Chapter 52: the kidnap victim

Start from the beginning

Eventually we reached a larger warehouse, with rusty walls that used to be what I assumed was a bright red, now faded into a musty orange, or having the paint peeled away revealing the rusty walls underneath. The only light coming from the building was from the windows up near the roof of the building, but they were covered in grime and not much light got through.

Dream pushed back a door, and it opened with a loud squeak which made my ears hurt, but his hand was still firmly on mine so I couldn’t pull away to cover them. He stepped into the warehouse and my eyes immediately widened.

Firstly, this wasn’t a warehouse like the place where Dream, Skeppy, Sapnap, (and I guess you could say myself) were living. It didn’t have hallways and a bunch of rooms all converted into bedrooms and offices and meeting rooms. This looked like a standard warehouse. Concrete flooring, not much warmth and insolation, dim lights hanging from the ceiling.

Most of the place was bare, besides some empty shelves in the far corner and some chains hanging down from the roof. I was certain that one of the three criminals had used those chains at least once to capture and torture a victim of theirs.

There was one corner that wasn’t bare. It had a small kitchen set up in the back: a fridge, a sink, and a microwave, alongside some cupboards and drawers. There was also a table with four chairs and a couple of bunk beds.

But what caught my attention most was in the middle of the room, a cage. Inside the cage wasn’t much either, an empty workbench and a bed. But someone was on that bed, and my eyes widened when I stepped closer and saw who it was.

It was one of Karl’s friends from work, a physicist by the name of Foolish. He was still wearing the lab coat he wore during the day, but there was one of Dream’s henchmen in the room with him checking all of his pockets and removing all of his jewellery.

“I’m assuming it went well then.” Dream hummed to the henchman who turned to look at his boss before giving a nod.
“We managed to take him easily sir, nobody has seen us and the cameras were wiped the second we left.” The henchman explained.

“Good. I didn’t think Sapnap could handle it,” the blond continued. “Where is he anyway? I thought he was going to be here.”
“Sapnap came by earlier, sir. He was carrying an unconscious brunette, possibly another hook-up.” The henchman told us as he grabbed the tray he had put Foolish’s stuff on.

Dream muttered the word ‘typical’, as the henchman carried the tray of stuff out and took it over to the kitchen set up, before hiding it on top of some cupboards above the sink. “Round up the first watch on him then,” the blond had raised his voice, and the henchman nodded before running off to do as he was asked.

The blond’s hand was still holding mine, and as both of us watched the unconscious man silently he caressed it softly with his thumb. After a few minutes of this, Foolish shifted in his sleep, before his eyes slowly began to open and I immediately ducked behind Dream, acting like a scared child.
1648 words

Soon there will also be a vote for the next story. Here are the three options (not voting today just for you to look)

1. Werewolf AU (mainly DNF + Karlnap)

George is a 17 year old who moves to a relatively small town in the middle of nowhere with his family. Although he can't help but notice how strange all the people in this new town act, especially the son of the town mayor.

The only thing that kept George sane was his online best (and currently only) friend Karl, and the thought of him coming to visit for a week.

However while all of this seemed weird, George can't help but find the overly friendly animals, especially a wolf that seems to like to hang around his backyard.

It is not omegaverse

2. Mermaid AU (DNF & Karlnap)

Dream and Sapnap sign up to be helpers on a two month long Scientific expedition. They had both figured it would be to do with dolphins and were surprised when instead it has to do with a pair of male mermaids.

They were often asked to help with keeping track of the mermen and end up getting close to them. As the bond grows between the human's and the mermen, they begin learning about the plans for the mermen when they return to dry land.

3. Our modern day prince (Dreamnotnap)

George is an aspiring inventor who decides to build the impossible... a time machine. However due to issues he gets trapped in the past in a kingdom that is destroyed in modern times.

While he is trying to find away back to the present time, King Dream and his knight Sir Sapnap are on the search for a fabled magic user while the kingdom is at risk of war.

Will George choose to find his way back to his own time? Or will he stay in the past to try and find a way to keep the kingdom from being destroyed?

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