(2) memory!

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Bright was astonished with the view he got. He felt like his whole world got stopped for a moment. He felt like everything going in slow motion. He had this sudden urge to touch the flesh which was on his shoulder. Never have he felt a sudden desire to touch someone this badly. He never got deviated from a person. Unknowingly his hands were on midair, few inches away from win's forehead where he slowly did touched him.

"He has fever..." he murmured to himself.

"What sir...fever....do you have fever sir....?" It was earth.

"No...no...I am fine...just stop talking for a moment..." he ordered to earth and he went in dark.

"Cold....cold..." it was win who started to murmur while running his fingers along his hands signaling that he was cold. Bright touched win's forehead again and it was peeping hot, he felt.

"Why should I care..." it was bright who murmured again. He never cared for anyone except the people he had on his circle. He was surprised with himself that he even allowed another person to keep his head on his shoulder. He normally dislike people getting attached with him. But this was different. He felt different with this person.

"Is he in pain..." he thought to himself. He slowly adjusted win's head towards the glass at behind and stood up. He took off his black blazer and put it over the win's body.

"I guess this will be okay...." he said and smiled to himself when win who was in sleep grabbed Bright's blazer and hugged it to feel warmth.

"Sir...sorry to disturb you but....target is on move...."

"Yes...I am on my way..." and saying that he slowly kept win's head from the glass to the seat and kept on moving. But what his heart actually wanted was to stay with him for couple of minutes more. He saw the package get out from the bus at the bus stop, where he too got ready to take off from the bus where for one last time he looked behind at the sleeping win and smiled. Bright carved him in his memory on how win looked like a little bunny who was sleeping on the seat.

With that he get off and started to follow his target.

"5 metres...." it was earth who said.

"Okay...." bright said as he moved step by step towards the target.

"Don't miss him in the crowd..." it was earth who said.

Bright stopped for a moment. He thought that it would be a waste to go through the crowd. He knew another route to get to his target.

"Wait...I am going on a short cut...." bright said.

Earth knew that there is no better person who could remember lanes, roads on this country other than bright. And therefore earth agreed with him.

Bright went on different lanes and then got in to a place where there was no one instead few stray dogs and some garbage bins beside the road.

"1meter..." earth said.

"Bingo....i see him..." it was bright who said.

"Meet you at the other side..." saying that bright went off and earth and tay got ready with next step of their plan.

Slowly he went near the approaching target and stood in front of him.

"Hey...who the hell are you...?" the person asked.

Bright showed an evil smile.

"I am the last person you will see in your entire life..." saying that he took his gun and put up the silencer.

And seeing the gun the person knew who it was. The guns made by bright's were unique and the latest versions are only used by less than 5 people. Seeing that, the person knelt down in front of Bright's, by lowering down his head. He worked under bright before so he obviously knows the gun type.

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