Chapter 64

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Shanya's POV

Sunday 3:30 PM

"Alex, I need to see Leah, I will not put up with this shit for another minute," I state as he walks into the bedroom.

"I can't force her to come here Baby," he responds, and I get upset.

"Well, I'll go and see her," I tell him as I walk into the closet and start looking for something to wear.

"Nya, no, the password has been changed at her request, you know this, and you need to be in bed," he says but I don't give a fuck, I pull a black loose knee-length dress over my head.

I take up my hairbrush and brush my hair then quickly catch it up in a high bun. It's easy because I don't have in any extensions, I miss going to the hairdresser. I put my feet into black flat sandals that I don't have to strap up before walking out of the closet.

"The house is mine, do I need to send an email requesting the password for my own place? Your mother said I have thirty minutes each day and I would like to use my thirty minutes to go see my best friend," I state and take up my phone to call Blake.

"I'll take you," he says and kisses his teeth angrily.

"Thank you, come help me down the stairs," I smile at him but he cuts his eyes at me before lifting me and taking me outside to the car.

He doesn't speak to me the entire ride to the house and I know he's upset but I honestly don't care. We get to the house and he puts in the code to open the gate. I make sure to see what the code is because there's no way they're keeping me away.

We drive into the yard that has two Holt Systems guards on the lookout. Wilson walks out of the house to greet us.

"Shan, you get let out," he comments, and I laugh but my husband doesn't crack a smile.

"I love you," I say and kiss his cheeks, he sighs and visibly relaxes.

"I need to go fix this thing with Omar, I'm giving you two hours, don't overdo it or else you're never leaving the house again," he says and nods to Wilson who helps me from the car. I'm surprised when he lifts me and walks with me into the house. I swear they all feel like I can't walk anymore.

"Shanny! What are you doing here?" Leah shouts from the top of the stairs and Wilson puts me to stand.

"Help me up, please," I beg Wilson who quickly brings me up the stairs.

He puts me to stand at the top and I tell him thanks and watch as he heads downstairs before I turn to face Leah.

"You don't get to leave me behind, what you did was very cruel knowing that I can't come to see you! You don't get to treat me like that! You don't get to break your promise! You don't get to leave me ever!" I exclaim and start crying. She hugs me and leads me into the bedroom. She helps me up on the bed and lays beside me.

"I didn't leave you, you're the only person I've spoken to outside of school, therapy and the guards," she says and I roll my eyes as I dry them.

"You take forever to answer my messages, you ignore my calls and you only text to find out if I'm alive," I explain making her sigh.

"Shan I'm trying to figure things out and I needed space to think. If I'm honest I felt hurt that you didn't tell me, just as how I feel about Jubba," she explains.

"I understand but please know that I didn't tell you because I was keeping a secret but because I felt it was Uncle's place to tell you. Yes, there are certain things that Alex will share with me that I can't discuss but this wasn't one of them," I try to make her understand.

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