"I hope you're hungry, this place has the best baked ziti." Mr Drew says as he picks up his menu. I nod and give him a small smile before opening mine.

My eyes widen when I see the prices. Who charges that much for a bowl of pasta. I scan the menu and look for the most affordable dish.

"Good evening, my names Cancelo and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you gentlemen started off with something to drink?" The waiter asks.

"Can I have a virgin strawberry daiquiri, please." Cory orders and the boy nods and writes it down before looking at mr Drew.

"Can I get a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild." Mr Drew says. After taking down his order the waiter turns to me.

"And for you sir?" He asks.

"Can I just have a glass of water please." I say softly and he nods before walking away.

"Is that all you're having Carson?" Cory asks and I nod.

I continue looking down at the menu, flipping through it, trying to find something that I can afford. I didn't know this place would be so expensive. I finally see a reasonably priced dish. It's just chicken soup but it's something I can afford. I smile happily and close my menu.

"Know what you want?" Mr Drew asks me when I look up and I nod happily. He smiles at me kindly and then looks over at Cory who's concentrating very hard on his menu.

"What's wrong love?" Asks mr Drew as he gently caresses Cory's hair and I look away as they whisper to each other. It's another minute or so before the waiter comes back with our drinks. He places everything down on the table neatly and then pulls out his notepad again.

"Are you ready to order your meals or do you need a couple more minutes?" He asks and mr Drew looks down at Cory who nods.

"We'll order now." He says as sits up a little bit straighter.

"I'll have the baked ziti as well as a garlic roll, with cheese." Mr Drew says.

"Hmm, I'll have the vegetable lasagna, with a garlic bread." Cory smiles.

The waiter looks at me expectantly and I just smile nervously and give him my order. Mr Drew and Cory look at me confused as the waiter takes down my order and walks away.

"Chicken soup? Are you sure that's going to be enough for you?" Mr Drew asks worriedly and I nod.

"Why don't you order something extra. Chicken soup doesn't sound filling." Cory suggest and I just shake my head.

"No I'm good." I smile and they both reluctantly nod. We continue to chat and laugh while we wait for our food. When the food does arrive we dig in immediately. The chicken soup is absolutely divine and I can't get enough of it.

As we eat, mr Drew offers me a glass of the very expensive wine he ordered but I decline. He doesn't insist since I told him I don't drink alcohol. He then goes on to say he feels like an alcoholic around Cory and I since we both don't consume alcohol and I laugh at him.

Once we finish dinner, mr Drew calls for the bill. When the waiter brings the bill to the table I pull out my wallet waiting for mr Drew to tell me how much I need to give him. I pull out a 100 just to make sure I have enough.

"How much do I need to give you?" I ask as mr Drew puts down the bill and takes out his wallet.

"What?" He asks confused.

"My meal, how much did it cost?" I repeat.

"Dinners on me Carson, I though you knew that." He says and I frown. The waiter brings the card machine over and mr Drew pays.

"But sir.." I trail as he swipes his card and the waiter hands him his receipt.

"Is that why you ordered so little?" Cory asks as we stand up and start heading out.

"What?" I ask in pretend confusion.

"Is that why you ordered so little to eat?" Cory asks again as we reach the car.

"No.." I trail and mr Drew looks at me a little frustrated.

"Is that what you did?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"Carson..." He says warningly and I sigh and nod.

"Why would you do that?"

"I can't really afford a place like this so, I looked for something small that I could pay for." I shrug and mr Drew sighs out and rubs his forehead.

"Are you still hungry?" He asks and I say no. I'm not hungry, that was enough for me.

"Don't lie to me Carson. Are your hungry?" He asks again.

"I promise sir I'm not hungry. The soup was quite filling." I say and give him a smile and he nods.

"Stay over tonight?" He asks but it sounds more like a demand. Before I can say no he gives me a look and I just nod.

"You're off tomorrow right?" Cory asks as we get into the car and I nod.

"Yeah. I'm helping Jesse set up everything for her party Saturday." I tell him and he nods.

"Who's picking you up tomorrow then Spencer ?" Cory asks

"John something , I don't know." Mr Drew grumbles.

"I could still drive you sir and then just head over to Jesse's afterwards." I say when I see the upset look on his face.

"No Carson, it's you're day off. I'll be fine with the temp driver." He smiles as he pulls into the undercover parking off his apartment.

"Yay bedtime." Cory yawns cutely as we get out of the car.

No Mistakes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें