Old scars and soft touches (Epilogue)

Start from the beginning

"With a loud, insufferable bunch of kids, making us go crazy." Jin suddenly added into the conversation with a wide grin, while picking up an empty pan from the large table, then turning around and walking into the kitchen with a wink and a hum.

"Argh!" You groaned and pressed out a shaky laugh. "You are right! I don't know why this haunts me so much. I seem to be the only one, going back there from time to time. Even the others don't speak of this anymore." You shook your head and started your first attempt to stand up from the colorful wooden chair. But the huge belly you currently rocked was in the way, as always, and you fell back to the seat with another groan.

"Ah, little. No. Let me help you, okay?" Your husband hooked his strong arms under your shoulders and gave you a hearty pull, almost shooting you up on your feet.

"Ahhh! Joonie!" Now you couldn't help but giggle. The bad memories crawled back into the depths of your mind and left you with a giddy feeling of happiness. Especially since your husband didn't let you go, after his most likely very intentional move. He wrapped his thick arms around your belly and gently pulled you to his back, swiping your long blonde hair to the side and peppering your neck with hot kisses.

"No. You stay here, wife. Let me love you a bit, okay?" His voice was dripping with amusement and you felt his fast heartbeat in your back. He was so obvious in love with you, even after 10 years together. You didn't know how you deserved this luck. "I...." His voice got quieter, his hands caressing over your bump. "I know why you are the one, going back to this dark time."

"Hm?" You only managed to answer, your mind already infused by your man's burning touches.

"You almost lost everything, Y/N. Him. Us. And..." He sighed, his warm breath ghosting over your skin. "...and even Hana and Ha-Joon, if it wasn't for Jin's quick thinking. And it took such great strength, to not give up on us. Even if we did so ourselves.... even when you were badly injured too. A-and even ..." His voice broke and you could hear the remorse in it. You knew, what was about to come. "...even if I was the one accountable for it. It ... it was my fault."

"No, Joon. It wa- -" You tried to intervene, but the tall man behind you was quicker.

"It wasn't my fault?" His voice was steady and calm. "Yes, it was, little. I was the one working night after night, getting almost no sleep and then thinking I could handle everything. Stupid. But I came to terms with that." His hand caressed over your bump, his lips whispering quickly over your sensitive skin, making you shiver. "I forgave myself. Learned to love myself again. Learned to trust myself again. To let it go and focus on the future. Our family. Our love. Our..."


Namjoons passionate little speech was suddenly interrupted by a quiet voice, coming from the entrance area and the stairs. Both of your eyes lifted and spotted the little figure with the light blue nightgown, patterned with little ducks and flowers.

"Hana..." You instantly smiled, seeing your slightly drowsy daughter rub her eyes and yawn cutely while approaching you with her bare feet, patting over the wooden floor. "What is it, sweety? Didn't Tae sing you to sleep, baby?"

The little girl with the long, dark hair and the very prominent dimples shook her head, just before reaching the both of you, throwing her little hands around your belly and cuddling into the bump carefully.

"Hm...uncle Tae...he..." She mumbled sleepily, her voice getting thinner by the moment.

"Hm, did he fall asleep again before you did, nae byeol? And now you cant sleep with uncle snoring loudly?" Namjoon mumbled amused, while slowly backing off and kneeling in front of the dark-haired girl. She only answered something inaudible, pressing her little head further into you while nodding. He reached out and softly caressed her head, combing through her long, silky strands and looking at her lovingly.

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