Chapter 41

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Jubba's POV

Wednesday 11:00 PM

We've been sitting in the waiting room for over three hours eager for an update on Shan. Alex is sleeping in one of the operating rooms with Wilson guarding him. Leah has calmed down somewhat but that's only because the doctors gave her something, she's in the room resting now.

We are all happy that Shan is alive but she's not out of the danger zone yet and the baby is in an even worse state than she is. Tricia has been giving us updates but we haven't heard from her for over two hours and I am worried that something has gone wrong.

Tricia finally walks into the waiting room, and I jump to my feet. She walks over to us, and the seconds feel like years.

"Sorry I took so long guys, but she had another seizure lowering the baby's heart rate. We are trying our best not to give her any anti-epileptic medicine because it can cause birth defects but if it continues, we will have to administer the one with the least side effects even though she's having non-epileptic seizures," she calmly explains but her eyes show that she's worried.

"What's causing the recurring seizures, Sis?" Dane asks and she steps closer to us and lowers her voice.

"Bro, I've never seen anything like this before, whatever substance poisoned her is deadly, it almost stopped her heart, when she got here she was close to dying. Her being pregnant combined with the poison is putting pressure on her heart causing the seizures," she answers.

"So, she was definitely poisoned?" Ethan questions and she nods.

"Yes, an electrocardiogram and toxicology were done, results point to her being poisoned. We don't know by what, but we think she absorbed it through her skin, there's a dark mark, looking kind of burnt in her right palm," She responds but this sounds suspicious.

"Why is she still having the seizures if she's being treated for the poisoning?" Omar enquires and Tricia sighs and steps closer to us.

"There's still a large amount of poison in her system, Aunty is a medical magician because honestly Shan and the baby shouldn't be alive right now. She was able to identify what was wrong and act quickly successfully reversing the effects somewhat. If she had waited on the blood tests Shan would've died.

The thing is the poisoning is so bad that the regular antidotes aren't working as fast as we would like. Anthony is delivering something from Aunty's lab that she's going to use and flush out Shan's system. I trust that it will work because this is Aunty but we may lose the baby," she states.

"When I saw her she was fine, I don't understand how or when this happened," I start pacing the floor.

"I don't know where or how but I think the nausea medication, the fact that she showered and was outside slowed down the effects so maybe that is why she seemed ok," she says and I nod.

"How is she doing though?" Kim finally stops crying to ask.

"She's not breathing properly on her own so she's on a ventilator, but she'll recover if the treatment works. The baby I'm not so sure about, they're monitoring it and Aunty is doing everything she can to save it. It's a fighter though because I've seen babies die from less stressful situations," she reports and my heart that started settling back in its place breaks at the news of the baby.

"How's Nerd?" Omar questions.

"He's still sleeping but he should be awake soon if my calculations are right," she replies.

"How's Mummy?" Ethan asks.

"She's doing good, she's holding it together, I think she needs to get some sleep, but she refuses to leave," she sighs, and I see the worried look on her face.

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