh wait..."

"You know?" Y/N's breath hinched in surprise. "How? Who told you?"

"Despite the fact you are a terrible liar, Florence told me how she found you..."

"Great, Flo. Snitches end up in ditches." Y/N mumbled, loud enough, planning already on how to get revenge on Florence for snitching up on her. 

"Don't even think about it." Scarlett threatened, glancing at her daughter before the light turned green and she moved again. "I know you're going to spend a lot more of time on set, because I'm not letting you all by yourself at home, but please use this time wisely, not to only rest, but to meditate on your actions, sweetie."

"Please, just say you're mad and yell at me like any other mother would..." Y/N sighed, already used to the soft scoldings Scarlett gave her.

"I am not mad with you, just dissapointed on the choice you made, which got you hurt." Scarlett took one of her hands from the steering wheel to place it on top the teenager's hand. 

"Being dissapointed is worse, way worse..." Y/N groaned.

"I know you were trying to have some fun, but please always think about your actions and its consecuences. I'm only looking for both our best interests here, Y/N."

"I know, thank you, mom... I will, as soon as I repair my skateboard..."

"Yeah, but first rest, then we can see about it... Now, are you still up for ice-cream?" Scarlett asked, making the teen giggle and nod.

Weeks later, Y/N's arm and eyebrow finally healed, and now it was time for the prank she had been prepared for Florence.

Mother/daughter one shots: EO, WM, SJ, NRWhere stories live. Discover now