Chapter 22

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Leah's POV

Mi no tek disrespect from no bwoi because mi fada never yet disrespect mi or mek mi feel less than. All when him a punish mi, him never treat mi some type a way and mi always know why mi a get punished.

I get into the kitchen and start pulling out pots and pans. I don't know what I'm going to make but I start taking all kinds of ingredients from the cupboards.

I thought Alex's kitchen was a dream but this beats it any day. I find myself putting together items for a cake. I get lost in what I'm doing and little by little I start forgetting about Jubba altogether.

"What happened Sis?" Shan's voice pulls me from my thoughts.

"Nothing," I say and stop the mixer.

"Ahmmm Lee, six cakes are on the table and you're in the middle of making another. It's now five-thirty and I've been calling you for hours," she says.

"Nothing happened," I say and turn on the mixer.

"Ok," she says and climbs on the stool. She uses a fork to cut into the chocolate cake.

"Mhmmm, this is so good," she says and I smile. She's not going to leave until I tell her what's happening.

"Jubba and I broke up," I tell her and she starts laughing.

"Ok tell me what happened," she says and I give her a recap of everything.

"Sounds like an argument to me, you guys just need to talk," she says and I kiss my teeth.

"Nope, he's disrespectful and that's a no-no for me," I express.

"Yes, Leah but we're talking about Jubba here, he's not usually like that so something must have brought that on. You should find out and the only way you can do that is by talking to him," she suggests and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe your man can find out or he already knows since he's the only important person to Jubba," I retort.

"What is that supposed to mean Leah?" She queries.

"Exactly what I said, Jubba's life revolves around Alex. If Alex says jump, he doesn't question it. I've been calling him and he doesn't answer but he's quick to answer Alex's calls. He keeps things from me when it has to do with Alex. He drops me and everyone else once Alex calls," I stop talking because I'm getting angry.

"Lee no go deh so, Alex has no blame in whatever is going on between you and Jubba. Jubba is going to drop what he's doing when Alex calls because that's his job; he answers Alex's calls because his job requires it.

Outside of Jubba working for Alex, they're extremely close more like brothers. Jubba questions everything Alex says and he's the only person Alex really listens to apart from Dane. Remember when he convinced Alex that I was up to something making Alex question you? So don't say that he doesn't question Alex because that's not true, they argue a lot.

Leah this is not a battle you want to fight, they come together as a package deal and you just have to understand that. I had to understand whether I liked it or not because Alex is never going to give up Jubba and Jubba is not going to give up Alex. So, the only solution was for me and Jubba to get along.

When you talk about him keeping things from you, you have to remember that he's the head of security for a security firm. There are many things that you will not know because quite frankly it's none of your business.

Alex and I have an agreement, once it doesn't have anything to do with me I don't need to know about it. Plus the things that they have to deal with is not something you want to have access to daily," she shares and for some reason, I feel like I've been put in my place.

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