(26) and (27) You are a burden to my life!

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okay this will be a mega chapter...this is for to repay you all asking forgiveness...as i got late with updating previous chapters...enjoy and keep loving brightwin....

=there might be many typos...bear it with the moment..i will edit them later...=

earth and tay paved the way to the entrance of sai'le de'cruz. bright followed them where five bodyguards with loaded guns walked in steady, behind bright. 

"good evening sir..." it was the doorman at the bar who greeted by showing a bow. bright looked at him and went in, through the opened door. earth and tay directed a table to bright here he made himself adjusted on the place. not so long, the waiters came with a trolley of all sorts of alcohols near bright's table. earth, tay  and other five sat next to the bright's. normally, the ritual of sai'le de'cruz is to give all the sorts of drinks in small glasses so that the owner will drink sips from each glass and order the one he likes the most. waiter placed all the shots on the table nicely as an arch along the table where bright softly took one by one and gulped down the throat. 

"three bottles of these..." and he said by directing a glass to the waiter and waiter nodded soflty. 

"yes sir..." and waiter went to his station where earth and tay was surprised. 

"dont you think its more..." earth asked. 

"not really...one for me...one for you all...and a one for grandpa..." bright said. earth then knew that somehow, somewhere the kindness of bright was still in his heart even though he wont show it directly like he did in past.  he missed old bright. 

"tay and earth you guys with me..." bright signaled the seats around him, for tay and earth where they immediately stood up from their table  and adjusted themselves around bright.the rest of  the bodyguards remained on their seats. 

"enjoy the drinks sir...." waiter who came within short placed and went. 

tay volunteered to pour it to all three glasses where he raised the glass for a cheer. 

"i am not in a mood for cheers...." bright said. 

"oiiiii...alaiwaa...not in a mood seriuosly....?" tay asked with rejected mood where earth came in for a cheers and soothe tay's little gesture. 

earth and tay drank slowly as they had to do their job first without letting themselves in to drinks where bright just gulped glass per glass in to his throat. he didn't talked with anyone instead gulped glasses. suddenly a lot of giggles heard from the entrance. earth looked just to see who it was and his eyes didn't believe what he saw.

"mix....?" earth murmured. 

Mix, korn and fiat came in through the door and that's when earth saw them.

mix was too excited to see the interiors of such a luxury architecture where he looked around a nice place to sit and have some drinks where, while looking around,  he saw the recognized faces from distant. and he knew by that instant...

"p'earth....? "  mix was surprised. more than that, he saw bright too. and he was now concerned for win. 

"fiat where's win..?" mix asked. 

"ahh he was behind ...ah there he comes.." and at that moment win came in where earth saw win's figure too. 

"win..." tay  said with soft voice as he was too surprised to see these guys here. but tay forgot that bright didnt want to hear the name 'win' for the rest of its life. by hearing what tay said, bright who was totally out of zone just came in to the reality for that second. he slowly raised his head and looked for the person with the name win.

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