Chapter 39

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Jubba's POV

Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ! My heart is going to fail me, I must be in a dream.

"What do you mean she's dead?" I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"When we took her out of the vehicle she wasn't breathing and it was pure dead weight," Germs explains and he holds his belly, bends over, and starts hollering. I have never seen him like this, Blake is pacing the floor and crying, I don't think he's here mentally.

I grab Germs and move him over to the bench putting him to sit.

"Shanny dead Jubba," he cries, and the tears start flowing down my cheeks. I need to find Alex, If I feel like this, I'm sure he's not doing good.

I make a run for the door leading to the back of the hospital, not giving a fuck about the security that tries to stop me.

"Sir, sir!" He shouts after me but I ignore him and sprint down the hall wiping the tears that are blocking my vision.

As I bend the corner, I hear Lilli's angry voice and I head in that direction with the sounds of the security guard behind me.

I come to a door with the number six on it, I stop because I can hear Lilli clearly, I push the door and enter but what I see breaks my heart into a million pieces.

Shan is on the bed in her bra and underwear with several cords attached to her. Alex is on the floor in the corner curled up and crying with Mama G trying to comfort him.

Lilli argues with another doctor, with two nurses looking on, I shut the door and lock it, successfully locking out the guard.

"Stephen, it's obvious she has been poisoned, look at her hand," Lilli says and lifts Shan's hand to show him.

"Lillian you are guessing, we need to wait on the results," he says.

"They will die if I don't act now!" She shouts.

"The baby may not live if you give her this treatment Lillian," he complains.

"If we wait then she's going to die but if we act now, we can save her and give the baby a fighting chance," she explains.

"I don't agree Lillian and as lead, I say no," he says.

"I don't give a fuck what you think, I'm saving them both, it's not your fucking decision either. Let them take my license for this," she says and walks around the bed to take up a syringe.

Thank yuh Jesus, she no dead!

"Alexander get up now, we are running out of time, make the decision," she instructs but Alex starts hollering and I rush to his side and hold him as he cries out in agony.

Mama G gets up, "Lillian do whatever it takes to save my baby," she cries.

I drag Alex to his feet and bring him over to the bed because I know that Mama G can no longer make those decisions for Shan now that she's married and her husband is right here.

"Alexander, pull yourself together and give me the go-ahead now!" She shouts and Alex starts hyperventilating.

"Boss, look at me, please," I beg as tears flow freely down my face but it's obvious he's mentally detached.

I hold his shoulders and shake him hard, "snap out of it, Shan needs you," I shout at him, and I see his eyes start focusing on me.

"Give her the go-ahead Alex," I say, and he nods.

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